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10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is that endemic problem of today’s era that you found every next old person suffering from diabetes. In diabetes mellitus blood sugar level increases sharply beyond normal body level. Increased blood sugar level in diabetes also occurs with other symptoms, such as increased thirst, increased urination, increased hunger and fatigue. But, sometimes it is asymptomatic and diagnosed only on routine blood investigations. There are some specific Homeopathic medicines that specifically treats diabetes. Some of which are Arsenicum brom and Phosphoric acid. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that treat diabetes mellitus. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Causes of Diabetes Mellitus-

Diabetes mellitus is caused by number of reasons. Which are-
  • Overload of blood glucose and limited amount of insulin in body-
  • Overload of blood glucose in body done by over eating of fatty food. Body have limited amount of insulin for processing of glucose.  Therefore, a limited amount of glucose is processed and rest remains in blood and raise its blood glucose levels, resulting in diabetes. 
  • Obesity 
  • Insulin resistance
  • Cushing’s syndrome
  • Hyperthyroidism 
  • Pancreatitis
  • Certain medicines – for example- anti-seizure medicine, psychotropic drugs, etc. 
  • Family history of diabetes pass on diabetes causing genes to next generation of family.
  • Sitting working schedule with no exercise at all.
  • Consumption of unbalanced diet containing excess of fat, but less of fibre based fruit juice and vegetables in meal.

Know 10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Diabetes Mellitus in detail-

1) Arsenicum brom-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine prescribed for diabetes mellitus. This medicine is prescribed in mother tincture form for treatment of diabetes mellitus. It treats the glycosuria that occurs in diabetes. It also treats that excessive thirst that occurs in diabetes because of hyperglycaemia. It also treats that excessive hunger problem that occurs in diabetic people. All that it do by setting body’s imbalanced homeostasis to normal. It also treats glandular tumours that is causing diabetes by unbalancing diabetes controlling hormones.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for Diabetes.
  • Treats glandular tumours causing diabetes.

2) Syzygium jambolinum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats diabetes mellitus. This Homoeopathic medicine is prescribed in mother tincture form for treating diabetes mellitus. It markedly reduce increased blood glucose level to normal accurate body limit. It also treats excessive urination that occurs in diabetes by reducing it to normal. It also treats foot’s great toe ulceration that occurs in diabetes people. It also treats glycosuria that occurs in diabetes mellitus. It also treats excessive thirst and weakness that occurs in diabetics people.

Unique identifying symptoms-

  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. 
  • Treats excessive thirst, excessive urination and foot ulcers that occurs in diabetes mellitus. 

3) Acetic acid- 

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. It treats glycosuria that occurs in diabetic people. It also treats excessive thirst that occurs in diabetic people. It also treats foot oedema and gangrene foot ulcers that occurs in diabetic people. It also improve wound healing speed that becomes slow in diabetic people. It also treats extreme weakness that occurs in diabetes mellitus.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. 
  • Cold drinks cause heaviness in stomach because of excess sugar content in them in Acetic acid patient.

4) Kreosotum-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. It treats hot copious frequent urination that occurs in some diabetes people. It also treats hyperglycaemia and glycosuria that occurs in diabetes. If diabetes patient complaints of bitter taste in mouth along with dizziness, then it treats that too. If diabetic patient says all his complaints increased from rest, then medicine for that is Kreosotum.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. 
  • Drowsiness with bitter taste in mouth.
  • Copious, hot frequent urination.

5) Lactic acid-

It is specific Homoeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. It treats frequent and copious urination that occurs in diabetes. It also treats glycosuria a along with treating excessive thirst that occurs in diabetic people. If skin of diabetic patient is dry, tongue is also dry; then medicine for that is Lactic acid. If patient suffers from excessive thirst along with gastric problem like flatulent abdomen; then medicine for that is Lactic acid. It also treats constant tiredness and rheumatic pains that occurs in diabetic people. It also treats obstinate constipation that occurs because of not consuming fibre that comes fruits and vegetables.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. 
  • Dry skin and dry tongue.
  • Frequent and copious urination. 
  • Obstinate constipation. 

