Cold drinks these days have become a craze. You will see every child and young adult consuming them. They do not know, drink that they are consuming have side effects. It erodes teeth enamel, cause hypertension and many more side effects. It also cause cardiovascular diseases. Lets have a look at all the side effects that cold drinks cause.
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Side effects cold drinks have due to excess quantity of sugar and salt it contain. Amount of sugar and salt present in them is above normal limit required by body.
8 Side effects that cold drinks cause to body-
1) Cause asthma-
This is major side effect caused by cold drinks. How cold drinks cause that? That they do by sodium benzoate present in them. Sodium benzoate decrease potassium in body when present in food or cold drink that you consume. That reduced potassium create appropriate niche for development of asthma, eczema and rashes on body.
2) Cause heart diseases-
Fructose syrup is usually added to sweet cold drinks. This syrup present in them increase glycaemic index inside body. Chronically increased glycaemic index by consuming sweet cold drinks, increases risk of diabetes and heart diseases in future.
3) Cause dehydration-
Cold drinks cause dehydration by osmosis. This osmosis is caused because of pressure gradient. This osmotic pressure gradient is created by excess sodium and sugar present in cold drinks. Osmosis brings out water from cells of body and make them dehydrated. With consumption of cold drinks on everyday basis, this dehydration become chronic.
4) Erodes enamel of teeth-
Everybody is almost aware of this popular side effect of cold drinks. But, how cold drinks erodes tooth enamel? That, cold drinks do because of reactive solvent present in them. That reactive solvent alone can’t do not nothing. When it mix with saliva and stomach acid, it becomes more acidic. That acidity of that solvent is sufficient to erode tooth enamel.
5) Cause digestive system related diseases-
Cold drinks can also weaken your digestive system. Weak digestive system often suffer from diseases. But, how cold drinks do that? Cold drinks do that because of Phosphoric acid present in them. Phosphoric acid raise the acidity level of stomach. That is why, person consuming them often suffers from acidity, indigestion and flatulent abdomen.
6) Cause kidney disease-
Cold drinks also impact your kidneys. Because of dehydration caused by cold drinks, urine becomes concentrated. Kidney keep on collecting salts and lack of water in body leads to formation of kidney stones in body.
7) Cause osteoporosis of bones-
Cold drinks also cause osteoporosis of bones. How cold drinks cause that? Cold drinks do that because of high pressure gradient created by excess salt present in them. That pressure gradient deplete calcium from bones. Depletion of calcium from bones results in osteoporosis of bones. Osteoporotic bones fracture easily because of less strength in them.
8) Cause high blood pressure-
Cold drinks raise blood pressure because of excess sodium present in them.