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What is Law of Similia?

Law of Similia is famous, well announced Law of Homeopathic field. It is such a law, which you can say is a, fundamental law because it remain here, in the rule book of Homoeopathy for long years and had not been, changed till now. Why it has not been, changed till now?

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This is because, it has proved its validation and results it claimed, proved them again and again, whenever tested. Due to this stable nature and not failing, like allopathic laws; with time it has been given name and status of, as one of the cardinal laws of, Homeopathic system of Medicine.

  • Law of Similia as rule book, Organon says is, "Similia Similibus Curantur". Yes it is law of Similia, but what does it mean? It means, states that similar cures similar, that in detail as told in Organon by Dr. Hahnemann that only those medicines can cure diseases in sick persons, which are capable of producing similar diseases in human beings who are healthy. 

  • So, diseases produced by medicine in drug proving on healthy human beings, if resemble in its manifestations, that is, similar diseases with similar manifestations, if found occurring in sick persons; on giving this medicine which produce similar diseases in healthy human being, disappear totally and does not return.
  • So, similar medicine which produced similar manifestation of a disease in drug proving in healthy human being, not only cure similar sufferings occurring in sick person totally; but eradicate them permanently, that is along with removing those disease manifestations also removes the culprits responsible for their re-budding; which is susceptibility to those diseases in drug proving are selected for curing similar diseases in sick persons.
  • So, you can say that it is law, which is used for selection of medicines in Homoeopathy. Medicine which is capable of producing similar affections in healthy persons is selected.
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