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Benefits of Homoeopathic medicine Phosphorus for Head, Brain and Scalp

Phosphorus is very good remedy for headache problem. It also cures various kinds of brain problems too. It treats different types of scalp problems. It also treats hairfall and dandruff. It also treats atrophy of brain. Lets look at all the head symptoms that Phosphorus medicine treats.

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Benefits of Phosphorus for your head-

Treats headache-
It treats following types of headaches
  • Violent neuralgic headache.
  • Congestive headache.
  • Throbbing headache. 
  • Periodical headaches.
Along with these headaches patient feels burning in head. During headache, face of patient is flushed red and feels hot to touch. Muscles of faces on pull are very stiff. Forehead feels like bound with some bandage, which patient wants to loosen. Such sensations when occur with headache can only be treated with Phosphorus.

Type of pain that occur during headache-
Phosphorus treats the violent, neuralgic pains that occur during above types of headaches. It is like something tearing the head.
  • Sometimes pain is kind of like something pressing upon head. That pain does not let patient lie down. He has to sit up to stop this pain.
Treats headache based on cause-
Sometimes, headache are caused by exertion of mind and becoming overheated. That kind of headache can be easily treated with Phosphorus.
  • If headache is aggravated from consumption of warm things, it also treats that. 
  • If headache is caused from apoplectic congestion of head, then it also treats that. Phosphorus patient cannot tolerate noise or light during headache.
Above kind of  headaches are mostly relieved from cold things and rest.

Benfits of Phosphorus for your Brain-

Phosphorus treats following types of brain problems-
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  • Phosphorus is superb remedy for treatment of acute hydrocephalus.
  • It treats in very excellent way chronic inflammation of meninges of brain. In this problem, brain becomes very soft.
  • Atrophy of brain and medulla oblongata can be treated with Phosphorus. Atrophy of brain is reason why patient behaves so violently and progressing towards insanity. Phosphorus treats this problem, but condition is it should be started in very starting of this disease. This is because when atrophy has taken shape above starting stage; then Phosphorus will not help.

Benefits of Phosphorus for your Scalp-

Phosphorus medicine treats following kind of scalp problems-

Treats Dandruff-
If dandruff is present in almost in whole of the scalp, Phosphorus treats it wonderfully. Dandruff in scalp occurs when patient does not let hairs to dry. It always occurs in wet hair. If patient keeps hair wet to soothe headache, take this medicine, it treats both headache and dandruff.
Treats hair fall in patches-
If hairs fall from certain areas, it creates bald patches in scalp. Phosphorus treats this type of hair fall too.
  • Remaining hairs that remains apart from these bald patches, feels pulled. Patient wants to loosen them and hang down to get relief. But , that relief is temporary; Phosphorus treats this problem completely. 
  • If bald patches become spot of scaly eruptions, Phosphorus treats them too.

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