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10 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treats Polycystic Ovarian Disease

Polycystic ovarian disease is a hormonal disorder, in which there occurs small cysts in ovaries, along with their enlargement. In this disorder, male hormones are produced in excess in woman, than female hormones. Because of that woman usually have male like features, for example, excess hair on face, back, chest. In this disorder, woman have irregular menses and difficulty in conceiving baby. Apis mellifica, Lachesis and Colocynthis are one of the specific Homeopathic medicines that specifically treats Polycystic ovarian disease. Like that there are around total 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Polycystic ovarian disease. Lets discuss each of them in detail.

Anatomy of ovary
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In this disorder, pattern of menses is not fixed. They can be scanty, absent or profuse. Ovaries does not form egg in this disease, due to which woman have difficulty in becoming pregnant. Most of female patients of this disease are overweight and suffer from acne.

Large ovarian cyst
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10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)-

1) Apis mellifica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Polycystic ovarian disease, having cysts in LEFT as well as RIGHT ovary.
  • It specifically treats inflammation of ovaries especially, right sided ovary.
  • It specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease of young girls, whose menses are always delayed and scanty.
  • It also treats polycystic ovarian disease of woman, who suffer from dysmenorrhoea and pain in ovaries. 
  • It also treats ovarian tumours having stinging pain.
  • It specifically treats tenderness over abdomen and uterine region, found in polycystic ovarian disease. 
  • It also treats bearing down pains that occur in cystic disease of ovaries. 

2) Thuja-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease of LEFT ovary.
  • It also treats severe pain that occurs in left ovary and left ingunial region.
  • It also treats profuse, thick, greenish leucorrhoea associated with PCOD. 
  • It specifically treats inflammation of ovaries, especially left ovary that gets aggravated on each menstrual period.
  • It also treats polycystic ovarian disease of woman, who suffer from scanty menses and have hydrogenoid constitution.
  • It also treats ovarian cysts that are slowly progressing towards ovarian tumour stage.
  • It is specifically a sycotic remedy that treats pathological diseases. 

3) Lachesis-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease, having cysts in LEFT ovary.
  • It also treats inflammation and swelling of left ovary, which is very painful.
  • It also treats induration of left ovarian glands.
  • It also treats inflammation and bluish appearance of breasts.
  • It specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease of woman, who suffer from scanty menses and suspicious in nature.

4) Silicea-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease, having cysts in LEFT ovary.
  • It specifically treats PCOD of woman, who suffer from milky, acrid leucorrhoea during urination. 
  • It specifically treats PCOD of woman, who suffer from malnutrition. 
  • It is a deep acting remedy that treats itching of genitals associated with ovarian cyst disease. 
  • It specifically treats ovarian cyst of woman, who suffer hard lump in breasts.

5) Iodum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease of woman, having cysts in RIGHT ovary.
  • It also treats inflammation of ovaries.
  • It also treats wedge like pain that occurs from right ovary to uterus in this disease. 
  • It specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease of woman, who suffer from thick, acrid, leucorrhoea corroding the undergarment of woman.
  • It specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease of woman, who suffer from enlargement and inflammation of lymphatic glands. 
  • It also treats excessive perspiration that occur from slight effort.
  • It also treats ovarian cysts of woman, who suffer from acute aggravation of chronic inflammation. 
  • It also treats glandular atrophy of ovarian glands.

6) Kali Bromatum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease of woman, who suffer from pruritis, that is itching of genital area.
  • It also treats ovarian cyst of women, who are melancholic in nature.
  • It specifically treats ovarian cyst of woman, who suffer from psoriasis or chronic gout. 
  • It specifically treats ovarian neuralgia, associated with cystic tumours of ovaries.

7) Podophyllum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease, having cysts in both RIGHT as well as in LEFT ovary.
  • It also treats pain that occurs in uterus and right ovary.
  • It specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease of woman, who suffer from suppressed menses and bilious problems.

8) Lycopodium-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease, having cysts in RIGHT ovary.
  • It also treats pain in right ovary that occur in this disease.
  • It specifically treats PCOD of woman, who suffer from malnutrition. 
  • It specifically treats ovarian cyst of woman, who suffer from irregular menses and acrid leucorrhoea. 
  • It specifically treats ovarian cyst of woman, who suffer from urinary and digestion related problems.

9) Kali Bichromicum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats polycystic ovarian disease, having cyst in LEFT ovary.
  • It specifically treats ovarian cysts of woman, who suffer from nephritis or cirrhosis of liver.
  • It specifically treats ovarian cysts of anaemic woman. 
  • It specifically treats ovarian cysts of fatty overweight people, having past history of syphilis and chronic catarrh.

10) Colocynthis-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats, polycystic ovarian disease of woman, having cysts in LEFT ovary.
  • It also treats boring pain in ovary, which decreases on bending double.
  • It specifically treats round, cystic tumours of ovaries, of woman, who get angry easily on slight matters.
  • It also treats headache caused after anger.
  • It also treats neuralgic pains associated with ovarian cysts.
  • It specifically treats ovarian cysts of woman, who have sedentary nature and suffer from copious menstruation.

So, that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Polycystic ovarian disease. 

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