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10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a psychological disorder. In it patient has some obsessive thoughts due to which he has repetitive behaviour of doing some thing repeatedly. This repeated behaviour affects his life in every sphere whether it is job or relationship or childhood life. There are some Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats obsessive compulsive disorder. For example, Arsenicum album treats obsession of doing perfect cleaning many times in day. Caracinosin treats obsession of perfection of order of things. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats obsessive compulsive disorder. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Example of obsessive compulsive disorder-

  • For example, washing hands 10 times before eating or doing any task. Normally people, wash their hands just once. But, patient of this disorder do that many times in one go. That means time span in which others have finished their meal, he is just washing his hands for about 15-30 minutes. 
  • Another example is checking lock 15 times, which other people just do check for 2 times. Sometimes, patient also make other members of family to do that thing repeatedly, which others do not like and it also doesn’t make sense to them,  why to do that thing repeatedly 10 times, which can be completed in one go. 

Know 10 Homoeopathic Medicines that treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in detail-

1) Anacardium orientale-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for obsessive compulsive disorder. It treats obsessive desire to swear and curse. It treats obsessive thoughts of suffering from a disease. It treats obsessive thoughts of somebody pursuing him while walking. It treats obsessive thoughts of hearing voices of dead people. It also treats problem of obsessively confused between two thoughts.

2) Arsenicum album-

It is one of the first grade specific Homeopathic medicine that treats obsessive compulsive disorder. It treats obsessive action of changing place consistently out of mental restlessness. It treats obsessive thoughts of fear of death. It also treats obsessive thoughts of being left alone. It treats obsessive thoughts of thinking medicine useless that it won’t help. It also treats obsessive suicidal thoughts.

3) Caracinosin-

It also specifally treats obsessive compulsive disorder. It treats obsessive action of repeadtly keeping everything in perfect order every minute. It also treats obsessive action of repeadtly maintaining and checking magazine like cleanliness. It treats obsessively reaching 3 hours before court hearing.

4) Hyoscyamus-

It is one of 1st grade specific Homeopathic medicine for obsessive compulsive disorder. It treats obsessive thoughts of repeatedly suspecting everybody. It treats obsessive habit of talking too much. It treats obsessive actions of uncovering body due to lascivious mania. It treats obsessive habit of laughing at everything. It also treats obsessive action of running away from situation. It also treats obsessive thoughts of being poisoned.

5) Ignatia-

It is also one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for obsessive compulsive disorder. It treats obsessive action of silently brooding. It also treats obsessive having of weeping on slight matters. It also treats obsessive habit of hysteria. It also treats obsessive thoughts of side effects of grief or excess worry.

6) Medorrhinum-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for obsessive compulsive disorder. It also treats obsessive habit of weeping when speaking. It also treats obsessive thoughts of hopelessness regarding recovery. It also treats obsessive habit of doing things in great hurry, due to which patient forgets what to do next. It also treats obsessive thoughts of going insane. It also treats obsessive thoughts of somebody behind him in dark. It also treats obsessive thoughts of suicide.

7) Natrum mur-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for obsessive compulsive disorder. It treats obsessive habit of taking salt in excess. It treats obsessive thoughts of grief, fright and anger. It treats depressive thoughts repeatedly coming in mind. It also treats obsessive habit of getting angry on consoling. It also treats obsessive habit of crying in alone. It also treats obsessive habit of weeping when laughing. It treats obsessive habit of getting irritated on slight matters.

8) Nux-vomica-

It is one of the first grade Homeopathic medicine that specifically treats obsessive compulsive disorder. It treats obsessive habit of getting irritated on slight matters. It treats obsessive habit of reproaching others repeatedly. It treats obsessive habit of fault finding in others. It treats obsessive habit of drinking alcohol, eating indigestible things, highly spicy and fatty things on routine basis.

9) Platinum metallicum-

It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine for obsessive compulsive disorder. It treats obsessive impulse coming in mind to kill. It treats obsessive thoughts of feeling himself superior and contempt for others.

10) Pulsatilla-

It is one of the first grade Homoeopathic medicine that is specifically prescribed for obsessive compulsive disorder. It treats obsessive habit of weeping easily on slight matters. It treats obsessive thoughts of fearing in dark, when alone and of ghosts. It treats obsessive habit of getting easily discouraged. It treats obsessive habit of getting highly emotional.

Causes of obsessive compulsive disorder-

Obsessive compulsive disorder can be caused by any of the following reasons-
  • Gender predisposition- common in women.
  • Age predisposition-  in teenagers and adults are affected more.
  • Hereditary from parents.
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Impact of incidence before accident happened.
  • Bad impact of domestic violence or sexual violence in childhood has created fear in mind of patient. That fear reminds of those obsessive thoughts coming in mind. Those obsessive thoughts just force patient do certain action to save himself from those violence thoughts coming in mind and also to save from that violence in future.

So, that was all regarding obsessive compulsive disorder’s Homoeopathic treatment. Knowledge of its causes in its patient helps in selecting right Homeopathic medicine for patient.

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