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10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Constipation

Constipation is a diseased condition of digestive system, in which daily stool of patient does not pass or pass with much straining and difficulty. Stool that pass with difficulty in constipation are very hard, making their expulsion difficult. There are some  Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats constipation. For example, Nux vomica is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats constipated caused by lack of fiber and consumption of fried food. Bryonia is another Homoeopathic medicine that is prescribed for constipation that occurs in old age people. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats constipation. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Causes of Constipation-

Constipation is caused by a number of causes. Which are-
  • Lack of fibre in diet because of no consumption of a fruit and vegetables in meal on daily basis.
  • Very less consumption of water on daily basis. 
  • Excessive consumption of chicken, meat, egg and warm things.
  • Sitting working schedule with no exercise at all on daily basis. 
  • Excessive weight. 
  • Consumption of fatty and fried food in excess.
  • Change in work shift timings at workplace- Because of change in work shift timings everyday at workplace disturbs timings of regular bowel moments. Stool passed at irregular timings daily predispose to constipation. 
  • Side effects of some medicines like for example- antidepressants, anti-convulsants and diuretics.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Old age- Digestive system with aging get weakened. It is not that much efficient in expelling stool as much it is in young age. Lack of exercise in old age due to joint pains predispose to constipation. 
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Colorectal stricture.

Know 10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Constipation in detail-

1) Alumina-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for constipation of old age people and nursing baby. If patient stool is so difficult that patient has to hold toilet seat to expel stool and break in sweats, then medicine for that is Alumina. If during and after stool, there occurs nausea, then Homoeopathic medicine for that is Alumina. If patient becomes hypothermic during stool and thighs and legs become extremely weak after stool, medicine for that is Alumina. Normally, patient has to strain at hard stool, but if too much straining occurs with soft stool too, then medicine for that is Alumina. If stool of patient that comes with too much straining is in very less in quantity in shape of berries, then medicine for that is Alumina. If constipation of patient caused from travelling, in warm room and occurs on periodical basis then medicine for that is Alumina.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Treats specifically constipation of old age people and nursing baby.
  • Treats constipation caused by travelling and lead poisoning.
  • Has to strain too much at stool. Patient has to hold toilet seat firmly and sweat too much during stool.
  • Patient vomit or faint from straining at stool.
  • Legs and thighs become too much weak from too much straining at stool. 
  • Stool comes in less quantities in shape of berries. 

2) Bryonia-

It specially treats constipation caused by gastric and hepatic disturbances. It treats constipation of bed ridden people. If hard, dark brown or black coloured stool, large in quantity, pass with much straining, then medicine for that is Bryonia. It treats constipation caused by dryness of alimentary canal. If prolapsus of rectum occur from too much straining at stool, then medicine for that is Bryonia. If too much burning occurs in rectum or anus, from too much straining at stool, then it treats that.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specific Homeopathic medicine for constipation caused by gastric and hepatic disturbances. 
  • Treats constipation of bed ridden people. 
  • Dryness of alimentary canal.
  • Stool hard, dark brown or black, large in quantity pass with much straining.
  • Prolapsus of rectum.
  • Dry tongue, mouth and lips.
  • Thirst for large quantity of water.
  • Nausea after eating.
  • Suffers from headache on routine basis. 

3) Nux vomica-

It specifically treats constipation caused by sedentary lifestyle and from consumption of fried things. If there occurs frequent urging for stool, but after passing hard stool with difficulty, it feels like still some stool remaining inside, then it treats that ineffectual urging too. It treats constipation caused by narrowing and constriction of rectum.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats constipation caused by sedentary lifestyle and from consuming fried fast food. Treats constipation caused by narrowing and constriction of rectum.
  • Frequent ineffectual urging at stool. After passing hard stool with difficulty, it feels like still some remaining inside.
  • Stool hard and large in quantity, pass with difficulty.
  • Alternate diarrhoea and constipation.

