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5 Homoeopathic Medicines for Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is also known as Adhesive Capsulitis. It is a diseased condition of shoulder in which there is difficulty in moving shoulder.  Its range of motion becomes limited to thickening of tissue of shoulder joint. Whenever patient try to move shoulder joint to do something, it causes pain there. This frozen shoulder problem affect people between age of 40 to 60 years. There are some specific Homeopathic medicines that specifically treats frozen shoulder. For example, Sangunaria treats right sided frozen shoulder. Rhus tox treats frozen shoulder caused out of rheumatism. Like that there are around 5 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats frozen shoulder. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Symptoms of frozen shoulder-

  • Swelling
  • Pain  
  • Stiffness 
  • Difficulty in moving shoulder joint. Difficulty in lifting anything from high shelf.
This problem develops slowly in time span of 2 to 9 months.

Causes of frozen shoulder-

  • Hormonal imbalance in females
  • Diabetes increase frozen shoulder risk 3 times.
  • Weak immune system make it prone to inflammation.
  • Long period of inactivity due to sling wore because of injury.
  • Inactivity of joint due to surgery or due to illness.
  • Over-lifting heavy weights for a number of years. 

Know 5 Homoeopathic Medicines for Frozen Shoulder in detail-

1) Ferrum metallicum-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for frozen shoulder. It cures frozen shoulder caused by inflammation of rheumatism. It treats frozen shoulder with past history of loss of haemorrhage. It treats pain of frozen shoulder that aggravates on rest and ameliorates from slow walking motion.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats frozen shoulder caused by rheumatism.
  • Past history of haemorrhage, anaemia.
  • Muscles of shoulder joint are flabby and relaxed.

2) Rhus-tox-

It specifically treats frozen shoulder with hot and painful swelling of shoulder joint. It treats tearing pains in tendons and ligaments of shoulder.  It treats pain of shoulder joint that aggravates on rest, at night and in cold damp weather. It treats frozen shoulder with past history of lifting heavy weight for many years. It treats frozen shoulder caused by rheumatism. It also treats stiffness of frozen shoulder.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats frozen shoulder caused from lifting heavy weights for many years.
  • Treats frozen shoulder caused by rheumatism.
  • Pain of frozen shoulder aggravates on rest, at night and in cold damp weather. 

3) Ruta-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for frozen shoulder. It specifically treats that type of frozen shoulder which feels bruised. It treats pain and stiffness of shoulder joint in frozen shoulder problem. It treats pain of frozen shoulder that aggravates while lifting something from high shelf or stretching shoulder during undressing. It treats frozen shoulder caused from straining of flexor tendons of shoulder joint. It treats frozen shoulder caused from formation of salt deposits in shoulder joint. It treats frozen shoulder, which feels bruised and injured.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats frozen shoulder caused from over-straining of flexor tendons of shoulder joints. 
  • Treats frozen shoulder caused from formation of deposits in shoulder joint.
  • Aggravation of pain from lying and from cold, wet weather. 

4) Sangunaria-

It specifically treats frozen shoulder caused by rheumatism. It specifically treats right sided frozen shoulder. It treats that frozen shoulder in which pain occurs in muscles of shoulder, not in bony part of shoulder joint.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats right sided frozen shoulder.
  • Pain in muscles of shoulder joint, not in its bones. 
  • Pain aggravates on moving shoulder joint.
  • Right sided remedy.
  • Treats frozen shoulder of menopausal women. 

5) Thiosinaminum-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for frozen shoulder. It dissolves the scar tissue that is formed in shoulder joint in frozen shoulder problem. It treats inflammation of shoulder joint that occurs in frozen shoulder disease. It treats swelling and pain that occurs in shoulder joint in frozen shoulder disease.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats frozen shoulder. Dissolves scar tissue of frozen shoulder. 
  • Specific remedy for tumour, enlarged glands, cataract and fibroid treatment.

Rules to follow with Homoeopathic treatment of Frozen shoulder-

  • Physiotherapy under guidance of physiotherapist- for example, try to stretch your shoulder joint gently for few minutes daily. Do this for few weeks to 9 months. If no improvement occurs in 6 months, then consult doctor.
  • Ice pack treatment- place ice packs on shoulder for about 15 minutes 3 times a day to soothe burning soreness. But, do this under guidance of doctor. If no improvement occurs in 6 months, then consult your doctor. 

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