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10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a psychological disorder. In it patient has some obsessive thoughts due to which he has repetitive behaviour of doing some thing repeatedly. This repeated behaviour affects his life in every sphere whether it is job or relationship or childhood life. There are some Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats obsessive compulsive disorder. For example , Arsenicum album treats obsession of doing perfect cleaning many times in day. Caracinosin treats obsession of perfection of order of things. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats obsessive compulsive disorder. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Intestinal Amoebiasis

Intestinal amoebiasis is parasitic infection of intestines. It is caused by protozoan Entamoeba histolytica . It spreads through water and food infected with faeces. Consuming faeces contaminated food and water, let entrance of inactive Entamoeba histolytica cysts inside body. In body, these cysts become active parasite, which burrow intestinal lining and enter blood stream. Through blood, they enter vital organs like liver, heart, lungs, brain and other organs and causes diseases there. Symptoms of intestinal amoebiasis is stomach pain, loose bloody stools, dysentery and tissue destruction. There are some Homeopathic medicines that specifically treats intestinal amoebiasis. For example , Cina and Calcarea carb are one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for intestinal amoebiasis. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats intestinal amoebiasis. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Fever

Fever is that state of body in which body temperature rise from set point of normal body temperature. Normal human body temperature is 98.6°F. Normal body temperature fluctuations occur at different times of day. For example , it is slightly lower in morning; but higher in late afternoon and in evening. These fluctuations are not accompanied with major symptoms. Whereas in proper fever, with temperature elevations, there occur symptoms like feeling chilled with shivering, loss of appetite, sweating with tiredness in body. There are some Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats fever. For example , China Sulph treats malarial fever. Baptisia treats typhoid fever. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat fever. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Hypertension

When force of blood against artery walls become excessively high, then that is called hypertension . If you ask it measurement wise, then blood pressure above 140/90 is considered hypertension . If blood pressure of patient is above 180/90, then that comes under severe hypertension . There are some specific Homeopathic medicines that specifically treat hypertension. For example, Crataegus is one of the specific Homeopathic that treats hypertension as well as many other heart problems. Rauwolfia Serpentina is also very effective Homoeopathic medicine to treat hypertension. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that treat hypertension. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

5 Homoeopathic Medicines for Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is also known as Adhesive Capsulitis. It is a diseased condition of shoulder in which there is difficulty in moving shoulder.  Its range of motion becomes limited to thickening of tissue of shoulder joint. Whenever patient try to move shoulder joint to do something, it causes pain there. This frozen shoulder problem affect people between age of 40 to 60 years. There are some specific Homeopathic medicines that specifically treats frozen shoulder. For example , Sangunaria treats right sided frozen shoulder. Rhus tox treats frozen shoulder caused out of rheumatism. Like that there are around 5 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats frozen shoulder. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Hernia

Hernia is that diseased condition of body in which an organ comes out through opening in body or through a tissue, from which it usually does not come out. It occurs because of loosening of grip of those muscles which hold the herniated organ. Grip of those muscles become loose because of weakening of those muscles. There are some Homeopathic medicines that specifically treats hernia. For example Lycopodium and Nux-vomica treats inguinal hernia. Aurum treats infantile hernia. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats hernia. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disease that is caused due to auto-immune dysfunction. It is a chronic skin problem in which immune cells named T-cells attack body’s skin cells. That cause over production of skin cells to compensate for lost one damaged by T-cells. Normally, skin cell cycle is 1 month. But, in psoriasis it get shortened to few days due to immune system attack on skin cells. Therefore, number of cells which are produced in a month, their production speed up in few days. That cause piling up of extra skin cells in few days. That piling up of skin cells result in red or white scaly patches on skin. There are some Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats psoriasis. For example Arsenic-iod specifically treats psoriasis diffusa. Merc Sol specifically treats psoriasis caused by syphilitic causes. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that treat psoriasis. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is endocrine disorder in which thyroid hormone of body falls below normal accurate body level. Due to which there occurs lot of problems in body. Body metabolic rate of processing food get altered. Due to which, all problems start for example , constipation, obesity, dry skin, difficulty in conceiving baby, sensitivity to cold and list just goes on. There are some Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats hypothyroidism. Thyrodinium is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. Another Homoeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism is Calcarea carb . Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats hypothyroidism. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Constipation

