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How much good Homoeopathic Softwares are for Right Remedy Selection?

Well a Homeopathic software is no doubt of very use while doing process of remedy selection. Yes, it is good; but partially, not totally. There is some mind work, which you still need to do when doing remedy selection process. But, why you need to this mind work?

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The answer to this, I will give you through an example, and that is, of student and teacher. Yes, a student no doubt learns so many new knowledge, of discovered things during his time which was not available during teacher's time; but still student is not fully equipped with basic concepts discovered during teacher's time. 

Teacher is having knowledge of both time; that is, both of his time's discoveries and student's time which is present time discoveries. Whereas student is having partial, half knowledge; as he is still learning the basic concepts.

Same is with Homeopathic software, it is just like student who is learning. Because, it is still lacking in half knowledge, have partial knowledge and does not have full knowledge like his teacher materia medica has. Yes, here teacher is materia medica because there are certain symptoms whose mention has been there in medicines of materia medica. 

But, these symptoms, have not been mentioned at all in, found no where in Homoeopathic softwares. Why?

This is because Homeopathic softwares are still evolving, they are telling you what is feed in them; but is not able to tell you what is not feed in them. They still need more upgrading from their teacher materia medica.

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