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Showing posts from August, 2013

What is Importance of Organon of Medicine in today’s Perspective?

The topic of today’s article, as you know from title of article is, “What is importance of Organon of Medicine in today’s perspective?” Well, importance of Organon of Medicine for a Homoeopathic Doctor is unmeasurable, unexplainable. I said, it is unexplainable because to explain anything you need words and if you go on to explain importance of Organon of Medicine in today’s perspective words needed to explain importance of Organon in today’s perspective gets finished but explanation does not get finished. Image Source -

Why Homoeopathic Potentised Medicines are better than Crude Drugs Used in Allopathy?

As you all know Homoeopathic Treatment is only mode of treatment which has no side effects as compared to treatment modes used in other system of medicine. But do you know why Homoeopathic mode of treatment has no side effects? The reason behind this is dynamized form of medicines also known as Potentised Medicines which are used in Homoeopathy to treat diseases. Potentisation is process of preparing Homoeopathic Medicines used in Homoeopathic Pharmacy which enhance the dynamic disease curing properties of medicine but reduces it in quantity. Potentised medicine contains minimum dose of medicine but is much improved in quality than crude doses of allopathic medicines.  Image Source -

Why Homoeopathic Treatment is Considered Best Treatment to Cure Diseases?

Homoeopathy is a medicinal science which treats patients on wholistic and individualistic bases. It was founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. The topic of this article is “ Why Homoeopathy is considered the best treatment to cure diseases? ” Now, here come the reasons why Homoeopathy is considered best treatment to cure diseases:- Image Source -