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Showing posts from June, 2014

Why Dr. Hahnemann used Term Aude Sapere in his Book Organon of Medicine?

"Aude Sapere" is a phrase which is very famous in World of Homoeopathy. But, why this phrase is so famous.? This phrase is so much famous in world of Homoeopathy because it is published on title page of philosophical rule book of Homoeopathy, "Organon of Medicine."   Is it written on every edition of this book? No, it is not written on every edition of this book.                 Image Source -

How Vital Force Help in Curing Human Body?

" What happens to vital force in cure? " Does it play any role in healing process? Does it help in cure?  Yes, vital force play a very crucial role in cure. To do cure, especially permanent cure and not temporary relief, it is very necessary to pay attention to vital force.  Image Source -

What Key Change occur to Vital Force in Disease?

In last article, we discussed about, " What key role vital force has in health? " Today we will put light on, “ What key change occur to vital force in disease? ” That is, what happens to vital force in disease? Does it remain same? Or, something change in it? Image Source -

5 Differences between Recovery and Cure

What is difference between recovery and cure? How recovery is different from cure? Why they are not same thing? Why both of them are different? There are 6 differences between recovery and cure. For example, recovery is superficial whereas cure is wholistic. That was just one difference. Lets discuss rest of the 5 difference in detail.  Image Source -

How to Identify Accessory Symptoms of Disease?

Before we discuss, what do accessory symptom of disease mean, let's discuss what does “accessory” word mean? Accessory word is used in relation to many things, whether it is home, machine or individual himself or herself. Accessories are provided separately with them. They does not make the whole home, machine or individual but they are purchased separately and used conjointly with them; Same applies to accessory symptoms of disease, they occur conjointly in relation to disease. Image Source -

What is called Recovery in Medical Terminology?

Recovery sound new to you because you have till now listened word, " Treatment " from your allopathic doctor. I think they need to mention it, because this is what they do. They did not do cure. They just do recovery not cure. Now, what this recovery mean and cure mean in medical terminology? Image Source -

2 Types of Abnormal Susceptibility

Abnormal susceptibility is very good friend of disease. Without it, disease cannot exists. They cannot exist without the presence of another, such a good friendship both of abnormal susceptibility and disease share. That is, if there is a disease occurring inside human body of an individual, then you will definitely find abnormal susceptibility occurring inside human body of that individual. Image Source -

What does Term Susceptibility Mean in Homoeopathy?

Susceptibility is very common used word by Homoeopathic Doctors. Why do they use this word? When do they use this word most? What is so special with it that they use it so often during conversations? Homeopathic doctors use this word most during those conversations which is related to deciding a remedy for a case. Image Source -

3 Reasons why Homoeopathic Treatment is Better for Endocrine Disorders

Do you know how much effective other mode of treatment allopathy is? Allopathic treatment is short effective, but not permanent solution to endocrine problems. Short effective means effective for very short time. That is to say, for very short time.  Image Source -

2 Steps that Complete Meaning of Cure

What is actual meaning of cure?   " Cure " is a complete procedure which needs to be followed, if any individual is to be treated of his disease and does not want it back again in whole life. Recovery is just one mile stone of it not whole procedure. After recovery, so many steps needed to be followed which can remove roots of diseases and complete the procedure of cure. Image Source -

9 Harms of Allopathic medicines

Harms of allopathic medicines are repeatedly announced, confirmed by research decorum. But, if you somehow missed those decorum, important health research announcements; then do not worry, here is summation of all of them in 9 points. One harm is, it causes artificial chronic diseases. That was just one, let's discuss rest of the harms that allopathic medicines cause. Image Source -

How many Miasm are there in total?

If you are Homoeopathic student, then you must have listened about miasms. They are mentioned in in fact in almost every topic of Homoeopathy. In fact, there is not a single topic where it is not used as deciding criteria while prescribing medicine. Image Source -

How Artificial Chronic Disease is Produced inside Body?

Artificial chronic disease is a new concept which has come forward just because of discoveries and studies done by Dr. Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy. Yes, Homoeopathy has discovered it, allopathy does not know about it, who is actually responsible for causing this deadly artificial chronic disease. Image Source -