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7 Problems that Homoeopathic Medicine Hepar Sulph patient Suffers from

Today’s topic is medicine named Hepar Sulph. Patient of this medicine suffers from lot of problems. Which problems are those? Well, those are mentioned below, number wise-
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Mind wise impulsive and oversensitive-
This is main complaint of Hepar Sulph patient. If a patient gets irritated on slight matter, quarrel on little topics; then that is Hepar Sulph. There are lots of people who are quarrelsome. But, there is one particular thing regarding quarrelling nature of Hepar Sulph.
  • And that is, if he becomes too much angry and irritated after quarrelling with you; then he can suddenly stab you. Yes, patient becomes so much impulsive during anger that he can kill you. During anger, “killing, throwing in fire, stabbing” such kinds of thoughts come into mind of Hepar Sulph patient. 
  • Because of his such kind of anger, he keep changing places where he resides. But, problem remains same because at new place with new people, he again get angry on slight topics. And same quarrel and impulsive problem start again.
Oversensitive physically too, gets easily affected by cold-
Not only patient is oversensitive mentally , but physically too. Yes, patient is too much oversensitive body wise that he is easily affected by cold. If patient is totally covered except on mouth and if her hand or feet get uncovered and exposed to cold air, she catches cold. Such sensitivity to cold air patient has.

Tendency to inflammation and suppuration with offensive discharges-
Hepar Sulph patient usually have inflammation and suppuration problem in different parts of body. Discharges from these suppurating parts smell offensive. That offensive smell is sour like smell of old decomposed cheese.

Catarrh state of eye, nose, ear, throat and bladder-
Catarrh state in general run through the whole body of patient. But, it is most extensively found in eye, nose, ear, throat and bladder area. And in all areas this catarrh is caused by exposure to cold wind.
  • Nose – In nose, most commonly patient has running copious offensive coryza, started after exposure to cold wind. Offensive smell is that of old decomposed cheese.  This copious discharge causes ulceration in patches, from where it passes and make that ulcerated area painful. 
  • Throat – Same catarrh story is found in mucous membrane of throat. Excess catarrh in throat with copious discharge causes pain on swallowing food. 
  • Larynx – In larynx also there is hoarse barking cough that causes difficulty in talking. This cough is caused by exposure to cold wind from slight uncovering on hand and foot. Much croup in larynx causes splinter like pain in larynx, which gets aggravated in morning and evening.
  • Ear – In ear too, there is extensive catarrh in middle ear, which causes abscess that ruptures drum of ear. On rupture, bloody offensive discharge comes out from ear, which smell like old decomposed cheese. 
  • Eye – In eye, too there is same story of catarrh causing localised inflammation of eye, with catarrhal discharge that smell offensive. Discharge is copious also that is why it causes ulceration of margins of eyelids. 
  • Bladder – In bladder too, there is catarrh of bladder that causes offensive, copious discharge that smell like old cheese. Extreme catarrh causes thickening of wall of bladder that causes difficulty in passing urine. Due to difficulty, urine falls perpendicularly drop wise. Copious leucorrhoea is found in women with offensive smell and offensive gonorrhoea in men. 
Antidotes side effects of mercury- 
Treats diseases of old people that are caused by side effects of chronic use of mercury as medicine.

Chronic syphilitic problems-
It also treats symptoms of chronic syphilis that are caused by or treated by mercury.

Removes little foreign bodies beneath subcutaneous layer of body-
Due to its ability to cause suppuration, Hepar Sulph expels  out little foreign bodies from body, for example tiny pieces of glass or needle. But, do not use it in people, which have tubercular deposits in lungs.

Yes, it is main and only warning of this medicine that do not use it in those patients, who already have too much suppuration in body. It will not help to remove deposits there, on opposite it will worsen there suppuration near to life threatening death.

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