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9 Diseases that Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats

Baryta Carbonica is one of the best Homeopathic medicine for mental retardation. But, that is not all. It treats a number of diseases. Which diseases Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carbonica medicine treats? For example, it treats induration of glands. It also treats inflammation of tonsils. Like that there are around 9 types of diseases that Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb if selected on totality of symptoms, then it treats disease from root permanently.

Know 9 Diseases that Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats-

1) Mental retardation, even after attaining young age-

If patient has grown in body size, has become an adult; but, brain wise, his or her nature is that of a child, then he suffers from mental retardation. This type of patient when enters into your clinic, he or she is of adult age and you would be expecting, behavior of that age; but, when patient starts speaking, patient’s behavior is that of a child that you would never expect, from person of an adult age. That is, mental retardation. Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats this type of mental retardation, found in patient.
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2) Indurated glands-

This is very important complaint that Baryta Carb treats. If, most of glands of patient are inflamed and hard; which on most of time, is main culprit behind, dwarfish growth and development of patient. Homoeopathic medicine treats induration of glands, wonderfully.

3) Takes cold easily-

This is very troublesome complaint that some patients suffer from. They take cold very easily. Whenever, weather changes, if you are first to suffer, from cold than anybody else; such kind of disposition, Baryta Carb treats wonderfully.

4) Does not understand things easily, so late in learning and always have lowest marks in exams-

Some patient suffers from late learning. Whether, a good trainer train him or her or a best one, train him or her; he or she does not understand a bit. If he or she somehow understands a bit; then forget next day; when teacher ask it in class. So, you understand what problem is?
  • Problem is, how much better you teach this type of child or adult, a class lesson or a simple task; both of them, first of all will not understand, easily; but, if they somehow managed; then they are going to, forget it easily.
  • This type of learning and understanding problem Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats wonderfully.

5) Always a back bencher in class and 1st to hide, when guest come in home-

A low learning child, whenever you find him or her in class, you will never find him or her in front row of class.
  • The reason being, does not know answers of questions that teacher will ask; out of lack of knowledge, thinks first row seaters will be asked first, if he or she sits in first row.
  • Theory of sitting on back benches is that he or she is hidden, from sight of teacher and will never be asked.
  • The same theory is, in scenario, when guest come to home, he or she out of lack of confidence, hides in another room.
This type of escape from situation because of low confidence because of lack of knowledge, Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats wonderfully.

6) Tonsils have inflammation-

Yes, inflammation of tonsils is, one another problem that Baryta Carbonica treats. If it occurs with difficulty in swallowing, then Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats that too.

7) Cough with own different story-

A patient has night cough, with hoarseness of voice. Sometimes, hoarseness of voice is so much that clarity of voice, is lost. Cough mostly occurs, in change of weather. Patient on slight change of weather get slight cold; his or her this aliment of cough starts, which most of time, gets aggravated at night. This type of cough with particular hoarseness of voice Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats wonderfully.

8) Headache of its own different type-

A patient narrate feeling that he or she feels in head, when pain of headache is there. That feeling is that there is some pressure felt, on head; due to which, it feels that brian will fall, from both sides of head. This type of headache Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats wonderfully.

9) No sexual desire-

This is because, glands for creating such desires, in patient are not properly developed. Because of that patient has low sexual desire. Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats that too.

So, that was all regarding 9 types of diseases that Homoeopathic medicine Baryta Carb treats wonderfully. 

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