4) Aloe-

It specifically treats constipation of old people, hypochondriac people, bookworm students and from sitting work schedule. It treats that type of constipation, in which too much, constant urging for stool, but only small quantity of stool is passed and sometimes just blood only. It treats constipation caused by stomach and bowels dysfunction.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Treats specifically constipation of bookworm students, old and hypochondriac people. Treats constipation caused from stomach and bowel dysfunction. 
  • Constant urging for stool, but, only small quantity of involuntary, hot, hard stool is passed and sometimes just pass few drops of blood.
  • Heaviness of pelvic and sacral region.
  • During stool, it feels like something is plugged in between symphysis pubis and coccyx.

5) Sepia-

It specifically treats constipation of females, constipation caused from uterine and abdominal congestion. It also treats constipation caused by  pregnancy. It treats that type of constipation, in which patient has no energy to strain at stool with ball like sensation in rectum. It treats constipation with pain in iliac region of hips. Iliac region is that region of hips on which you sit. If after stool, it feels like full, much remaining inside, then it treats that too. It treats that type of constipation in which stool is hard, knotty, covered with little mucus, but passed with much difficulty. It treats constipation caused by prolapsus of rectum.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats constipation of females, caused by uterine and abdominal congestion and by pregnancy. 
  • Hard knotty stool covered with little mucous, pass with much difficulty. Even after this type of difficult stool rectum feels like full.
  • Prolapsus of rectum.
  • Soreness in anal region.
  • Stomach ache with sensation as it is empty.
  • Complaints from milk and fatty meat.
  • Hypochondriasis.
  • Aversion to family and household duties.

6) Platinum-

It treats constipation caused by travelling in tourists and from lead poisoning. It treats that type of constipation in which small amount of stool is passed with too much straining. Even after too much straining frequent urging for stool occurs, but each time only small quantity is passed.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats constipation caused by travelling and lead poisoning.
  • Frequent urging, but every time small stool passes with much difficulty.
  • After stool abdomen feel weak and tired.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Patient suffers from superiority complex. Feels himself superior and others too much inferior, don’t think them to be talked to. 

7) Causticum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats constipation caused by dryness of rectum, too much contraction of sphincter ani. It treats constipation of children. It treats that type of constipation in which, too much pain occurs during stool that patient avoid trying to evacuate stool. That occurs because stool is so hard and knotty that it cause burning of anus after stool, even if it is passed in small quantity.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats constipation caused by dryness of rectum and too much contraction of sphincter ani.
  • Stool is small, but so hard and knotty that it cause burning in anus after stool. 
  • Because of constipation, there is same burning pain in anus and rectum when walking.
  • Anxious patient with red face.
  • Suspicious in nature, who does not trust anyone.

8) Ignatia-

It treats constipation caused by cold or riding in vehicle. It treats that type of constipation in which stools are soft, but pass with much difficulty. Urging of stool starts much before passage of stool.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats constipation caused by cold or travelling in vehicle.
  • Large stool pass after lapse of too much time after urging of stool. 
  • Anxious patient, who take tension easily. Acute grief from trifles.

9) Crocus-

It specifically treats obstinate constipation found in grown up people as well in children.  It treats constipation in which stools are dark stringy with much difficulty.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats obstinate constipation.
  • Its stool are dark stringy containing blood.

10) Iodum-

It specifally treats constipation. It treats constipation in which stools are dark coloured and hard and knotty.

Unique identifying symptoms-
  • Specifically treats constipation with stool hard and knotty. 
  • Patient with weak brain. Does not understand things easily. Slow to learn.
  • Induration of glands.

Points to be follow with Homoeopathic treatment of Constipation-

There are certain rules that you need to follow with Homoeopathic treatment of Constipation. They are-
  • Consume more water atleast 2-3 litre in day. 
  • Consume more fibre from fruit and vegetables. 
  • Do exercise daily. 
  • Pass stool at regular time.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Stop consuming highly fatty and fried food. 

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