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10 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treats Herpes

Herpes is a viral infectious disease, caused by virus HSV 1 and HSV 2. It occurs in form of cold sores or fever blisters on skin. It is named after area it affects, for example, Herpes labialis, that affects lower lip. Herpes whitelow that affects fingers. Genital herpes that affect genital area of skin. Blisters are base eruptions of Herpes disease, that tend to ulcerate. Sulphur, Mezereum and Mercurius are one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats Herpes. Like that there are around total 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats herpes. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Herpes is caused due to decreased immunity of body. It spreads through direct contact with body fluids of infected person or with direct contact with herpetic eruptions of infected persons.

10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Herpes-

1) Arsenicum Album-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats herpes labialis, Herpes facialis, phlyctenoids, furfuraceous, Herpes zoster. It treats ringworm of scalp, in which hairfall occur in patches on scalp.
  • It also treats dry parchment like skin, in herpes disease as well as blisters shaped herpetic eruptions, which burn too much.
  • It treats herpes of people, who suffer from marked nausea and very weak health wise.
  • It also treats herpes itching that aggravates after midnight and from cold air and cold water.

2) Sulphur-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats herpes miliaris, phlyctenoids, circulates, squamous.
  • It also treats herpes of nape of neck, ankles, face, nose and eyes.
  • It also treats recurrent herpes that reoccur again in life.
  • It also treats herpes of children. 
  • It also treats herpes itching that aggravates from wet clothes, washing affected area or from warmth of bed. 

3) Mercurius- 

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats herpes praeputialis, Herpes furfuraceous herpes impetiginous.
  • It also treats right sided herpes of right forearm, wrist, hand and abdomen.
  • It also treats herpetic moist vesicular eruptions surrounded by dry scales that easily bleed and burns on touching.
  • It also treats herpes that is caused in winter or damp weather.
  • It also treats herpetic pains and itching that aggravates at night from perspiration.  

4) Calcarea carb-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats herpes of scrofulous people.
  • It also treats herpes of head.
  • It also treats herpetic eruptions that ulcerates skin and whose itching aggravates from touch of water and draft of air.

5) Rhus-tox-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats right sided herpes zoster.
  • It also treats herpes caused in winter season. 
  • It also treats herpes of rheumatic patient.
  • It also treats herpes of hairy parts except palms of hand soles of feet.

6) Silicea-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats herpes of chin, nape of neck, arms, hand and of mons veneris.
  • It also treats herpetic eruptions, which tend to ulcerate. 

7) Causticum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats herpes praeputialis that occur during teething of children.
  • It also treats herpes of shoulder, neck, areola of breasts that has tendency to ulcerate with violent itching.

8) Natrum mur-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats herpes labialis that occur during fever.
  • It also treats herpes of bends of elbow, knees, genitals and thighs.
  • It also treats herpes circinatus.
  • It also treats oozing herpetic eruptions, which itch violently from warmth and heat of summer days.

9) Graphites- 

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats herpes of females, who suffer from scanty menses.
  • It also treats herpes caused out of low immunity caused by diseases of glands. 
  • It also treats herpes blisters that spread from umbilicus to dorsum of spine, which aggravates from touching.
  • It also treats left sided herpes zoster that affect left side of body.
  • It also treats urticaria associated with herpes, due to which skin exudate, watery sticky fluid on scratching. 
  • It also treats ulceration caused by herpes. 
  • It also treats herpes itching that aggravates from warmth and indoors.

10) Sepia-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats herpes of elbow, knee joints, hand, neck and behind ears. It also treats dry scaly eruptions of Herpes that burns and itch too much.
  • It also treats dandruff caused in patches on scalp. 
  • It also treats herpes that occur during menses, pregnancy and lactation.
  • It also treats herpes caused due to inflammatory disease of glands or lymphatic system. 

So, that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats herpes.

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