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10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Cough

Cough is very common in monsoon season. Some people get cough after getting wet in rain. Some have it due to infection prevalent in air in monsoon season. Some have it due to some chronic disease. Everybody have their own cause of cough. Based on their cause of cough Homoeopathic medicine is prescribed to them. Rhus tox treats cough caused by getting wet in rain. Aconite treats cough caused by exposure to cold winds. Calcarea carb and Lycopodium treats chronic cough caused by different causes. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that treat cough. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Causes of cough-

Cough can be caused by different causes. They are-
  • Infection 
  • Getting wet in rain.
  • Sudden exposure to cold winds.
  • Some respiratory disease 
  • Smoking
  • Asthma 
  • Tuberculosis 
  • Bad effects of some medicines like ACE inhibitors.
  • Consumption of wrong diet.
  • Consumption of icy cold water.

Know 10 Homeopathic medicines that treat cough-

1) Aconite-

Aconite is one of the Homeopathic medicine that is prescribed for dry barking cough. It treats spasmodic cough that creates fear of death. If patient constantly says you that he is going to die at that particular time and day because of cough,  he needs treatment with Aconite. It also treats dry croupy cough that aggravates at night, from cold winds.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Dry cough caused by exposure to cold winds.
  • Fear of death with prediction of death timing during cough.

2) Belladonna-

It is one of the Homeopathic medicine that is prescribed for cough caused by infection. It treats that dry cough which is paroxysmal in nature. It treats that difficult dry cough that causes difficulty in speaking and swallowing of food. Too much irritation and inflammation in larynx and trachea during cough gets easily treated with Belladonna. It treats cough that expectorate blood tinged mucous sputum after long coughing that gets aggravated in evening and at night. If child starts crying before coughing he needs treatment with Belladonna. If dry cough makes patient too much irritated or angry or suffer from violent delirium during cough that needs treatment with Belladonna.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Violent delirium during cough.
  • Cough make child cry.
  • Irritating cough cause difficulty in speaking and swallowing food. 
  • Cough caused by infection, having too much inflammation in larynx and trachea.
  • During cough, patient have sensation like he has inhaled dust.

3) Calcarea carb-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats chronic cough with too much hoarseness of voice. It treats chronic cough of those people who are obstinate in nature. It treats that type of chronic cough in which too much tenacious mucus is collected in larynx and trachea and has caused ulceration there. If patient has moist cough in day and dry cough at night, then Calcarea carb treats that. Calcarea carb patient is very sensitive to cold. Therefore, most of time his cough is caused and aggravated on exposure to cold wind.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Chronic cough.
  • Collection of tenacious mucus cause ulceration in larynx and trachea.
  • Patient is obstinate in nature and fatty body wise.
  • Moist cough in day and dry at night.

4) Dulcamara-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats cough caused by exposure to damp cold weather. It treats cough that has present history of too much catarrh in larynx and trachea. If patient cough for very long time to expels phlegm, that needs treatment with Dulcamara. It treats cough of children as well as of old people. It treats cough that secretes blood streaked expectoration.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Cough caused by exposure to cold damp weather.
  • Cough of children and old people.
  • Cough with too much expectoration.

5) Elaps coral-

It treats cough with blood streaked expectoration. Cough of this medicine has history of pain in cardiac region with constant coughing. Not a relief of a second from cough with pain in upper right chest needs treatment with this medicine.

Unique identifying symptom-
  • Black blood streaked expectoration with constant cough.
  • Pain in cardiac region with cough.

6) Hepar sulph-

It treats cough caused from drinking cold water, from least draft of air at night, from slight uncovering of body. It treats hoarse croupy cough with too much inflammation. It treats constant rattling mucus cough of infants. It treats choking cough. If patient has moist cough in day and dry at night with no expectoration it treats that too. If cough with severe laryngeal catarrh gets aggravated in morning after eating, it treats that too.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Choking cough with too much laryngeal catarrh with easy expectoration.
  • Cough caused after exposure to cold air at night, from drinking cold drinks. 
  • Choking cough of infants.
  • Moist cough in day and dry at night.
  • Quarrelsome nature of patient.

7) Lycopodium-

It treats chronic persistent cough. Patient has dry cough, day and night. It treats chronic cough with too much catarrh in air passages. It treats chronic cough with thick green-yellow offensive, blood streaked expectoration. It treats cough that gets aggravated from 4 to 8 PM everyday in warm room, from eating and drinking cold things.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Chronic cough aggravated in evening between 4 to 8 PM. 
  • Cough caused from consuming cold things. 
  • Mild nature person, gets easily dominated by superior power persons, but himself dominate inferior nature persons.

8) Rhus tox-

It treats dry cough caused by getting wet in rain, uncovering head or hand during sleeping in cold rainy weather. If patient during cough feels taste of blood in mouth, then remedy for it is Rhus tox. Cough of Rhus tox patient gets aggravated from cold beer and ameliorated from warm drinks. It treats dry cough with pale, clotted, grayish-green or brown coloured offensive expectoration.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Cough caused from getting wet in rain. 
  • Cough caused from cold beer.
  • During cough pain in chest with taste of blood in mouth.

9) Stramonium-

It treats cough that is found in alcoholics. It treats alcoholic cough that runs periodically, but does not cause any pain. It treats spasmodic cough that gets aggravated in morning, from slightly touching throat, from air and from drinking water.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Cough of alcoholics 
  • Periodical spasmodic cough

10) Sulphur-

It treats chronic suppressed choking cough. It treats dry cough with hoarseness of voice and too much rattling of mucus in chest. It treats cough with greenish expectoration. With cough if there occurs headache or vomiting, then medicine for that is Sulphur.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Cough caused from infection.
  • Chronic suppressed choking cough. 
  • Cough with greenish expectoration. 

Precautions to be followed with cough treatment-

Just treating your cough with Homoeopathic medicines is not enough. You also need to follow certain precautions, along with having Homoeopathic treatment of cough. Those precautions are-
  • Drink normal temperature filtered water.
  • Gargle with lukewarm water in morning.
  • Drink ginger and pudina extract tea.
  • Eat diet rich in fiber and fruits.
  • Avoid consumption of milk and milk based things and rice consumption until cough resolves.

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