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How many Types disease Diabetes has?

Story of diabetes types is topic of today. How many types it has? It has total 5 types, all of which we will discuss today. Each one of them has its own causative story. So let discuss first their names and then their causative story.         

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Now comes causative story of each type of disease diabetes-

1)     First type-

Type 1 diabetes, which is caused not because of, outside environmental factors; but develops out of, human body internal defective defense system; in which body produce such an auto-immune reaction that body starts killing, diabetes preventing insulin hormone, producing cells. 
  • When there would be no cells, which produce insulin; then there would be no insulin. Insulin prevents diabetes and when there would be, no insulin; then there would, be uncontrollable diabetes. This type usually make, young adults and children its preys.
  • LADA- Is that type of diabetes, which in actual is subtype of; type 1 diabetes and occurs due to, defective autoimmune system.

2)      Type 2 diabetes-

is second type, which occur out of environmental factors; under which comes, unbalanced diet and unbalanced exercise schedule, to nil; which cause, either insulin resistance or deficiency. 
  • It is not limited to, any age; but makes its sufferer, out of any age; who does not have balanced diet and balanced exercise schedule and consume more of fatty, sugary, salty things with nil exercise.

3)      Gestational diabetes mellitus-

is that type of diabetes, which affect only women and that too, during pregnancy; if women either have, family history of diabetes or does not follow, right diet and exercise schedule.

4)      Chemically induced diabetes-

occurs out of chemicals of certain medicines, which cause diabetes for example, steroids.

5)      Fifth type-

called surgically induced diabetes occurs, when pancreatic surgery is done, which can occur hamper insulin functioning, either to nil or resistive stage causing diabetes.

Do you know-  
What Happens, when 2 Dissimilar Diseases meet Together in Human Body?

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