Psoriasis is a skin disease that is caused due to auto-immune dysfunction. It is a chronic skin problem in which immune cells named T-cells attack body’s skin cells. That cause over production of skin cells to compensate for lost one damaged by T-cells. Normally, skin cell cycle is 1 month. But, in psoriasis it get shortened to few days due to immune system attack on skin cells. Therefore, number of cells which are produced in a month, their production speed up in few days. That cause piling up of extra skin cells in few days. That piling up of skin cells result in red or white scaly patches on skin. There are some Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats psoriasis. For example Arsenic-iod specifically treats psoriasis diffusa. Merc Sol specifically treats psoriasis caused by syphilitic causes. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that treat psoriasis. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
Unique identifying symptoms-
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Causes of psoriasis-
Psoriasis can be caused by a number of causes, which are-- Genetic factors- affected person has inherited genes that cause psoriasis from his parents.
- Auto-immune dysfunction- immune system cells named T-cells start attacking skin cells. That result in over production of new skin cells beyond required quantity. That causes piling of skin cells taking shape of scaly patches of psoriasis.
- Stress
- Heavy alcohol consumption.
- Injury
- Sunburns
- Side effects of anti-malarial medicines, B.P. medicines.
- Infection affecting immune system.
Know 10 Homoeopathic Medicines for treating Psoriasis in detail-
1) Arsenic-iod-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for Psoriasis diffusa. It treats dryness of skin found in psoriasis. It treats marked exfoliation of skin forming large scaly patches in psoriasis. It also treats marked itching that occurs in psoriasis.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for Psoriasis.
- Also treats acne along with psoriasis.
- Persistent corrosive discharges from mucous membrane of body.
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for Tuberculosis.
- Hoarse cough with profuse offensive expectoration.
- Night sweats.
- Eczema of beard.
2) Graphite-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for Psoriasis caused by psoric miasm. It treats rough hard, extremely dry skin of psoriasis. It also heals scaly patches that form on skin in psoriasis.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis caused by psoric miasm.
- It also treats acne and eczema. Also treats obesity that worsen psoriasis problem.
- Fatty person with psoriasis problem.
- Delayed menstrual past history .
3) Lycopodium-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for Psoriasis diffusa. It treats psoriasis problem that get worsen from warm application. It treats violent itching that happens in psoriasis. It treats thick scaly patches of psoriasis. It also treats dryness of skin that happens in psoriasis.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for Psoriasis diffusa.
- Patient have urinary and digestive problems along with psoriasis.
- Itching of psoriasis patches worsen in evening from 4 to 8 PM.
- Also treats acne and chronic eczema.
4) Mezereum-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis. It treats irresistible itching that happens in psoriasis. It treats that psoriasis whose itching aggravates on lying in bed or at night. It treats thick scaly red patches of psoriasis. It also treats skin eczema.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for Psoriasis.
- Patient sensitive to cold air that is why his psoriasis get worse in winter.
- It also treats eczema and dry ulcerative diseases of skin.
5) Natrum mur-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis. It treats violent itching that happens in psoriasis. It also treats violent itching of psoriasis. It treats psoriasis of bends of limbs, margin of scalp and behind ears. Psoriasis complaint of patient get worse from eating salt and on seashore.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis.
- Desire salty thing.
- Depression.
- Itching on psoriasis patches get worse between 9 to 11 AM in morning. Hypothermia of skin is very marked in this time period.
- Itching of psoriasis patches get worse after exertion.
- Aversion to music.
6) Phytolacca-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis. It treats itching and dryness caused by scaly patches of psoriasis. It treats psoriasis when it is in its first stage. It treats psoriasis caused by syphilitic causes. It treats psoriasis which gets aggravated from damp winter weather. It treats psoriasis associated with chronic rheumatism.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats psoriasis caused by syphilitic causes.
- Soreness, prostration and restlessness in general found whatever complaint patient narrates you.
- Glandular swelling.
- Treats disposition to boils on skin.
- Warts on moles on skin along with psoriasis.
7) Staphisagria-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis. It treats psoriasis of head, ears, face and body. It treats thick scaly patches formed by psoriasis on skin. It also treats violent itching that psoriasis cause. Itching lessened on previous patch on scratching, but starts on new patch. It treats psoriasis associated with arthritis.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis.
- Past history of humiliation.
- Very sensitive to what others say about her and reserved nature personality.
- Recurrent stress in eyes.
- Eczema.
8) Merc-sol-
It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis. It treats psoriasis caused by syphilitic miasm. It treats itching that happens on scaly patches of psoriasis. Psoriasis mostly aggravates in winter. It treats that type of psoriasis in which scaly patches are not that much dry, as much psoriasis patches usually are.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specific Homeopathic medicine for psoriasis caused by syphilitic miasm.
- Aphthae in mouth.
- Scaly patches of psoriasis are less dry.
- Psoriasis associated with rheumatic pains.
9) Sulphur-
It specifically treats psoriasis caused by psoric miasm. It treats dry, scaly patches of psoriasis. If after scratching on itching area, skin burns, it treats that type of psoriasis too. It treats that type of psoriasis, which is caused from side effects of allopathic medicines.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats psoriasis caused by psoric miasm.
- Treats psoriasis caused from side effects of allopathic medicines.
- Aggravation from washing, warmth, in evening, in spring and in damp weather.
10) Kali-ars-
It specifically treats psoriasis inveterata. It treats psoriasis itching that aggravates on undressing. It treats psoriasis, which aggravates during menses. If psoriasis itching is worse from warmth or walking, it treats that type of psoriasis too. It treats psoriasis of bends of arms and knees. It treats psoriasis associated with gouty complaints.Unique identifying symptoms-
- Specifically treats psoriasis inveterata.
- Also treats skin malignancy.
- Itching aggravation from warmth, walking, undressing.
Rules to follow with Homoeopathic treatment of Psoriasis for speedy recovery-
These tips if you follow with Homoeopathic treatment of psoriasis, will help in speedy recovery of psoriasis. They are-- Sunlight therapy- Sitting in exposure of sunlight for the 10 to 15 minutes only in midday helps in killing overactive T-cells that are causing psoriasis. But, do not sit more than that.
- Lose excess body weight- This is because overweight activate the problem. Reduction of excess body weight reduces severity of psoriasis.
- Reduce saturated fat intake.
- Stop consuming fatty protein like red meat on daily basis.
- Avoid consumption of fatty dairy products like cheese.
- Reduce stress by doing meditation or yoga.