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10 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treat Dark Circles around Eyes

Dark circles around eyes, destroy the whole look of face. They are caused due to rubbing of eyes. It injure the delicate blood vessels of eyelids. Due to damaged or injured blood vessels of eyelids, the skin of that area become dark, which appear as dark circles around eyes. Homoeopathic medicine Arsenicum album treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to syphilis. Homoeopathic medicine Natrum muriaticum treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to over eye work. Like that there are around total 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats dark circles around eyes. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Damaged blood vessels is not, the only cause of dark circles around eyes. They are caused due to many causes. Sometimes, they are caused due to nutritional deficiency. Sometimes, they are caused due to insomnia. Sometimes, they are caused due to inflammatory disease of eyelids. Sometimes, they are caused due to over eye work without any rest. Sometimes, they are caused due to chronic diseases.
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10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat dark circles around eyes-

1) Arsenicum Album-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats bluish tint dark circles around eyes.
It also treats dark circles, caused due to excessive rubbing of eyes, due to excessive burning in eyes, caused by acrid lachrymation from eyes.
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to excessive worry or fright.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to ptomaine poisoning. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, of chronic alcoholics and chronic tobacco addicts. 
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to anaemia and chlorosis.
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to nutritional deficiency, caused due to consumption of unbalanced diet. 
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to diseases, for example, cancer, malaria or due to septic infections. 

2) China Officinalis-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to loss of vital fluids, like blood in large amounts.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to anaemia. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to inflammatory disease of eyelids.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, of chronic gout patients. 

3) Ipecac-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats bluish tint dark circles around eyes.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to weak eye muscles.
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to eyestrain.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to nutritional deficiency. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to digestive disorders.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, of overweight children and adults.
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to eye injury. 

4) Cina-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to nutritional deficiency in children.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to eyestrain. Eyestrain occur from working on computer for long time, using mobile or watching TV in excess. It also occurs from doing prolonged eye work like sewing, kneading, reading or writing without any intermittent break of rest to eyes.
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes of studious students, caused due to eyestrain, caused due to over study whole day, without any rest break to eyes.

5) Berberis Vulgaris-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to kidney disease.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to hepatic and rheumatic disease. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to nutritional deficiency.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, of overweight fatty people. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes of people, who suffer from gallstones and piles.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to loss of blood in haematuria. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes of woman, who suffer from scanty menses, with grey leucorrhoea. 

6) Lycopodium-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats dark circles around eyes of old age people.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to uric acid diathesis or kidney stones.
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to chronic diseases. 
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to cancer.
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to poor blood circulation around eyes.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to inflammatory disease of eyelids. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to premature aging.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to digestive disturbances. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to nutritional deficiency.

7) Natrum carbonicum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats dark circles around eyes, of school going anaemic girls.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to over eye exertion. That occurs in, for example, over studying, watching TV, using mobile and working on computer whole day, without any rest break.
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to over exposure to sunlight, whole day.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to doing eye work in dim light. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to nutritional deficiency. 
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to excessive stress or worry. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to inflammatory disease of eyelids. 

8) Nux vomica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats dark circles around eyes, of chronic alcoholics and chronic tobacco addicts.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to over consumption of coffee. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to side effects of allopathic medicines taken for long years, for some chronic disease. 
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to eyestrain, caused due to over office work or from over-study.
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to rubbing of eyes, due to itching on eye skin.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to over stress of business.
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to digestive disturbances and portal congestion.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to nutritional deficiency, caused due to disturbed eating schedule and consumption of unbalanced diet. 

9) Phosphorus-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats, blue coloured dark circles around eyes.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to inflammatory disease of eyelids. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to loss of vital fluids, like blood.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to hepatic diseases, pathological diseases and tertiary syphilis. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to over stress or worry. 
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to nutritional deficiency. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes of old age people, caused due to degenerative changes of aging.

10) Rhus toxicidendron-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats, blue coloured dark circles around eyes.
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to inflammation or oedema of eyelids. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to injury. 
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to infection of eyes in damp weather. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to rheumatic disease. 
  • It also treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to typhoid. 
  • It specifically treats dark circles around eyes, caused due to over eyestrain.

So, that was all regarding 10 specific Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat dark circles around eyes. 

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