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8 Homoeopathic Medicines to Treat Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is that fever which is caused by bacteria Salmonella typhi. Another serotype of this bacteria that causes typhoid is Salmonella paratyphi. This bacteria is most commonly found in contaminated water and food. Therefore people who are consuming that contaminated water and food will become victim of this fever. Typhoid fever can be treated with Homoeopathic medicine if treatment is started at right time. Baptisia is one of the best Homeopathic medicine to treat typhoid fever. Like that there are around 8 Homoeopathic medicines that treat typhoid fever. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Symptoms of Typhoid fever-

They are given below, points wise-
  • Sweating 
  • Chills
  • Headache 
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhoea or constipation 
  • Coated tongue 

Know 8 Homeopathic medicines to treat typhoid fever-

1) Baptisia- 

This is one of the best and most commonly prescribed Homoeopathic medicine for typhoid fever. It is mostly prescribed to patient who are in first stage of Typhoid fever. It is prescribed to those typhoid patients who along with being in first stage of typhoid fever also suffer from following symptoms-
  • Flushed hot and red face.
  • Fever low in day and increased at night.
  • Pulse full and rapid
  • Tongue dry and brown in centre.
  • Deep sleep at night, with frightful dreams.
  • Restless, roaming in bed. If you ask why? He will say, he trying to collect his body’s scattered pieces in bed. Yes, you can’t imagine but if patient says such things in typhoid fever, he needs treatment with Homoeopathic medicine Baptisia.
  • During second and third week, body is weakened too much. Because of that patient feels too much drowsy. Normally typhoid fever gets resolved in 1 to 10 days. If it doesn’t, Homoeopathic medicine Baptisia can treat that typhoid fever also that has not been resolved till 2nd and 3rd week. Baptisia treats 2 to 3 week old typhoid fever wonderfully.

2) China-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats typhoid as well as malaria fever. It is prescribed to those typhoid patients who suffer from following symptoms-
  • Tired mind as well as tired and weak body. Can’t do nothing nor mind work nor manual that much weak body has become in typhoid fever.
  • Heavy sweats on least exertion. Feels like going to faint. 
  • Yellow coated tongue.
  • Bitter taste in mouth. 
  • Doesn’t want to eat anything. 
  • Scanty urine but watery diarrhoea. Because of dehydration caused by diarrhoea hand feet feels cold. 
  • Patient has suffered from some serious haemorrhage in past or present.

3) Eucalyptus-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats both typhoid as well as malarial fever. It is prescribed both in first stage as well in later stages of Typhoid fever. It is prescribed to those patients who suffer from following symptoms-
  • Tiredness in body all time.
  • Insomnia- no sleep.
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea. 
  • Headache 
  • Offensive smell from mouth as well as from sweat.
  • Bleeding in later stage of Typhoid fever, because of which sometimes collapse occurs.

4) Lachesis-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats cerebral typhoid. It is prescribed in those cerebral typhoid patients which suffer from following symptoms-
  • Nervous excitability 
  • Cutaneous hyperaesthesia
  • Tiredness in body that patient can’t do nothing. Have no strength in muscles to do any work.
  • Heaviness in head.
  • You will be shocked to listen that with so much weakness patient is talking too much.
  • Fever and delirium go with each other, with aggravation at night. 
  • Fever with diarrhoea and vomiting. 
  • Cough with bloody expectoration and dyspnoea in fever.

5) Belladonna-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats typhoid fever, which is in its first stage. It is prescribed to those patients who suffer from following symptoms-
  • Fever with sharp headache. 
  • Diarrhoea or constipation with fever.
  • Pupils dialled with fever.
  • Tongue red hot and dry and inflamed. 
  • Strong inflammation in body with fever.
  • Tiredness in body with cold feet.
  • Reddish spots on abdomen with fever.

6) Leptandra-

This Homoeopathic medicine is prescribed to treat bilious typhoid fever. It is prescribed to those typhoid patients, who suffer from following symptoms-
  • Too much weakness in body. 
  • High temperature of skin of most of body, but coldness of skin of extremities.
  • Watery stools with fever. 
  • Jaundice with fever.
  • Depression with fever.

7) Sulphuric acid-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats septic typhoid fever. It is prescribed to those typhoid patients who suffer from-
  • Fever with history of too much haemorrhage from body.  Because of which body’s temperature has altered. 
  • Loss of appetite. 
  • Trembling in body. 
  • Too much inflammation in body.

8) Rhus tox-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats first, second as well as third stage of fever. It is prescribed to those patients who suffer from following symptoms-
  • Fever caused after getting wet in dirty rain water splashes from roadside. 
  • Low temperature in first stage of fever.
  • Rheumatic pains in body with fever.
  • Patient desires to be covered every time.
  • Restlessness.

Which laboratory tests are done for identification of Typhoid fever?

The following tests are done-
  • Stool tests
  • If nothing is detected clearly in stool test, then blood test and urine test are done.

How to save yourself from typhoid fever suffering?

To save yourself from typhoid fever, follow instructions given below-
  • Avoid consumption of contaminated food and water.
  • Keep surrounding safe.
  • Use washed utensils for cooking and storing foods.
  • Keep hygiene of your body as well as of your home especially bathroom and kitchen.
  • Wash hands before consuming as well as cooking food.

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