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8 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treat Uterine Fibroid

Uterine fibroid are benign tumours of uterus. Sometimes, they occur inside smooth muscle of uterus. Sometimes, they are attached to inner linings of uterus. Sometime, they occur in single in number and sometimes in clusters. Homoeopathy medicine Thlaspi bursa treats, haemorrhagic uterine fibroid, found in woman approaching menopause. Homoeopathic medicine Calcareous carbonica treats uterine fibroid, found in obese woman. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicine that specifically treats uterine fibroid. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.
Subserosal uterine fibroid
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Uterine fibroid are benign tumours, which are non-cancerous in nature. Mostly, when a woman suffers from uterine fibroid, she suffers from menstrual bleeding. But, in some woman scanty menses, also occur with uterine fibroid. Other symptoms of uterine fibroid are backache, pain in abdomen or pelvic pain.

8 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat uterine fibroid-

1) Calcarea carbonica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats, haemorrhagic uterine fibroid.
It also treats uterine fibroid caused, due to impaired nutrition.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid, of scrofulous and rachitic woman.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid caused, due to hormonal disorders of pituitary and thyroid glands.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid of obese woman, who suffer from leuco-phlegmatic temperament.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid with profuse, prolonged menses and milky leucorrhoea.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid of woman, who suffer from lymphatic disorders, deficient lactation and swelling of breasts.

2) Natrum muriaticum-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats uterine fibroid caused, due to hormonal disorders of thyroid gland.
  • It also treat non-haemorrhagic uterine fibroid, with irregular menses and acrid leucorrhoea.
  • It specifically treat prolapse of uterus, with pain in urethra. 
  • It also treats uterine fibroid of woman, who suffer from diabetes, rheumatism, gout or anaemia.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid of woman, who suffer from, ill effects of prolonged grief.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid of woman, who suffer from gastric diseases or skin diseases.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid, with bearing down pains.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid of woman, who is approaching menopause.

3) Phosphorus-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats haemorrhagic uterine fibroid.
  • It also treat uterine fibroid with early, but scanty menses. It also treats uterine fibroid, with scanty bleeding, in-between two menstrual periods.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid of woman, who suffer from suppurative breast abscess.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid caused, due to destructive metabolism.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid of woman, who suffer from profuse corrosive leucorrhoea and weak bones due to bone caries.

4) Sepia-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treat uterine fibroid, of menopausal woman as well as of woman, who is approaching menopause.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid, with scanty and irregular menses.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid of woman, who have narrow pelvis and suffer from bearing down pains.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid of woman, who suffer from venous congestion of portal system.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid of woman, who complaints of ball like sensation in uterus.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid of woman, who suffer from chronic hepatic diseases and uterine problems.

5) Calcarea Flourica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats bleeding uterine fibroid.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid, caused due to impaired nutrition.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid, caused due to hormonal disorders of thyroid glands.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid caused, due to congenital hereditary syphilis.

6) Thyroidinum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats uterine fibroid caused, due to hormonal imbalance of thyroid gland.
  • It also treats fibroid of breast.
  • It specifically treats stony, hard uterine fibroid, of obese woman.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid of woman, who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid of woman, who have delayed growth milestones in childhood.

7) Thlaspi Bursa-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats haemorrhagic uterine fibroid, with backache with bruised soreness.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid of woman, who suffer from increased uric acid levels.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid caused, due to suppression of uterine diseases. 
  • It also treats uterine fibroid with, history of one menses starting immediately after stoppage of first.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid with bloody, offensive leucorrhoea that stains.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid, with frequent and copious menses, with pain in uterus.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid, with sore pain in uterus on rising.

8) Trillium Pendulum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats haemorrhagic uterine fibroid, with history of haemorrhage occurring on least movement.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid with present history of yellow, stringy and copious leucorrhoea.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid that occurs near menopause.
  • It also treats uterine fibroid with past history of threatened abortion.
  • It specifically treats uterine fibroid with pain in hips and back, during uterine haemorrhage. It also treats uterine pain, which feels like hip and back are broken into pieces.

So, that was all regarding 8 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat uterine fibroid. 

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