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What Key Change occur to Vital Force in Disease?

In last article, we discussed about, "What key role vital force has in health?" Today we will put light on, “What key change occur to vital force in disease?” That is, what happens to vital force in disease? Does it remain same? Or, something change in it?

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Yes, there occurs some change to vital force in disease. If some change occur to vital force in disease, then what is this change which happens to it? Who does this change? This change is that vital force get affected by some more powerful dynamic inimical morbid force. Due to which, vital force get weaken

  • Vital force get weaken by this because this more powerful inimical dynamic force is dynamic in nature and only dynamic force can weaken vital force. And, since this morbid dynamic force is more powerful in its functioning , so it succeeds to weaken vital force.

What happens when vital force get weaken by this more powerful inimical dynamic force? When vital force get weaken by this more powerful inimical dynamic force, then its functioning get disturbed. When vital force is weakened, it no more function normally. It no more remains same fully effectively functional. 

  • Its functioning get disturbed due to which it is no more able to control functioning of human body as normally as it used to be in state of health. Due to which human body's normal healthy state get altered to diseased state and there remains no more healthy state. And, it show outwardly as various diseased signs and symptoms of human body.  

So, this was all regarding, what happens to vital force in state of disease. Next, know- What do subjective symptoms mean and why are they so difficult to extract from patient?


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