Fever is that state of body in which body temperature rise from set point of normal body temperature. Normal human body temperature is 98.6°F. Normal body temperature fluctuations occur at different times of day. For example, it is slightly lower in morning; but higher in late afternoon and in evening. These fluctuations are not accompanied with major symptoms. Whereas in proper fever, with temperature elevations, there occur symptoms like feeling chilled with shivering, loss of appetite, sweating with tiredness in body. There are some Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats fever. For example, China Sulph treats malarial fever. Baptisia treats typhoid fever. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat fever. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
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Image Source - https://pixabay.com/en/influenza-flu-fever-grippe-cold-156098/ |
Causes of fever-
Fever can be caused by different number of causes. Which are-- Infection.
- Immunization.
- Dentition in infants.
- Inflammatory diseases.
- Blood clots.
- Severe sunburn.
- Food poisoning.
- Side effects of some medicines.
Know 10 Homoeopathic Medicines that treat Fever in detail-
1) Aconite-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for sudden fever caused from exposure to draught of cold air or from constant fear. It treats inflammatory fever in its first stage with constant fear in background. If patient in fever, predicts you date and time of death, then he needs treatment with Homoeopathic medicine Aconite. It also treats fever caused from sudden checked perspiration by draft of cold air or bathing when you are sweating profusely. It treats fever with icy coldness alternating with heat stage.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats fever caused by draft of cold air or from sudden checked perspiration.
- Treats inflammatory fever.
- Cold stage most marked in fever alternating with heat stage.
- Chillness, shivering start as soon as patient go to bed.
- Dry heat stage with no sweat, but face red.
- When sweat comes on part touching the bed in lying position, gives lot of relive to patient. Sweat is great reliever of most of fever complaints because fever is caused from sudden stoppage of sweat.
2) Baptisia-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats typhoid fever. It treats shipboard fever. It treats malarial fever. It treats fever with chill, rheumatic pains and soreness in all body parts. It treats fever with heat stage marked with occasional chills at 11 AM. It treats fever in which all secretions of body are offensive.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats typhoid fever.
- Heat stage marked with occasional chills at 11 AM.
- Rheumatic pains and soreness in all body.
- All secretions of body are offensive, whether it is breath of patient or stool or urine or sweat of patient.
- Treats septic fever of children.
- In fever patient says, his body is broken into pieces in bed and he is trying to collect them.
- Liquid are easily swallowed, but solid food is vomited out.
3) Belladonna-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for scarlet fever. It treats high grade fever with marked heat stage, but with feet icy cold than rest of the warm body skin. It treats fever with no thirst and perspiration only on head. It treats fever with hot and red skin.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats scarlet fever.
- No thirst with fever.
- Perspiration only on head.
- Red skin, throbbing blood vessels and burning in most of the body in fever.
- Sudden and violent onset of fever.
- Hyperaesthesia of all senses.
- Patient doesn’t like any touch, noise, draught of air and doesn’t want to lie. All of them aggravates his complaints in fever.
4) China-sulph-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats malarial fever. It treats fever with chill daily at 3 PM with painful swelling of veins. It treats fever with subnormal temperature with past history of sudden acute haemorrhage.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats malarial fever.
- Marked periodicity and spinal sensitiveness.
- Acute articular rheumatism.
- Chronic interstitial nephritis.
- Past history of haemorrhage.
5) Gelsemium-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats bilious remittent fever. It treats fever caused out of sudden fear of examination, performing on stage in front of crowd, or from listening bad news. In fever, if children wants to be held all time and does not let other person go any where for a second, then medicine for that is Gelsemium. It treats fever with long lasting heat and cold stage. It treats fever with nervous chills, too much muscular soreness, too much weakness and violent headache. If patient feels no thirst, but feels chill in spine from sacrum to occipital region, then medicine for that is Gelsemium. It treats fever caused by damp weather or from sudden exposure to fog or thunderstorm.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats bilious remittent fever.