6) Moschus-

This is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. It treats excessive thirst that occurs in diabetes. It also treats glycosuria and excessive urination that occurs in diabetes. It also treats paralysis that occurs in some diabetic people. It also treats blurred vision that occurs because of diabetes. It also treats excessive thirst that occurs for stimulants, like alcohol. It also treats aversion for balanced food and desire for fast food that occurs in diabetic patient. It treats hypothermia and weakness that occur in patient.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. 
  • Paralysis of brain.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Dark complexion.
  • Aversion to food, desire for stimulants like coffee, alcohol.

7)  Nux vomica-

It is also one of the Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. It treats diabetes caused by sedentary and sitting work lifestyle. It treats frequent and ineffectual copious urination that occurs in diabetes. It also treats paralysis of lower extremities. It also treats pain and numbness that occurs in diabetic people. It also treats obstinate nature that diabetic patient have for his desire to eat fried things.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. 
  • Diabetes caused because of sitting work lifestyle.
  • Diabetes caused by consuming  fried things on daily basis with no exercise.
  • Ineffectual frequent copious urination. 

8) Phosphoric acid-

This is one of the Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. It treats neurogenic glycosuria that occurs in diabetes. It also treats bruised pain that occurs in diabetic people. It also treats excessive thirst, blurred vision and weakness that occurs in diabetic patient. It also removes bad effects of grief and care on patient. It also treats hairfall that occurs in diabetic patient. It also treats sour eructations that occurs in diabetic patient. It also treats problem of lime water like bloody urine containing sugar.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. 
  • History of fluid loss.
  • Urine is milky or lemon water like contains lumps of blood and sugar.
  • Sour eructations.

9) Thuja-

This is specific Homoeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. It treats diabetes that occurs from suppression of gonorrhoea. It treats frequent urination that occurs day and night in patient. If patient some has sometime too much craving and sometimes not craving to eat, it treats that too, by restoring appetite to normal. It treats urine that contains sugar, brown mucus to normal composition. It also treats weakness that occurs in patient because of diabetes.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. 
  • Glycosuria after suppression of gonorrhoea.
  • Desire to consume cold food and drinks.
  • Urine contains sugar and brown mucus.

10) Uranium nitrate-

This is specific Homoeopathic medicine for diabetes mellitus. It treats heapatogenic diabetes caused out of liver causes. That defects are defects of digestion and assimilation. It also treats weakness that occurs in diabetes. If there occurs acrid offensive discharges from eyelids and nostrils that cordes area from where they pass, then Uranium nitrate treats that. It also treats frequent urination and excessive thirst that occurs in diabetes mellitus. If there occurs copious salivation and vomiting and putrid eructations in diabetic patient, then it treats that too. It also treats shivering that occurs in diabetic patient.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Treats heapatogenic diabetes.
  • Offensive and copious discharges from eyelids and nostrils.
  • Lung infiltrated with gray tubercles.
  • Copious salivation and vomiting. 
  • Offensive frequent urination and excessive thirst.

Rules to follow along with Homoeopathic treatment of Diabetes mellitus-

  • Eat less of fatty and dry fried food. This is because their overload put overload on beta cells of pancreas. When this overload occurs on daily basis, slowly with time insulin resistance starts. 
  • Do weight lifting exercise and morning walk daily.
  • Eat balanced diet not just highly fatty and fried food.
  • Get your blood sugar levels tested timely. Always get fasting blood sugar tested, not random sugar. This is because chance of false results in random blood sugar test occurs more. 
  • Reduce over weight to normal because that causes insulin resistance with time. Insulin resistance causes diabetes.
  • Get medicinal treatment for your hormonal disorders that are causing diabetes.
  • Drink of one glass of fruits juice daily and include more of vegetables in diet. This is because they contain fibre that help in preventing diabetes. 

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