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10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Hypertension

When force of blood against artery walls become excessively high, then that is called hypertension. If you ask it measurement wise, then blood pressure above 140/90 is considered hypertension. If blood pressure of patient is above 180/90, then that comes under severe hypertension. There are some specific Homeopathic medicines that specifically treat hypertension. For example, Crataegus is one of the specific Homeopathic that treats hypertension as well as many other heart problems. Rauwolfia Serpentina is also very effective Homoeopathic medicine to treat hypertension. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that treat hypertension. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Causes of hypertension-

Hypertension is of two types- primary and secondary. Based on that their causes are-

Causes of primary hypertension- 
Primary hypertension occurs slowly in time span of years with no prominent symptom. Its causes are-
  • Obesity
  • No exercise or physical activity.
  • Genetic mutations or abnormality at birth. Or inherited hypertension from parents.
  • Kidney dysfunction. 
  • Consuming highly fatty diet.
  • Consuming no fibre rich fruits.
  • Chronic alcohol consumption on daily basis. 
  • Chronic smoking on daily basis. 
  • Consumption of excess salt in diet.
  • Consumption of sweet things on daily basis.

Causes of secondary hypertension-
Secondary hypertension occurs quickly and is very severe in nature. It occurs because of following causes-
  • Congenial heart defect.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Side effects of medicines.
  • Endocrine disorders- for example- adrenal gland disorder, thyroid gland disorder.

Know 10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Hypertension in detail-

1) Crataegus-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats hypertension. It is such a heart tonic that it not only treats your hypertension, but also keeps your heart muscles healthy. It treats hypertension caused by chronic heart disease. It treats hypertension caused by arteriosclerosis. It also treats cardiac dropsy. It treats hypertension caused by fatty degeneration of heart. It also treats extreme dyspnoea that occurs with hypertension on least exertion.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension caused by chronic heart disease, arteriosclerosis and caused after rheumatic disease.
  • Valvular heart disease.
  • Myocarditis.
  • Heart tonic.
  • Irregular heart beat, irregular pulse.

2) Rauwolfia Serpentina-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension. It treats hypertension caused by arteriosclerosis. It also treats mania caused by hypertension. This Homoeopathic medicine is prescribed in mother tincture form usually.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension caused by arteriosclerosis.
  • Treats hypertension encephalopathy.

3) Lachesis-

It treats hypertension of women usually caused after menopause. It treats hypertension associated with palpitations and cyanosis. It also treats dizziness associated with hypertension.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension caused after menopause. 
  • Loquacious patient.
  • Past history of haemorrhage.
  • Cannot bear anything tight like belt or tie around body.

4) Natrum mur-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension. It treats hypertension caused by consumption of excess salt on daily basis. It treats hypertension associated with diabetes. It treats hypertension caused by consumption of excess sugar.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats hypertension caused by consumption of excess salt and sugar.
  • Depression all time. Get tensed on slight trifles like matter.
  • Chronic headache of school going girls. 

5) Veratrum album-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats hypertension. It controls your both systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure. It treats hypertension caused by rheumatic disease of heart. It not only treats hypertension, but also normalise your irregular pulse rate.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats hypertension caused by rheumatic disease of heart.
  • Controls both systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure.
  • Valvular disease of heart.
  • Constant burning pain in heart.
  • Irregular heart beat.
  • Auricular fibrillation.

6) Glonoine-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension.  If hypertension patient faint from going up hill or during slight exertion, then medicine for that is Glononine. It treats hypertension with palpitations and dyspnoea. It treats hypertension caused out of obesity. It treats hypertension of menopausal women. It treats hypertension caused out by violent irregularities of heart action.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension caused by irregular heart action.
  • Treats hypertension of menopausal women.
  • Best remedy for sunstroke.

7) Adrenalin-

It specifically treats hypertension caused by endocrinal disorders of adrenal glands. It also corrects your heart beat.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension caused by adrenal gland disorder.
  • Control haemorrhagic and defective coagulation of blood.

8) Aurum Metallicum-

It specifically treats hypertension caused by arteriosclerosis.  It controls hypertension associated with valvular disease of heart. If hypertension patient complaints of sensation of heart beat delayed for 2 to 3 seconds, then he needs to be treated with Homoeopathic medicine Aurum Metallicum. It treats hypertension caused by hypertrophy of heart.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension caused by arteriosclerosis.
  • Valvular disease of heart.
  • Syphilis with scrofulous constitution.
  • Desire to commit suicide.
  • Depression.

9) Nux vomica-

It is one the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension caused by consumption of fried things. It treats hypertension caused by sitting work schedule with no exercise at all. If treats hypertension caused by mental strain of office work or business. It treats hypertension caused by side effects of some medicines. It treats hypertension specifically of men, caused by chronic alcohol use.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats hypertension caused by consumption of fried things, alcohol use, mental strain and from sitting work with no exercise at all. 
  • Treats hypertension caused by side effects of some medicines.
  • Oversensitive patient, get jealous from others easily. 

10) Plumbum-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension. It treats hypertension caused by arteriosclerosis. It treats hypertension associated with paralysis of upper limbs.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypertension caused by arteriosclerosis and associated with paralysis.
  • Paralysis of extensor muscles from over-exertion in piano players. 
  • Depression. 
  • Progressive muscular atrophy.

Rules to follow along with Homoeopathic treatment of Hypertension-

Along with taking Homoeopathic treatment of hypertension, you need to follow certain rules for speedy recovery of your hypertension. They are-
  • Consume less salt in diet.
  • Reduce your excess body weight by doing morning walk and exercise daily.
  • Consume less sugar in diet. Stop consuming sweet things on daily basis. 
  • Stop consuming fried things on daily basis.
  • Stop consuming alcohol on daily basis. 
  • Stop smoking.
  • Consume fiber, mineral and vitamin rich fruits and vegetables in your diet on daily basis.
  • Consume smoked or grilled chicken or fish, instead of fried chicken or fish. Fried one increases your blood pressure.
  • Do meditation or yoga to reduce stress.
  • Regular blood pressure on daily basis.
  • Get structural cause of hypertension treated from doctor.
  • If even after taking medicine and following above rules for 6 months, your blood pressure still remains high, then consult your doctor.

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