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10 Homoeopathic Medicines for Aphthae in Mouth

Aphthae in mouth occurs out of digestive problems. They occur most of time when you consume warm things like chicken daily, especially two times a day in summer. Human body is not designed to digest that much protein overload in a day. That excess protein requires lot of energy, water and oxygen molecules for digestion. Digestion of that overload quantity cause deficiency of vitamin B, iron and folic acid in body. Their deficiency cause aphthae in mouth. Homeopathic medicine that cures them are for example, Aethusa cynapium, Hydrastis, Phytolacca and Arsenicum album. Like them, there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that cure aphthae in mouth. Let discuss each of them in detail.
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Causes of Aphthae in mouth are for example-

  • Consumption of warm things in excess 
  • Consumption of meat protein in excess 
  • Stress
  • Stomatitis or gastrointestinal disease

Know 10 Homeopathic medicines for Aphthae in mouth-

1) Aethusa Cynapium-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats aphthae in mouth as well in throat. It also treats difficulty in swallowing that occurs with aphthae. Patient describes that difficulty in swallowing as stinging sensation in throat. Patient says he feels like his tongue is very long since these aphthae have occurred. This is concomitant symptom that occurs with aphthae. It also treats pungent heat in mouth and throat that occurs with these aphthae in mouth as well as in throat.

2) Phytolacca-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats aphthae that occurs inside mouth on right side of oral cavity.  These aphthae are very painful to touch. Phytolacca treats that severe aphthae pain that is making difficult to chew food on right side of oral cavity. It also treats burning on back of tongue that occurs with aphthae. It also treats profusely, thick, ropy salivation that occurs with aphthae.

3) Arsenicum-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats those aphthae in mouth that are bluish in colour. These bluish coloured aphthae pain too much. It also treats thrush in mouth that occurs with these aphthae. It treats both type of aphthae that occurs on inside of cheek as well as on tongue.

4) Borax-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats those aphthae in mouth that occurs mostly in children and old people. It treats those aphthae that occur on inside of cheek only. It also treats heat and dryness that occurs along with these aphthae. It also treats pain that occurs with these aphthae that causes difficulty in chewing.

5) Hydrastis-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats follicular and catarrhal type of aphthae in mouth. It also treats excessive mucus secreted by these type of aphthae. It also treats foul smell caused by these aphthae in mouth. Thick white coating on tongue is also found with these type of aphthae as concomitant symptom.

6) Nitric acid-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats aphthae caused after abuse of mercury. It treats aphthae that occur on tongue only. There occurs tough ropy mucus along with tongue aphthae. Foetid and acrid saliva is cause of these type of tongue aphthae. Acrid saliva have made lips, chin and cheek sore along with tongue. The patient suffers from this type of ropy mucus emitting tongue aphthae. Patient of this medicine usually have yellow teeth as concomitant symptom.

7) Staphisagria-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats aphthae that occur on mouth and tongue. It also treats painful excrescences caused by these aphthae on cheeks. It treats ulcerated bleeding gums and foul breath that occurs as concomitant symptom with these type of aphthae. Patient of this medicine is very reserved nature.

8) Sulphuric acid-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats aphthae that occur inside of mouth as well as on gums. It also treats severe pain of aphthae that is causing difficulty in speaking. When patient tries to speak, it feels like elasticity of vocal mechanism has lost. It feel very weak.

9) Muriatic acid-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats vesicular aphthae that occurs on tongue. Along with aphthae with black base, there occurs swelling of gums as concomitant symptom. Because of that swelling teeth are loose. It also treats excess mucus that occurs with these type of aphthae. It also treats foul breath that is associated with these type of aphthae as concomitant symptom.

10) Baptisia-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats aphthae of tongue. Along with these aphthae patient suffers from ulcerated gums that are loose, dark red or purple coloured. It also treats filthy taste in mouth caused by excessive salivation. It also treats soreness and dryness caused by aphthae on tongue.


If you follow right diet, chances of re-occurrence of aphthae in mouth decrease. If somehow they are re-occurring because of breaking norm of right diet; then mentioned above are 10 Homoeopathic medicine for that. Homoeopathic prescription requires right potency and dose of right medicine that work individually for you. Therefore, do not make mistake of selecting wrong for you. Let Homoeopathic doctor do that work because he is expert in that.

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