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What is Importance of Organon of Medicine in today’s Perspective?

The topic of today’s article, as you know from title of article is, “What is importance of Organon of Medicine in today’s perspective?” Well, importance of Organon of Medicine for a Homoeopathic Doctor is unmeasurable, unexplainable. I said, it is unexplainable because to explain anything you need words and if you go on to explain importance of Organon of Medicine in today’s perspective words needed to explain importance of Organon in today’s perspective gets finished but explanation does not get finished.
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The topic of article is,What is Importance of Organon of Medicine in today’s perspective?We know with time things get changed, everybody view things from his own perspective. People’s views get changed with time. But one thing never changes, whether how many views about a thing change and that thing is base of a thing. Base never changes, it is base which keeps the system running; it is base on which whole system rests, on which whole system is founded. 
  • And yes, you get it right; Organon of Medicine is the base of Homoeopathy on which whole system rests. Organon of Medicine is book that contains whole set of strong and fundamental rules which guides you in each and every case. It is these set of rules on which whole Homoeopathy rests, is founded. 
  • Organon of Medicine not only guides a Homoeopath how to take a case, how to prescribe a remedy, how to cure a patient, what is vital force, how to be a good physician, it also tell us classification of diseases according to Homoeopathy, what is true meaning of cure, how to cure a patient permanently. Now, as I have said above, words become less, how much things Organon of Medicine taught us, how many things you learn from Organon everyday does not gets finished.

Now, as said above people’s views about a thing change with time and same applies to Organon of Medicine. Views of a Homoeopath have changed about Organon of Medicine. Patients today want quick relief and a case comes to homoeopath after getting complicated and refused from other systems of medicine. 
  • Homoeopaths in hurriedness created by patient for quick relief forget to follow the basic rule which is the base rule of homoeopathy, which is required, very necessary if you want to prescribe right remedy which heals the patient, cure him quickly, completely and permanently. 
  • And that basic rule or basic thing required for prescribing a right remedy, needed to cure patient, is totality of symptoms which you get from case taking and observation. You do case taking from patient by asking various questions but forget to do observation part in hurriedness created by patient by asking for quick treatment and diversion from observation part created by patient by comparing with speediness of allopathic system of medicine. 

Case taking is incomplete if observation part is missed in case taking. Case taking done by asking questions from patient regarding his or her disease condition can be false. It can be untrue, as patient can be manipulative or hide things during questioning process of case taking. But observation done by you of patient’s habits, sitting standing posture, body language, his or her behaviour in waiting room are true and natural because these are natural and not manipulative. 

  • Sometimes observation gives you such nice uncommon and peculiar symptoms which patient has not mentioned during case taking.
  • So, this means that your very base should be clear, in mind, sharp in skill. Hahnemann had mentioned everything in Organon of Medicine required for every aspect of Homoeopathy, whether it is case taking, observation part, drug proving, potentisation, prescribing remedy, about repetition, dose and how to administer medicine, what are different ways of administering medicine, what to do in irreversible case, pathological cases, how to give palliation treatment, when the case is totally surgical and no homoeopathic treatment is required or case is out of reach of possible homoeopathic cure. 

Hahnemann had given all directions required in various conditions during treatment of a case and they can be followed even in today’s time. Do you know why because they are based on fundamental rules, true rules which does not change with time, which have stood test of time. What a homoeopath needs to do is to remember those laws when you treat a patient. 

  • Your case taking starts when you see a patient in your waiting room and in consultation room by observing his or her behaviour outside in waiting room as well as in consultation room, his or her body language, habits which he do naturally and are not manipulative, as the case taking is incomplete without observation part. 
  • Homoeopathic system is as strong and as stable as in past due to its fundamental and unchangeable rules which have stood test of time and give us good results as in past if followed rightly. What has changed with time in today’s time that not only patient’s disease have become complicated and advanced with time but patients themselves have become very clever with time which they were not in past. 
  • In earlier days in past time in Hahnemann’s times, patients were not manipulative; they give true symptoms during questioning process of case taking. But today’s patients have become clever and know how to be manipulative during questioning process of case taking and how to hide their true symptoms. 

So, in today’s perspective about importance of Organon during homoeopathic case taking procedure one thing which a Homeopath needs to sharpen is observation skills and not get diverted by hurriedness created by patient during case taking procedure. 

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