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10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are caused by accumulation of minerals salts in excess in body. These minerals salt accumulate in excess in body, when you consume foods containing them in excess. Elimination of these salts requires excess water consumption, which kidney patients usually do not do. There are some Homoeopathic medicines, which are proficient in treating kidney stones wonderfully. They are for example, Berberis Vulgaris that treats kidney stones specifically. Lycopodium treats right sided kidney stones. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that are proficient in treating kidney stones. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Causes of kidney stones-

Kidney are caused by following causes, which are-
  • Consumption of calcium and vitamin D containing foods in excess.
  • Consumption of less water below 8 glasses in a day.
  • Consumption of protein based food for example pulses and meat in excess daily.
  • Consumption of two types of proteins in a day for example, egg and chicken in same day, chicken soup or fish in same day.
  • No consumption of salad. 
  • Patient on one kidney.
  • History of some kidney disease.
  • Excess uric acid in body.

Know 10 Homeopathic medicines for Kidney Stones in detail-

1) Berberis Vulgaris-

This is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for kidney stones. This medicine is prescribed in tincture form to kidney stone patient for treatment of kidney stones. Result of this mother tincture are excellent in treating kidney stones. It treats tearing, shooting pain of renal colic that occurs in kidney stone. Most probably this pain starts from kidney region and extend to urethra, then to bladder in pelvic region. It treats bright yellow hot urine containing bright red sediment or yellowish red crystals. It treats kidney pain that aggravates when sitting or lying.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific medicine for kidney stone.
  • Kidney stone pain aggravates on sitting and lying.
  • Pain of kidney stone starts from kidney region and shoot to bladder.

2) Cantharis-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats kidney stone too. It treats kidney pain that aggravates on touching kidney region. It treats that type of severe kidney pain which extends from kidney to down to bladder and from there to thighs and legs. It treats problem of frequent urging to urinate, but urine comes in drops or urinating. This problem is most often found in kidney stones. It also treats burning pain that occurs before, during and after urination in kidney stones. It also treats haematuria (blood in urine) that occurs with kidney stones.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Kidney stone pain aggravates on touching.
  • Kidney stone pain extend from kidney region to thighs and legs.
  • Pain before, during and after urination. 
  • Hot urine that cause burning pain during urination. 
  • Haematuria.

3) Nitric acid-

This Homoeopathic medicine also treats calcium oxalate kidney stones. It treats cold, scanty, dark brown and offensive urine that occurs with kidney stones. If blood comes in urine and urine has offensive smell like that of horse’s urine, then medicine for that is Nitric acid.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats calcium oxalate kidney stones. 
  • Smell of urine is that of horse’s urine. 
  • Cold, scanty, dark brown urine.

4) Pareira brava-

This Homoeopathic medicine is prescribed in tincture form to treat kidney stones. It treats problem of difficult urination in drops although bladder is full. It occurs most often in kidney stones. It treats pain of kidney stone that extend from back to bladder and bladder to toes and soles of feet. Pain during urination is so intense that patient get drenched with sweat during urination, but only few drops pass with time gap. Pain in urethra gets aggravated to maximum from 3 to 6 AM, at time of morning urination.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific medicine for kidney stone. 
  • Pain of kidney stone extends from back to bladder and bladder to toes and soles of feet. 
  • Intense pain occurs during urination.
  • That urination pain make patient drenched in sweat during urination.
  • Urination pain is maximum in intensity from 3 to 6 AM. 

5) Erynginum aquat-

 This Homoeopathic medicine treats left sided kidney stone. It also treats pain and tenderness that occurs with kidney stone in left hypogastric region which extends to urinary bladder.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific medicine for left sided kidney stone. 
  • Pain and tenderness extend from left hypogastric region to bladder.

6) Argentum nitricum-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats kidney stone as well as uric acid diathesis. It treats dull kidney pain that occurs from passage of small kidney stones. It treats pain of kidney stone that extend from small of back to bladder. It also treats burning in urethra that occurs on urinating. It also treats swelling of urethra that occurs from burning on urination. It treats haematuria that occurs with kidney stone. If urine contains uric acid deposits along with blood, it treats that too. If patient of kidney stone also suffers from fear of buildings going to fall on him or fear of falling from height, it treats that fear too.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Blood and uric acid deposits in urine.
  • Pain of kidney stone extends from small of back to bladder.
  • Specific medicine for kidney stone and uric acid diathesis.
  • Fear of falling from height.
  • Fear of high buildings going to fall on him.

7) Nux vomica-

It treats right sided kidney stones. It also treats kidney pain that extends from right kidney region to right leg. It treats kidney pain that aggravates from lying on affected side and ameliorated from lying on back. It treats kidney stone caused by sitting work schedule. It treats kidney stone caused from excess consumption of alcohol and meat.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific for right sided kidney stones.
  • Kidney stone pain extends from right sided kidney region to right to leg.
  • Treats kidney stone found in alcoholics and sitting work schedule.
  • Have history of constipation. 

8) Arnica-

This is one of the Homeopathic medicine that treat kidney stone. It treats sharp kidney pain that is caused from passage of stone. That pain extends from back to hip. If patient says that pain of kidney stone is like that somebody is piercing pain area with knife, then medicine for that is Arnica. If hypothermia and vomiting occurs with kidney stone, then medicine for that is Arnica.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Kidney stone pain is like that of piercing area with knife.
  • Kidney stone pain caused from passage of stone. 
  • History of injury in past.
  • Kidney stone pain extends from small of back to hips.
  • Vomiting and hypothermia with kidney stone.

9) Alumina-

It treats right sided kidney stone. It treats collection of small stones in right sided kidney. It also reduce sand that comes in urine of kidney stone patient. It also treats pricking pain that occurs during urination in kidney stones. If numbness occurs in right leg and right shoulder along with kidney stone pain, then medicine for that is Alumina.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • History of constipation.
  • Treats collection of a number of small stones found in right sided kidney.

10) Lycopodium-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats right sided kidney stone. Pain of kidney stone extends from right ureter to bladder. If there occurs frequent urging to urinate, but scanty, red coloured sand comes in urine, then medicine for that is Lycopodium. If pain of kidney stone is relived from passing urine, then medicine for that is Lycopodium. It also treats flatulent abdomen that occurs because of kidney stone. It also treats haematuria that occurs with kidney stone. If burning between shoulders occurs in kidney stone patient, then medicine for that is Lycopodium.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Little portion of food, creates satisfied feeling. Can’t eat beyond that. That incomplete food consumption causes malnutrition. That malnutrition causes kidney stone. 
  • Specific medicine for right sided kidney stone. 
  • Red coloured sand in urine.
  • Pain of kidney stone extends from ureter to bladder.
  • Present history of flatulent abdomen.
  • Mild soft natured person, is inferior natured for superior person and superior natured person for inferior natured person.

Points to follow with Homoeopathic treatment of kidney stones-

  • Along with following Homoeopathic treatment of kidney stone, you need to follow certain points, which are-
  • Consumption at least 2 litre water in a day for easy removal of kidney stones and also for their prevention in future.
  • Eat salad with food for proper digestion of protein consumed in food. Salad is rich in fiber that removes excessive free mineral radicals that cause kidney stones. 
  • Never consume pulses and meat on daily basis.
  • Drink one glass of fruit juice daily or consume atleast one fruit in day.
  • Never consume two types of protein for example egg and chicken or chicken soup and fish in same day. That overload of protein cause kidney stone. 
  • Include more vegetables in your diet. 
  • Consume balanced diet containing all nutrients. Never consume diet containing only one nutrient protein.

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