Acne is skin condition, in which hair follicles on skin becomes blocked, with oil and dead skin cells. These blocked hair follicles when get dirt on it, they get infected with bacteria that causes large red inflamed eruptions called acne. Acne are also known as pimples in local language. That means, when you are talking about acne, at that time you are talking about pimples. Carbo-veg, Hepar Sulph and Silicea are one of the specific Homeopathic medicines that specifically treats acne. Like that there are around total 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats acne. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Body area where acne occurs-
Acne usually occurs on area of body, where sebaceous glands means, oil glands are maximum. Hair follicles on those oil glands areas are blocked with oil, not dry area. It occurs on following are of body-
- Face- on face acne are found more on forehead, cheeks, chin and sometimes as blackheads on nose.
- Shoulders
- Upper back
- Chest
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It mostly affects teenagers and young age people. The reason being is puberty that occurs in this age group. During puberty hormonal surge occurs, due to which oil glands of body starts secreting excess oil in skin pores of hair follicles. Excess oil block them, and also dead skin cells too, blocked pores are just waiting for infection to become acne.
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10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats acne-
1) Aurum metallicum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne caused due to over intake of potassium iodine.
- It treats acne caused after sexual excesses.
- It also treats acne that are found in depressed people, who have desire to commit suicide, out of prolonged grief.
- It specifically treats acne of scrofulous people, who suffer from swollen glands.
- It specifically treats acne caused after side effects of, over use of mercurial medicines.
- It specifically treats acne of people, who suffer from syphilis.
2) Nux vomica-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne of alcoholics.
- It specifically treats acne caused after consuming cheese.
- It specifically treats acne caused due to gastric disturbances caused from consuming highly seasoned, highly spicy and highly fatty or fried food.
- It specifically treats acne that occur on forehead.
- It specifically treats acne rosacea as well as acne vulgaris.
3) Hepar Sulph-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne that occur on forehead.
It specifically treats acne of scrofulous people.
- It specifically treats acne of people, who suffer from lymphatic diseases.
- It specifically treats acne that occur in young age people, caused out of hormonal imbalance created due to puberty.
- It specifically treats acne that are filled with pus, does not heal easily.
- It also treats acne that are inflamed and prone to suppuration with pricky pain.
- It specifically treats acne caused after, side effects of over use of mercurial medicines.
4) Carbo-veg-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne of excessively weak and ill patient.
- It specifically treats acne of fatty, overweight people.
- It specifically treats acne caused due to highly spicy meal. It also treats acne due to gastric disturbances.
- It specifically treats acne that occurs on forehead.
- It specifically treats acne rosacea as well as acne vulgaris.
5) Sepia-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne of woman, who suffer from irregular menses.
- It also treats acne caused, due to hormonal imbalance.
- It specifically treats acne, caused from consuming chocolate.
- It specifically treats acne that occurs during pregnancy.
- It also treats acne that are caused after sexual excesses.
- It specifically treats acne caused, after consuming sweets.
- It specifically treats acne that occur on chin, after pregnancy.
- It specifically treats acne that occurs on forehead and nose.
- It also treats acne rosacea as well as acne vulgaris.
6) Kali-br-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne of young people, who are overweight.
- It specifically treats acne that have appearance of bluish-red coloured pustules.
- It specifically treats acne that occurs on face, chest and shoulders.
- It specifically treats acne that have appearance of indurated papules.
- It specifically treats acne of woman, who suffer from irregular menses.
- It specifically treats acne caused, due to hormonal imbalance or out of uterine causes.
- It also treats acne caused after sexual excesses.
- It specifically treats acne that occurs on nose.
- It also treats acne rosacea as well as acne vulgaris.
7) Causticum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne that aggravates or increase from exposure to sunlight, from heat of warm room or from consuming warm natured things, for example- meat, nuts, dates, raisins in summer season.
- It specifically treats acne that occur on forehead and nose.
- It treats acne rosacea as well as acne vulgaris.
- It specifically treats acne that occurs in groups, clustered at one place.
8) Silicea-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne of excessively weak or emaciated people.
- It specifically treats acne that occurs in scrofulous people.
- It specifically treats acne caused due to hormonal imbalance.
- It specifically treats acne that occurs on forehead.
- It also treats acne rosacea as well as acne vulgaris.
9) Phosphorus-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne caused from consuming chocolate.
- It specifically treats acne caused, after consuming sweets.
- It specifically treats acne that are prone to inflammation.
- It specifically treats acne caused due to tertiary syphilis.
- It specifically treats acne of very thin and weak people, especially girls.
10) Sulphur-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne of alcoholics.
- It is specifically a skin remedy that treats most of the skin aliments.
- It specifically treats acne of people, who are unhygienic, does not bath daily or clean their skin.
- It specifically treats acne that have appearance of indurated papules.
- It specifically treats acne of scrofulous people.
- It specifically treats acne that occur on forehead and nose.
- It also treats acne rosacea as well as acne vulgaris.
- It specifically treats acne that have bluish appearance.
So, that was all regarding 10 specific Homeopathic medicine that specifically treats acne.