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How Artificial Chronic Disease is Produced inside Body?

Artificial chronic disease is a new concept which has come forward just because of discoveries and studies done by Dr. Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy. Yes, Homoeopathy has discovered it, allopathy does not know about it, who is actually responsible for causing this deadly artificial chronic disease.

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How allopathy has cause it 


what artificial chronic disease actually is? 

Artificial chronic disease is that kind of chronic disease which have not developed inside human body naturally by some dynamic morbific cause. In fact, it is such a chronic disease which is artificially produced inside human body by unnatural means.

How any disease can be artificially produced inside human body, especially chronic disease? 

They are produced by allopathy that you know now. But, how allopathy produced it? What means they use to produce it? They use their crude medicines especially in large and ever-increasing dose to produce it.
Artificial chronic disease is produced inside any individual human being by constant use of crude allopathic medicines and that too in large doses for a large number of years. 

  • They never use dynamic medicines, on the opposite, they use crude drugs and that too, not in minimum dose, in fact they yes them in large doses, crude drugs you know, how much side effects they produce inside human body. 
  • Using them in ever-increasing doses for lot of years produce, just think how much side effects, inside human body.
  • These side effects of crude allopathic drugs from using them in large doses produced inside human body by their usage for lot of years, slowly with time produced permanent structural changes inside human body which are most difficult to cure and damages done by them are so irreversible that they sometimes destruct a vital organ completely.

If the homeopathic treatment started earlier, in earlier stage of these artificial chronic disease, then person can be saved from this disease and can be cured. 

  • But, if the artificial chronic disease has progressed to advanced later stage of disease, then the person cannot be saved even with help of  homeopathic medicines. This is because these allopathic crude medicine’s large doses usage for lot of years produced such a irreversible damage to vital organs of human body. 
  • That cannot be repaired even with homeopathic medicines and person slowly progresses towards death with rapidly worsening pathological structural damage produced by them to whole system of human body.

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