Constipation is a diseased condition of digestive system, in which daily stool of patient does not pass or pass with much straining and difficulty. Stool that pass with difficulty in constipation are very hard, making their expulsion difficult. There are some  Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats constipation. For example , Nux vomica is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats constipated caused by lack of fiber and consumption of fried food. Bryonia is another Homoeopathic medicine that is prescribed for constipation that occurs in old age people. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats constipation. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is that endemic problem of today’s era that you found every next old person suffering from diabetes. In diabetes mellitus blood sugar level increases sharply beyond normal body level. Increased blood sugar level in diabetes also occurs with other symptoms, such as increased thirst, increased urination, increased hunger and fatigue. But, sometimes it is asymptomatic and diagnosed only on routine blood investigations. There are some specific Homeopathic medicines that specifically treats diabetes. Some of which are Arsenicum brom and Phosphoric acid. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that treat diabetes mellitus. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are caused by accumulation of minerals salts in excess in body. These minerals salt accumulate in excess in body, when you consume foods containing them in excess. Elimination of these salts requires excess water consumption, which kidney patients usually do not do. There are some Homoeopathic medicines, which are proficient in treating kidney stones wonderfully. They are for example , Berberis Vulgaris that treats kidney stones specifically. Lycopodium treats right sided kidney stones. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that are proficient in treating kidney stones. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -,_Бубрежни_камења_14.jpg

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Cough

Cough is very common in monsoon season. Some people get cough after getting wet in rain. Some have it due to infection prevalent in air in monsoon season. Some have it due to some chronic disease. Everybody have their own cause of cough. Based on their cause of cough Homoeopathic medicine is prescribed to them. Rhus tox treats cough caused by getting wet in rain. Aconite treats cough caused by exposure to cold winds. Calcarea carb and Lycopodium treats chronic cough caused by different causes. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that treat cough. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

8 Homoeopathic Medicines to Treat Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is that fever which is caused by bacteria Salmonella typhi. Another serotype of this bacteria that causes typhoid is Salmonella paratyphi. This bacteria is most commonly found in contaminated water and food. Therefore people who are consuming that contaminated water and food will become victim of this fever. Typhoid fever can be treated with Homoeopathic medicine if treatment is started at right time. Baptisia is one of the best Homeopathic medicine to treat typhoid fever. Like that there are around 8 Homoeopathic medicines that treat typhoid fever. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Vomiting and Nausea

Vomiting and nausea are associated with each other. Nausea is that feeling which comes before vomiting. Vomiting is actual expulsion of food contents from stomach through mouth. Now, you know what both of them are. Now, let’s discuss Homoeopathic medicines which are prescribed to treat vomiting and nausea. Aethusa cynapium treats frothy yellow coloured vomiting. Colchicum treats nausea and vomiting. It treats vomiting in which first food is vomited, then bile. Arsenicum treats sour and acrid vomiting. Ferrum met treats vomiting that occur after breakfast. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that treat vomiting as well as nausea. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Aphthae in Mouth

Aphthae in mouth occurs out of digestive problems. They occur most of time when you consume warm things like chicken daily, especially two times a day in summer. Human body is not designed to digest that much protein overload in a day. That excess protein requires lot of energy, water and oxygen molecules for digestion. Digestion of that overload quantity cause deficiency of vitamin B, iron and folic acid in body. Their deficiency cause aphthae in mouth. Homeopathic medicine that cures them are for example, Aethusa cynapium, Hydrastis, Phytolacca and Arsenicum album. Like them, there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that cure aphthae in mouth. Let discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -

