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10 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treat High Blood Pressure

Patients of high blood pressure are as common these days, as are of diabetes. In high blood pressure, pressure of blood flowing in arteries, against arterial wall is very high. If on measurement with B.P. apparatus, blood pressure comes above 140/90 mmHg, it is considered high. But, if it comes above 180/120mmHg, then it is considered severely high. Rauwolfia Serpentina is a Homoeopathic medicine that treats high blood pressure, caused due to vascular atheromatous changes. Whereas, Nux vomica treats high blood pressure of alcoholics. Like that there are around total 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats high blood pressure. Lets discuss each of them in detail.

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High blood pressure is considered a silent killer disease. The reason being, sometimes it occurs with symptoms and sometimes not. The symptoms that occur, when blood pressure rises are headache, breathlessness, dizziness and sometime pain in chest. Persistent high blood pressure, if not controlled at right time, then it can cause grievous complications.

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10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats high blood pressure-

1) Crataegus-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high blood pressure caused due to arteriosclerosis.
  • It also acts as a very good heart tonic, which tones up heart muscle.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure, associated with myocarditis.
  • It also treats high blood pressure of those patients, who suffer from chronic heart disease.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure, associated with extreme breathlessness on doing least exertion. 
  • It also treats high blood pressure, caused due to valvular disease of heart. 
  • It specifically treats pain that occurs in left side of chest, with irregular heart beat.
  • It also treats high blood pressure of people, who have bluish appearance of fingers and toe nails. That is, who suffer from peripheral cyanosis. 

2) Lachesis-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high blood pressure of woman, caused during menopause.
  • It also treats high blood pressure of melancholic woman.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure caused due to, side effects of suppressed discharges.
  • It also treats high blood pressure of extremely talkative people, who are of jealous and suspicious nature.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure associated with irregular heart beat, palpitations and cyanosis. 

3) Natrum muriaticum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high blood pressure caused due to, consumption of highly salty food and snacks.
  • It also treats high blood pressure of gouty and rheumatic patients.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure of diabetic patients. 
  • It also treats high blood pressure of patients, who suffer from goitre and Addison’s disease. 
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure of patients, who suffer from chlorosis, skin diseases and gastric aliments. 
  • It also treats high blood pressure associated with tachycardia, palpitations and intermittent pulse.

4) Veratrum album-

This Homoeopathic medicine is one of the best heart stimulant.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure of chronic tobacco addicts.
  • It also treats high blood pressure associated with palpitations and rapid, loud breathing.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure, associated with irregular and feeble pulse.
  • It also treats high blood pressure caused due to, hepatic obstruction caused due to, liver disease. 
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure found in weak, cyanotic people. 
  • It also treats high blood pressure caused due to, post-operative shock. It is associated with rapid pulse and cold perspiration on forehead. 

5) Aurum metallicum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high blood pressure caused due to secondary syphilis.
  • It also treats high blood pressure caused, due to valvular diseases of heart.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure, caused due to arteriosclerosis.
  • It also treats high blood pressure, caused due to hypertrophy of heart.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure, caused due to side effects of chronic use of mercurial drugs for long time.
  • It also treats high blood pressure of old age people, who suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts. 
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure of scrofulous people, caused due to glandular diseases. 
  • It also treats high blood pressure, caused due to arteriosclerosis. 
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure of people, who complaint of aliment of heart beat stopped for 2 seconds, followed by sharp rebound of beat, causing sharp pain in epigastric region.

6) Calcarea carbonica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high blood pressure, caused due to bad effects of consuming, highly fatty and fried diet for many years.
  • It also treats high blood pressure of over-weight people. 
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure caused after suppression of skin diseases, with crude allopathic drugs.
  • It also treats high blood pressure, associated with heart palpitations and coldness of body. 
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure, caused due to glandular diseases of pituitary and thyroid glands. 
  • It also treats high blood pressure of leuco-phlegmatic patients. 

7) Glononine-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high blood pressure that rise suddenly, not on routine basis.
  • It also treats high blood pressure of people, who suffer from skin diseases, for example, urticaria, acne and furuncle.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure of woman, caused due to menopause. 
  • It also treats high blood pressure associated with heart palpitations and breathlessness.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure caused due to sudden change in temperature to extreme, either extremely cold or extremely warm.

8) Nux vomica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high blood pressure, of chronic alcoholics.
  • It also treats high blood pressure, caused due to chronic use of allopathic drugs.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure, caused due to modern lifestyle of prolonged sitting and no exercise at all. 
  • It also treats high blood pressure caused due to, consumption of highly fatty and fried diet, with no workout at all.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure, caused due to over-consumption of coffee. 
  • It also treats high blood pressure of chronic tobacco addicts. 
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure, caused due to fatty liver disease. 

9) Rauwolfia Serpentina-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high blood pressure, caused due to atheromatous changes of blood vessels.
  • It also treats hypertension encephalopathy, caused due to high blood pressure. 

10) Baryta muriatica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high blood pressure, caused due to arteriosclerosis.
  • It also treats high blood pressure caused, due to vascular degeneration.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure of dwarfish old age people, who have neither grown intelligence wise nor height wise in whole life.
  • It also treats high blood pressure, associated with cardiac dilation.
  • It specifically treats high blood pressure associated with, symptoms of diseases of brain as well as of heart.

So, that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats high blood pressure. Causes of high blood pressure are many, which needs to be corrected, to correct high blood pressure. Therefore, take these medicines only under supervision of Homoeopathic doctor, who will give you right medicine, to correct both your blood pressure, as well as to correct cause of your high blood pressure. He will also suggest you some lifestyle changes like restricting excess salt usage and doing exercise daily.

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