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7 Complaints that Homoeopathic Mother Tincture Berberis Vulgaris Cures

You must have listened  about Homoeopathic mother tincture Berberis Vulgaris. It is vey famous in Homoeopathic field for, its wonderful curing properties. But, do you know, which wonderful properties are they ? Well, they are mentioned below, in rest of article body-

There are many aliments, for prescription of Homoeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris; but, there are 7 specific problems, for which Homoeopathic mother tincture Berberis Vulgaris is specifically, prescribed-

1) Radiating pains that shoot to every direction, from site of origin-

You must have listened  about different type of pains, located at different locations in different Homoeopathic remedies. So, you must be thinking in that way, about  Berberis Vulgaris’s pain that it will be located at particular place.

  • But, there is no such thing, in fact, totally opposite of that.
  • Yes, it is main highlighting and identifying point of, identification of patient of Homoeopathic mother tincture Berberis Vulgaris that pain in this case is not restricted to one place.
  • It radiates to sideways, to near by locations, from its place of origin. For example, if there is pain in knee, then its place of origin, for example, if it is knee, then pain will radiate in both directions, above as well as below of knee.

2) Gouty complaints and rheumatic complaints-

Patient of this mother tincture, mostly complaints of gouty and rheumatic pains, which mainly originates from joints of fingers and toes and as described above shoots to sideways.

  • That means, they are not limited to joint of a finger and a toe ; on opposite, they radiates to rest of the finger and toes, from its origin place “joint”.

3) Treats kidney stone colic, associated with problem of, difficulty in riding in carriage-

Yes, Homoeopathic mother tincture treats problem of kidney stones, too. It crushes the kidney stone inside and flush it out through urinary system; therefore, eliminates need of surgery.

  • There is one another problem associated with kidney stone and that is- kidney stone pain. If kidney stone patient says that whenever he steps out of car, kidney stone pain start  disturbing him very much. He or she needs to stand out in particular posture from a car seat.
  • But, if he or she is not able to stand out in a particular posture from a car seat; due to some jar felt, from touch of car, during standing procedure; then that kidney stone pain, which is earlier felt in low back, now radiates to whole of the back, from its place of origin.

4) Treats gallstone with white stool problem-

Yes, Homoeopathic mother tincture Berberis Vulgaris treats gall stone problem, too. Like, it crushes kidney stone and flush it away; the similar procedure it do with gallstone too.

  • Just like, lower back pain of kidney stone radiates; the same way pain of gall stone colic too, radiates from right side of abdomen to rest of abdomen.
  • The patient does not have coloured stool on micturition, due to absence of bile; they have white or clay coloured stool; when they have gallstone in their abdomen.

5) Weak memory and see ghosts in twilight-

As, it is taught in Homoeopathic case taking, always ask any mind tension from patient. He or she will definitely narrate you some or none; based on their open or hiding nature.

  • If patient says that he or she has only one tension that he or she see ghosts in twilight; a time between, before day end and before night start. This is his or her first tension.
  • The second tension, which he or she has is that of weak memory.

6) Headache storyline revolves around skull cap-

Yes, this is a kind of headache that Berberis Vulgaris mother tincture patient suffers from. That headache is that pain of it is not located in one part of head.

  • Patient will describe it like that I can’t say which part of head is paining. I can only say that pain is shooting to every direction of head, giving feeling of enlarging head bound in some tight bound skull cap; which I want to remove, with both hands from head, with hands pushing back on forehead to remove that skull cap; but unable to remove that.

7) Stool clay coloured, white and burning urine-

Yes, one very identifying feature for prescription of this remedy is that patient suffers from problem of clay coloured or white coloured stools, with sand like deposits in urine and has uric acid diathesis.

  • And, you will definitely find some kidney, liver or heart malfunction problem in Berberis Vulgaris mother tincture patient.

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