Hypothyroidism is endocrine disorder in which thyroid hormone of body falls below normal accurate body level. Due to which there occurs lot of problems in body. Body metabolic rate of processing food get altered. Due to which, all problems start for example, constipation, obesity, dry skin, difficulty in conceiving baby, sensitivity to cold and list just goes on. There are some Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats hypothyroidism. Thyrodinium is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. Another Homoeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism is Calcarea carb. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats hypothyroidism. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. It treats delayed brain growth that hypothyroidism patient suffers from. It also treats fatigue caused out of hypothyroidism.
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
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Image Source - https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Signs_and_symptoms_of_hypothyroidism.png |
Causes of hypothyroidism-
Hypothyroidism is caused by following reasons, which are-- Hashimoto’s disease.
- Thyroiditis
- Surgery of thyroid gland.
- Unbalanced consumption of iodine.
- Pituitary dysfunction.
- Congenital hypothyroidism.
- Side effect of some medicines on thyroid gland cause hypothyroidism.
Know 10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Hypothyroidism in detail-
1) Calcarea carb-
This is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. It treats obesity that patient of hypothyroidism suffers. It treats constipation that hypothyroidism patient suffers. It not only treats hypothyroidism but also removes any inflammation or swelling that is present in thyroid or any other glands. It also treats sensitivity to cold that thyroid patient has.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific medicine for hypothyroidism.
- Profuse sweat on back side of head of hypothyroidism patient.
- Sensitivity to cold.
- Fatty person with large abdomen and large head.
- Inflammation in thyroid and other glands.
2) Thyrodinium-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. It treats very well exophthalmos of eyes found in thyroid patient. It also treats excessive obesity that is found in thyroid patient. It also treats delayed growth caused by hypothyroidism. It also treats excessive sensitivity to cold that patient has in hypothyroidism.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism.
- Sensitivity to cold with excessive weight gain.
- Exophthalmos of eyes.
- Delayed growth and delayed healing of wounds.
- Tendency to tumour and fibroid in body.
3) Graphite-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. It treats constipation that hypothyroidism patient suffers from. It treats sensitivity to cold that thyroid patient suffers from. It also treats delayed menses that hypothyroidism patient has. It also treats excessive obesity that hypothyroidism patient has. It is treats rough dry skin that hypothyroidism patient suffers from.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism.
- Sensitivity to cold
- Excessive weight gain.
- Delayed menses.
- Induration of glands and tendency to develop, ulcer and cancer in body.
4) Kali-iod-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism.It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. It treats delayed brain growth that hypothyroidism patient suffers from. It also treats fatigue caused out of hypothyroidism.
Unique identifying symptoms-
- Delayed brain growth.
- Patient is not that intelligent that other normal person without hypothyroidism are.
5) Calcarea iod-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. It treats thyroid enlargement that patient suffers from. It also treats sensitivity to cold that thyroid patient has. It not only treats hypothyroidism but also treats any swelling and induration that other glands in body has. It treats excessive weight gain that hypothyroidism patient has.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism.
- Sensitivity to cold.
- Fatty person with sensitivity to cold.
6) Natrum mur-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. It treats depression that hypothyroidism patient usually suffer from. It also treats dry skin that hypothyroidism patient suffers from. It also treats eye problems that hypothyroidism patient suffers from. It also treats cold sensitivity that thyroid patient suffers from. It also treats tiredness that hypothyroidism patient suffers all time.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for both hypothyroidism as well hyperthyroidism.
- Sensitivity to cold.
- Dry skin.
- Depression.
- Constipation with dry stools.
7) Sepia-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. It treats hairfall that hypothyroidism patient suffers from. It treats sensitivity to cold that thyroid patient has. It treats fatigue with vertigo that hypothyroidism patient has. It also treats hypothyroidism that women in old age suffer from menopause. It also treats constipation with large, hard stool. It treats depression that hypothyroidism patient has.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism.
- Indifferent to family with depression.
- Constipated with large hard stool.
- Bearing down pains in pelvis.
8) Spongia-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. It treats exophthalmos of eyes. It also treats swelling and induration of thyroid gland. It not only treats hypothyroidism but also treats hyperthyroidism too. It treats great tiredness and exhaustion of body on slight exertion found in hypothyroidism. It also treats croup and cough that thyroid patient suffers due to their sensitivity to cold.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism.
- Exophthalmos of eyes.
- Tubercular diathesis.
- Heart affections.
- Exhaustion of body on slight exertion.
- Swelling of thyroid gland.
- Anxiety.
- Breathing feels like as breathing through sponge.
9) Bromium-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. It treats hardness and infiltration of thyroid gland that very rarely suppurate. It also treats enlargement of thyroid gland that happens in hyperthyroidism. Therefore, it treats both hypothyroidism as well as hyperthyroidism. It also treats depression that thyroid patient has. Patient has quarrelsome nature with delusion in mind. It also treats menstrual problems caused out of hypothyroidism.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism as well as for hyperthyroidism.
- Enlargement of thyroid glands.
- Hardness of thyroid gland with infiltration.
- Quarrelsome nature.
- Menstrual problems.
- Black stool.
10) Lachesis-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism. It treats anaemia patient has due to haemorrhagic tendency. It treats hypothyroidism found in menopausal women. It treats extreme prostration found in hypothyroidism. Patient cannot bear anything tight like tie or belt around her body. It also treats loquacious nature of patient. It also treats constipation that hypothyroidism patient has.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism of menopausal women.
- Loquacious and suspicious nature.
- Haemorrhagic tendency.
- Extreme weakness of body.
- Constipation with offensive stool.
Guidelines to follow with Homoeopathic treatment of hypothyroidism-
Hypothyroidism patient should follow certain guidelines while taking Homeopathic treatment of hypothyroidism. Those guidelines are-- Avoid consuming cauliflower. It worsen hypothyroidism.
- Use iodized salt in your food while cooking.
- Exercise daily to reduce excessive weight gain that happens in hypothyroidism.
- Consume fiber rich diet to treat constipation.