If you are Homoeopathic student, then you must have listened about
miasms. They are mentioned in in fact in almost every topic of Homoeopathy. In
fact, there is not a single topic where it is not used as deciding criteria
while prescribing medicine.
And, in fact it is not only prescription of medicine where you
need to use miasm as one of the deciding criteria. There also are other situations, where
you need it as deciding criteria, for example while deciding prognosis of disease or in identifying constitution
of patient.
What these miasms are, which you need to know?
These miasms are inherent dynamic disease producing power which is acquired in some and some inherit it from their parents. This dynamic disease generating power weaken the individual human being so much that, diseases which earlier were not able to affect him, now affects him easily and individual is no more healthy and now suffer from diseased state.Is this miasm is just as such or it has some types?
If yes, then how many
types and how many subtypes? This miasm which is also considered one of
the fundamental cause of diseased condition of human is broadly of two types-
1) First is, acute miasm and
2) Second type is, chronic miasm.
Acute miasm is that type of miasm in which it produces acute,
specific and epidemic kind of diseases.
What term chronic miasm is?
Chronic miasm is that type of miasm in which it produces true
chronic disease and it is also considered one of the originator of acute miasm.
What are subtypes of acute miasm and chronic miasms?
Acute miasm has 2 subtypes named one is recurring and second is
fixed one. And, subtypes of chronic miasm is total three, one is psora, next is
sycosis and last one is syphilis.
Details of all of them, all 3 subtypes and main 2 types of miasm
we will discuss in next upcoming articles of Homeopathic Blog.
Till then you can update yourself on-
Why Homoeopathic potentised medicines are better than crude drugs used in Allopathy?
Till then you can update yourself on-
Why Homoeopathic potentised medicines are better than crude drugs used in Allopathy?