- Treats fever caused by sudden crowd fear, exam fear, listening bad news, from exposure to damp weather, fog or thunderstorms.
- Heat and cold stage both last long with too much dizziness but with no thirst.
- Violent headache during fever.
- Chill extending from sacrum to occiput.
6) Ferrum-phos-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats catarrhal and inflammatory fever. It is given in first stage of fever. It treats fever with chill daily at 11 PM. It treats fever with marked weakness and with marked anaemia.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats catarrhal and inflammatory fever in its first stage.
- Can’t be given if fever has reached in second stage, where exudation has set in.
- Marked anaemia.
- Past history of haemorrhage.
- Chill at 1 PM at night.
7) Arsenicum album-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats septic and hey fever. It treats high grade fever. It treats intermittent fever. It treats fever with marked heat stage at 3 AM in early morning. It also treats malarial fever.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats septic fever, hay fever and malarial fever.
- Body of patient in fever is too weak that he wants to move, but can’t move out of weakness, but keep trying moving and get tired out of weakness very soon.
- Cold sweat comes in fever.
- Fear of death, of being left alone in fever.
- If you give medicine to patient in fever, he says that there is no use of taking medicine, he is sure to going to die.
8) Nux vomica-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats fever caused from consuming contaminated food from outside. That means from infection. It treats typhoid fever. It treats that fever in which cold stage is more marked than heat stage. It treats fever with excessive rigor and blue finger nails. Whether it is heat stage or cold stage of fever, chilliness is marked in all stages of fever, then medicine for that is Nux-vomica. But, if in spite of shivering due to being chilly on uncovering, if patient does not want to be covered because of dry heat of body, then medicine for that is Nux-vomica.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats fever caused from consumption of contaminated food and water.
- Treats side effects of allopathic medicines.
- Cold stage of fever is marked.
- In spite of being chilly on uncovering, patient does not want to be covered.
- Fever with gastric symptoms and aches in body.
- Oversensitive, sedentary lifestyle.
9) Rhus-tox-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats typhoid fever. Normally, patient with fever just want to remain quiet, but if he is too much restless, then medicine for that is Rhus-tox. It treats fever with urticaria in heat stage of fever. In fever, if patient says that he feels chilly like somebody has poured cold water on him, then medicine for that is Rhus-tox. But, if in heat stage patient wants to move, in spite of weakness of fever in body, then medicine for that is Rhus-tox.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats typhoid fever.
- Tongue dry and brown in fever.
- Great restlessness in body.
- Dry cough.
- Urticaria in heat stage of fever.
- In heat stage, patient wants to move. Starts stretching his limbs. It give him relief.
- Fever caused from getting wet in rain.
- Fever caused from over-exertion of body beyond threshold of body.
10) Natrum mur-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for malarial fever. It treats fever with chill stage marked from 9 to 11 AM. It treats fever blisters also. It treats fever with marked cold stage with cold body. It treats fever from going at sea shore.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats malarial fever.
- Fever blisters.
- Cold stage marked in fever.
- Cold stage marked from 9 to 11 AM.
- Weakness, constipation, loss of appetite in fever.
- Oversensitive.
- Anaemia.
- Depression.
- Habit of consuming excess salt in food.
Rules to follow with Homoeopathic treatment of fever-
Along with taking Homoeopathic treatment of fever, follow following rules for speedy recovery of your fever-- Eat light diet like dalia or khichdi in fever. Do not consume heavy diet in fever. Your body’s digestion capacity is very much lowered in fever. It can’t digest heavy food. It can digest only light food.
- Don’t do any heavy work. This is because your body energy levels are drastically down in fever, which are not sufficient to do any heavy work.
- Have bed rest, till fever resolves and body temperature comes to normal.
- Do not drink cold water during fever.
- Consume oral rehydration solution (ORS), if fever is caused by dehydration caused from vomiting or diarrhoea.