Hernia is that diseased condition of body in which an organ comes out through opening in body or through a tissue, from which it usually does not come out. It occurs because of loosening of grip of those muscles which hold the herniated organ. Grip of those muscles become loose because of weakening of those muscles. There are some Homeopathic medicines that specifically treats hernia. For example Lycopodium and Nux-vomica treats inguinal hernia. Aurum treats infantile hernia. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats hernia. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
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Image Source - https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hernia_Common_Sites.png |
Causes of hernia-
Hernia can be caused by following causes, which are-- Weakening of muscles.
- Congenital defect.
- Aging- weakens the muscles holding the herniated organ, which becomes cause of hernia of that organ.
- Chronic coughing.
- Injury of muscles holding the herniated organ.
- Surgery.
- Pregnancy.
- Chronic constipation.
- Ascites.
- Sudden weight gain.
Know 10 Homoeopathic Medicines that treat Hernia in detail-
1) Lycopodium-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for femoral as well as ingunial hernia. It also treats ingunial hernia of children as well as adults. It treats right sided ingunial hernia specifically. It also treats umbilical hernia. It also treats lacerating pain in herniated area.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats femoral, umbilical and ingunial hernia.
- Flatulent abdomen.
- Spasmodic pain in abdomen.
- Past history of tobacco chewing.
- Pain of hernia aggravates between 4 to 8 PM.
2) Nux vomica-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hernia. It specifically treats femoral, infantile, inguinal, umbilical and strangulated hernia. It treats that strangulated hernia which cause pain in bowels with sensation like they are raw and dry, sore. It treats frequently protruding inguinal hernia. It mostly treats left sided ingunial hernia.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats femoral, ingunial, infantile as well as umbilical and strangulated hernia.
- Associate with nausea and vomiting.
- Weak abdominal muscles.
- Alternate diarrhoea and constipation.
- Patient of hernia desires fried, spicy, fatty food.
3) Aurum Metallicum-
It specifically treats infantile and inguinal hernia. It treats right sided inguinal hernia of both children as well as adults. It treats that ingunial hernia whose protruding sensation aggravates on sitting. It treats that ingunial hernia which cause pain when protrudes. It treats inguinal as well as umbilical hernia of children which aggravates or protrudes from crying.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats infantile and ingunial hernia.
- Patient in sad mood all time.
4) Lachesis-
It specifically treats inguinal as well as umbilical hernia. It also treats strangulated hernia. It treats that hernia in which skin over hernia is mottled and dark. It treats excessively sensitive hernia which is difficult or not getting healed rapidly with treatment.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats sensitive inguinal, umbilical and strangulated hernia.
- Pain in abdomen.
- Patient is very loquacious, talks too much and jump from one subject to another.
5) Belladonna-
It specifically treats strangulated hernia. It treats hernia with sensation as if lump or ball has formed around navel. It treats right ingunial hernia, which aggravates on sitting.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats strangulated hernia.
- Right ingunial hernia pain make herniated area feel hard, but on touching in actual it is not hard.
- Flatulent abdomen.
- Pain in abdomen like seized with nails.
- Intense local inflammation.
6) Opium-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats ingunial hernia, umbilical hernia and strangulated hernia. It treats that umbilical hernia in which there is flatulent abdomen with vomiting of putrid matter.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats ingunial, umbilical and strangulated hernia.
- Redness of face.
- Offensive urine, stool and vomiting.
- Pain in abdomen as if intestines are cut into pieces.
7) Plumbum-
It specifically treats strangulated and umbilical hernia. It also treats that incarcerated hernia in which there occurs intussusception with pain and faecal vomiting. It treats that umbilical hernia in which there occurs excessive pain in abdomen.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Inflammation and gangrene of bowels.
- Violent abdominal colic.
8) Bryonia-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for hernia. It specifically treats umbilical hernia with past history of chronic constipation.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Pain of hernia aggravates from motion, even if it is motion of just patient’s hand.
- Hernia of rectum caused by rectum muscles weakened by straining at constipation chronically for a number of years.
- Patient says he wants to go to home, although he is at home.
9) Calcarea carb-
It specifically treats infantile hernia with flatulent abdomen. It treats umbilical hernia of children with pain in abdomen.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats umbilical hernia of infants.
- Infant with hernia has open fontanelles of head that hasn’t closed yet.
- Too much perspiration around head when sleeping.
10) Cocculus-
It specifically treats right sided ingunial hernia and umbilical hernia. It treats that ingunial hernia which aggravates on standing. It treats hernia with lacerating pain in intestines. It treats flatulent abdomen associated with umbilical hernia. It also treats incarcerated hernia.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats right sided ingunial, umbilical and incarcerated hernia.
- Vomiting associated with hernia.
- Paralytic state of abdomen.
- Chronic constipation.
- Difficulty in standing due to hernia pain.
Rules to follow along with Homoeopathic treatment of hernia -
Along with taking Homoeopathic treatment of hernia, you need to follow certain rules for speedy recovery of your hernia. Those are-- Avoid heavy meal consumption in case of hiatus hernia.
- Do not lie or bend immediately after consuming meal in hiatus hernia.
- Reduce over weight by doing morning walk daily to avoid umbilical hernia development in future. Obesity weakness abdominal muscles that hold abdominal organs in place.
- Avoid foods that cause acidity and pain in abdomen to avoid worsening of umbilical hernia pain.
- Avoid cigarettes usage on daily basis.
- Get chronic cough treated timely that worsen inguinal hernia.