Cervical pain is very common pain these days in people, who have to do sitting work. It is common in computer operators, writers, office workers and call centre operators. They bend their neck, while doing sitting work. That bending alters the curve of cervical spine in neck region. That altered curve causes cervical pain. Homoeopathic medicine Belladonna specifically treats cervical pain of thyroid patients. Homoeopathic medicine Rhus toxicidendron treats cervical pain caused due to exposure to draught of cold damp air. Like that there are around total 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats cervical pain. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
So, that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat cervical pain.
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Image Source - https://pixabay.com/photos/neck-neck-pain-glasses-therapist-3739667/ |
Causes of cervical pain-
Cervical pain can occur due to various reasons, which are-- Rheumatism
- Gout
- Arthritis
- Degenerative changes in bone, disc or vertebrae of neck area
- Muscle strain of neck muscles
- Injury
- Change in curve of cervical spine of neck due to sitting in wrong posture for long time. That wrong posture is neck bend forward, not in alignment with chair. It needs to be sitting straight, to be in normal cervical spine curve.
10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat cervical pain-
1) Belladonna-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats neck pain of cervical spondylitis.- It also treats cervical pain caused, from coughing in excess.
- It treats cervical pain that extends from neck to occiput and vertex. Occiput is lower back area of head. Vertex is top middle area of head.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that occurs on turning head.
- It also treats cervical pain of thyroid patient.
- It specifically treats stiffness and swelling in neck caused due to cervical pain.
2) Causticum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats pain of cervical spondylitis.- It also treats cervical pain caused after wearing something around neck for example, collar, muffler or scarf.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that extends from neck to shoulder and vertex.
- It also treats cervical pain caused out of neuralgic reason, that is disturbance with some nerve in neck area. In this pain, where affected nerve passes, pain also extends there, along with occurring in neck region.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that occurs at night.
- It also treats cervical pain caused due to paralysis.
- It specifically treats cervical pain caused due to rheumatism.
- It also treats cervical pain of dark complexion, but rigid persons.
3) Phosphoricum acidum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats cervical spondylitis.- It also treats cervical pain caused after ascending up stairs.
- It specifically treats cervical pain of young people, who grow fast; but do over exertion, both brain wise as well as physically, body wise.
- It also treats cervical pain caused due to loss of vital fluids or any acute disease.
4) Glononine-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats cervical pain that extends from neck to occiput and vertex.- It also treats cervical pain that occurs on lying down.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that occurs on turning head.
- It also treats cervical pain that occurs on night.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that occurs in menopausal woman.
- It also treats cervical pain of type writer and computer operators.
5) Gelsemium-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats cervical pain that extends from neck to clavicles. Clavicle is a bone, which lays horizontally between, shoulder and neck bones.- It also treats cervical pain that extends from neck to all over. For example, to clavicles, occiput, shoulder and upwards to vertex.
- It specifically treats cervical pain caused due to rheumatism.
- It also treats cervical pain of writers.
- It specifically treats cervical pain caused due to post-diphtheritic paralysis.
- It also treats cervical pain that occurs in cold damp weather.
- It specifically treats cervical pain of cigarette makers.
6) Calcarea phosphorica-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats cervical pain caused due to change of weather.- It also treats cervical pain of students that occurs in puberty.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that occurs in afternoon.
- It also treats cervical pain caused due to weak bone strength, due to nutritional deficiency of calcium.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that occurs from draught of air.
- It also treats cervical pain that extends from neck to ear, larynx, occiput and shoulders.
- It specifically treats cervical pain caused due to rheumatism.
- It also treats cervical pain that occurs on alternating sides of neck.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that occurs, when swallowing food or drink.
- It also treats cervical pain that occurs when walking.
7) Rhododendron-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats cervical pain, that occurs when patient is resting.- It also treats cervical pain that occurs in morning.
- It specifically treats cervical pain caused, due to rheumatism and gout.
- It also treats cervical pain that occurs in summer and stormy weather or change of weather.
- It specifically treats stiffness caused, due to cervical pain.
8) Silicea-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats cervical pain caused due to exposure to draught of cold air.- It also treats cervical pain that extends from neck to upwards to vertex, head, occiput and eyes.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that occurs on periodical basis.
- It also treats cervical pain caused due to rheumatism.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that is so painful that does not let patient sleep.
- It also treats cervical pain caused due to nutritional deficiency.
- It specifically treats cervical pain of office workers.
9) Rhus toxicidendron-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats cervical pain, caused due to rheumatism.- It also treats cervical pain caused due to exposure to draught of damp cold air.
- It specifically treats cervical pain, in which pain in neck extends to arms and vertex.
- It also treats cervical pain that occurs on turning head.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that occurs from sitting in wrong position.
10) Ranunculus bulbosus-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats cervical pain of chronic alcoholics.- It also treats cervical pain caused after exposure to draught of cold damp air.
- It specifically treats cervical pain that extends from neck to left shoulder.
- It also treats cervical pain that occurs on turning head.
- It specifically treats cervical pain caused due to rheumatism.
So, that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat cervical pain.