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Showing posts from September, 2014

What is Law of Minimum Dose and its importance in Homoeopathy?

Law of minimum dose not used in allopathy. It is used in Homoeopathy. Why it is used in Homeopathy? This is because it is one of the main, important and cardinal principle of Homoeopathy. But, what this law called "Law of minimum dose" states? Image Source -

How much good Homoeopathic Softwares are for Right Remedy Selection?

Well a Homeopathic software is no doubt of very use while doing process of remedy selection. Yes, it is good; but partially, not totally. There is some mind work, which you still need to do when doing remedy selection process. But, why you need to this mind work? Image Source -

How Diseased Abnormal Susceptibility can be restored to Normal Susceptibility?

In previous articles, we have discussed about what susceptibility’s meaning is. Also we have discussed about what types of it are and how many they are. Today, we will discuss, how its one type, that is , diseased abnormal susceptibility can be restored to its second type normal susceptibility? Image Source -

How much Homoeopathic Treatment is Effective in Infections Disease Cases?

Homoeopathy is effective in infections or not is topic of today's article. First of all question is, is it effective in infection cases or not? The answer to your question is, Homeopathy is effective in infection cases. Yes, it can cure them and make you immune against them, so that they does not affect you again.                                             Image Source -

How many Types disease Diabetes has?

Story of diabetes types is topic of today. How many types it has? It has total 5 types, all of which we will discuss today. Each one of them has its own causative story. So let discuss first their names and then their causative story.           Image Source -

What is Law of Similia?

Law of Similia is famous, well announced Law of Homeopathic field. It is such a law, which you can say is a, fundamental law because it remain here, in the rule book of Homoeopathy for long years and had not been, changed till now. Why it has not been, changed till now? Image Source - This is because , it has proved its validation and results it claimed, proved them again and again, whenever tested. Due to this stable nature and not failing, like allopathic laws; with time it has been given name and status of, as one of the cardinal laws of, Homeopathic system of Medicine.