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9 Problems from which Patient of Homoeopathic Medicine Natrum Sulphuricum Suffers

Homoeopathic medicine Natrum Sulphuricum is basically a sycotic remedy. Having sycotic miasm as its base, this medicine treats diseases of sycotic nature. Which diseases comes under sycotic miasm? Well, those are many. But, there are specific sycotic problems that patient of this medicine suffer.
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Know 9 Problems from which patient of Homoeopathic medicine Natrum Sulphuricum suffer

1) Headache-

Yes, Natrum Sulphuricum cures headache, but that is of its own kind. It’s kind of headache is that in which, patient feels that during headache his head will fall, from side on which he is resting his head. Problem is not only limited to that feeling. There is one more problem with it.
  • That is that headache is brought from mental exertion too. If patient has past history of head injury; then too he or she suffers from complaint of frequent headaches. 
  • There is one particular timing of headache too and that timing is that is of morning. 
  • Location of headache is occipital, which is back of head. 

2) Photophobia/complaints from looking into light-

Yes, this is one of the main complaint of patient of Homoeopathic medicine Natrum Sulphuricum. Patient says, if she slightly looks towards light, pain starts in her eyes. Because of this pain from light, she has aversion to light.
  • If you go in room of such patient, you will see all curtains down, not a single ray of light there. And if you switch on light, she has harsh objection to it. The reason being pain in eyes, from looking towards light.

3) Diarrhoea-

Morning diarrhoea is one another problem. Most of time, when patient goes to toilet to micturate, there comes no stool, only obstructed flats passes.
  • But, if somehow stool comes then that is copious that burns the passage. Colour of stool is greenish and too much offensive. Stool is very thin in consistency.

4) Gonorrhoea- 

Gonorrhoea is one another problem from which patient suffers. Gonorrhoea of patient of Natrum Sulphuricum is different in its colour. That colour which it has is greenish. It is burning in nature.
  • Because of its burning nature, it causes great itching from where it passes. 
  • This medicine also cures condylomata and because of its sycotic miasm base, it can be cured only with sycotic remedy like Natrum Sulphuricum.

5) Cough-

Natrum Sulphuricum cures paroxysmal cough in patient. If patient feels, “all gone sensation” in chest, whenever he coughs; then it can be cured only with Natrum Sulphuricum. This medicine cures cough in which patient secret lot of sputum. That sputum is thick and ropy in consistency and colour which it has is greenish.

6) Humid asthma-

It is one more problem that can be controlled only with Natrum Sulphuricum. But, why Humid asthma can be cured only with this remedy? This is because humid asthma has sycotic miasm as its base, which can be cured only with sycotic remedy. Homoeopathic medicine Natrum Sulphuricum is a sycotic remedy that has capability to cure sycotic miasm based problems. Asthma in this medicine case is caused by lot of expectoration accumulated in chest.

7) Skin problems-

Skin problems that Natrum Sulphuricum cures is that of vesicular eruption kind. It also cures water blisters formed on fingers. In this problem patient usually says that she always feels her hands wet.
  • This is because constantly some watery fluid oozes out from skin of their fingers. 
  • Scabies is also sphere of action of this medicine, which it cures. Wart or condylomata, if you have any that this medicine have capability of curing.

8) Stomach or liver problems-

Under stomach problems Natrum Sulphuricum cures pain in abdomen, associated with incidence of vomiting of bile.
  • It also cures gall-stone colic under liver problems by converting diseased bile into healthy bile.
  • It cures problem of pain in right hypochondria, in which patient has difficulty in lying on painful side, but can’t lay on non-painful side for long too.

9) Suicidal thoughts-

Patient is so much mentally tired of his body aliments that she does not want to live. She doesn’t commit suicide, but always took of suicidal thoughts.
  • Aversion to company, doesn’t want to talk to anybody or meet anybody. 
  • A slight mental exertion or tension causes headache.

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