8 Side effects that Cold Drinks cause

Cold drinks these days have become a craze. You will see every child and young adult consuming them. They do not know, drink that they are consuming have side effects. It erodes teeth enamel, cause hypertension and many more side effects. It also cause cardiovascular diseases. Lets have a look at all the side effects that cold drinks cause. Image Source -

Know Benefits of Homoeopathic medicine Phosphorus for Ear and Nose

Homoeopathic medicine Phosphorus is very beneficial for ear and nose health. It benefits by curing various problems of ear. Among which are deafness, polyps in ears. It also cures violent itching and congestion of ear. Homoeopathic medicine Phosphorus also treats by curing various problems of nose. Among which are nasal catarrh, bloody coryza and constant sneezing. It also cures necrosis of nasal bone. Lets, have a look at all the benefits of this medicine for ear and nose in detail. Image Source -

Benefits of Homoeopathic medicine Phosphorus for Head, Brain and Scalp

Phosphorus is very good remedy for headache problem. It also cures various kinds of brain problems too. It treats different types of scalp problems. It also treats hairfall and dandruff. It also treats atrophy of brain. Lets look at all the head symptoms that Phosphorus medicine treats. Image Source -

10 General Problems from which Phosphorus patient Suffers

Phosphorus patient has its own list of diseases that it cures. But, before using it for cure purposes, first know from which complaints Phosphorus patient suffers? When you know that then you need to confirm that patient in front of you has those complaints or not. When it is confirmed, only then use it for cure purpose, not otherwise. Because if used it without having those symptoms in background, then it is not going to help. Here comes, 10 general complaints from which Phosphorus patient suffers- Image Source -

8 Psychological symptoms - Phosphorus patient Suffers from

Phosphorus patient has its own psychological state. In this state, he or she suffers from more than 8 psychological thoughts. That are also called psychological symptoms. Knowledge of them is very much necessary before using this remedy for therapeutic purpose. Among which comes, imaginary state, hypochondriac state, fear state. Delirium state, mania attack state, indifferent state, violent state also come under it.     Image Source -                 

Which Eye, Ear, Nose and Teeth Problems, Lachesis medicine patient suffers from?

Do you know, from which eye problem Lachesis patient suffers ? Patient of Homoeopathic medicine Lachesis suffers from lot of complaints. Some of which are problems in ear, nasal problems and teeth complaints. Knowledge of all these problems of ear, eyes, nose and teeth are equally important, if you want to treat them with Lachesis medicine. This is because before treating with this medicine, you must know from which complaints Lachesis patient suffers. Image Source -

Which Mind problems and Head complaints Lachesis medicine patient suffers from?

In last article I have told you 6 general complaints that Homoeopathic Medicine Lachesis patient suffers from. Today I will tell you 4 mind problems and 2 head complaints that Lachesis patient suffers from . They are told below one by one. First comes- Image Source -

6 General Problems that Homoeopathic Medicine Lachesis patient suffers from?

Today I will discuss with you 6 general problems that Homoeopathic medicine Lachesis patient suffers from? Some of them are from change of weather, some from warm bath and some from other causes told below- Image Source -

7 Problems that Homoeopathic Medicine Hepar Sulph patient Suffers from

Today’s topic is medicine named Hepar Sulph. Patient of this medicine suffers from lot of problems. Which problems are those? Well, those are mentioned below, number wise- Image Source -

9 Problems from which Patient of Homoeopathic Medicine Natrum Sulphuricum Suffers

Homoeopathic medicine Natrum Sulphuricum is basically a sycotic remedy. Having sycotic miasm as its base, this medicine treats diseases of sycotic nature. Which diseases comes under sycotic miasm ? Well, those are many. But, there are specific sycotic problems that patient of this medicine suffer. Image Source -

9 Diseases that Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats

Baryta Carbonica is one of the best Homeopathic medicine for mental retardation. But, that is not all. It treats a number of diseases. Which diseases Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carbonica medicine treats? For example, it treats induration of glands. It also treats inflammation of tonsils. Like that there are around 9 types of diseases that Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats. Lets discuss each of them in detail. Image Source -