Homoeopathic medicine Phosphorus is very beneficial for ear and nose health. It benefits by curing various problems of ear. Among which are deafness, polyps in ears. It also cures violent itching and congestion of ear. Homoeopathic medicine Phosphorus also treats by curing various problems of nose. Among which are nasal catarrh, bloody coryza and constant sneezing. It also cures necrosis of nasal bone. Lets, have a look at all the benefits of this medicine for ear and nose in detail.
This medicine Phosphorus cures problem of deafness, if any person has. But, why deafness occurs? It occurs because of inability to understand articulation of human voice. Phosphorus medicine treats that inability responsible for deafness.
But, this articulation problem only doctor knows, not patient. Patient will narrate it like something has covered his ear. That covering has blocked sound waves to enter into ear. Deafness with such kind of reason is case of Phosphorus medicine. It cures that kind of case very easily.
2) Treats itching, congestion and pain in ear-
Phosphorus medicine also treats problem of violent itching. Congestion of external ear and polyps can be cured with this medicine. That is one of the another benefit of this medicine. Pain results out of above ear diseases. Sometimes it is tearing pain and sometimes throbbing. Sometimes, it feels like burning in ear, which results out of itching.
Phosphorus treats nasal catarrh with yellow to green coloured, blood streaked mucus. It also treats copious coryza. If your cold has started in nose, but now have reached to chest, it also treats that. If coryza is copious, bloody watery, greenish to yellow, then Phosphorus also treats that.
2) Treats dry cough alternating with fluent coryza-
Phosphate treats this problem too. Sometimes it happen that most of the day you have dry cough. But, when you go to warm room fluent coryza starts. Both alternate with each other. This kind of alternation is found in sore throat of scarlet fever.
Sometimes, in spite of fluent coryza, nose feels dry. Phosphorus treats this problem too. Phosphorus medicine treats constant sneezing too. If patient have dry cough, with blood streaked, green to yellow coloured expectoration Phosphorus treats that too. If that coloured expectoration occurs more in morning, Phosphorus treats that too.
3) Treats copious nasal haemorrhage and swelling of nose-
Sometimes patient has copious bright red haemorrhage from nose. Phosphorus treats that. If your nose is red, swollen and sensitive to touch, Phosphorus treats that too.
4) Treats bleeding nasal polypi and necrosis of nasal bone-
Sometimes people suffer from nasal polyp, which bleed. Phosphorus treats that. If patient’s nasal scan shows, necrosis of nasal bone; Phosphorus treats that. Because of bleeding from nose, nose smell bad. Phosphorus medicine finish that bad odour.
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Image Source - https://pixabay.com/en/allergy-cold-disease-flu-girl-18656/ |
Benefits of Homoeopathic medicine Phosphorus for Ear
1) Cure deafness-This medicine Phosphorus cures problem of deafness, if any person has. But, why deafness occurs? It occurs because of inability to understand articulation of human voice. Phosphorus medicine treats that inability responsible for deafness.
But, this articulation problem only doctor knows, not patient. Patient will narrate it like something has covered his ear. That covering has blocked sound waves to enter into ear. Deafness with such kind of reason is case of Phosphorus medicine. It cures that kind of case very easily.
2) Treats itching, congestion and pain in ear-
Phosphorus medicine also treats problem of violent itching. Congestion of external ear and polyps can be cured with this medicine. That is one of the another benefit of this medicine. Pain results out of above ear diseases. Sometimes it is tearing pain and sometimes throbbing. Sometimes, it feels like burning in ear, which results out of itching.
Benefits of Homoeopathic medicine Phosphorus for Nose
1) Treats nasal catarrh and coryza-Phosphorus treats nasal catarrh with yellow to green coloured, blood streaked mucus. It also treats copious coryza. If your cold has started in nose, but now have reached to chest, it also treats that. If coryza is copious, bloody watery, greenish to yellow, then Phosphorus also treats that.
2) Treats dry cough alternating with fluent coryza-
Phosphate treats this problem too. Sometimes it happen that most of the day you have dry cough. But, when you go to warm room fluent coryza starts. Both alternate with each other. This kind of alternation is found in sore throat of scarlet fever.
Sometimes, in spite of fluent coryza, nose feels dry. Phosphorus treats this problem too. Phosphorus medicine treats constant sneezing too. If patient have dry cough, with blood streaked, green to yellow coloured expectoration Phosphorus treats that too. If that coloured expectoration occurs more in morning, Phosphorus treats that too.
3) Treats copious nasal haemorrhage and swelling of nose-
Sometimes patient has copious bright red haemorrhage from nose. Phosphorus treats that. If your nose is red, swollen and sensitive to touch, Phosphorus treats that too.
4) Treats bleeding nasal polypi and necrosis of nasal bone-
Sometimes people suffer from nasal polyp, which bleed. Phosphorus treats that. If patient’s nasal scan shows, necrosis of nasal bone; Phosphorus treats that. Because of bleeding from nose, nose smell bad. Phosphorus medicine finish that bad odour.