Back pain is very common pain that is experienced once in life time of everybody. In some, it occurs occasionally, but in some it occurs on daily basis. Occasionally, it occurs due to lifting something heavy or due to over exertion. On daily basis, it occurs sometimes due to spinal causes or injury or due to osteoporosis or due to spondylitis. Other causes are labour or menses in woman. Sepia is one of the Homeopathic medicine that specifically treats back pain, caused due to washing clothes. Arnica treats back pain caused due to injury. Like that there are around total 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats back pain. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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Back pain sometimes, occur due to prolonged siting as in computer operators. It can also occur due to prolonged standing as in security guards. Other reasons, which can cause back ache are fever or sudden jar. Whatever the cause of back ache, there is Homoeopathic medicine for each cause.
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10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats back pain-
1) Arnica-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats back pain caused after injury.
- It also treats back pain that occurs due to hypothermia.
- It specifically treats back pain caused due to fever.
- It also treats back pain caused from coughing or lying.
2) Graphites-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats back pain caused from sudden jar.
- It also treats back pain caused from lifting something heavy.
- It specifically treats back pain caused during menses.
- It also treats back pain that occur from raising arms.
3) Calcarea carb-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats back pain that occurs on lateral sides of back alternately.
- It also treats back pain that occurs during fever.
- It specifically treats back pain caused from bending backward.
- It also treats back pain that occurs during coughing or laughing.
- It specifically treats back pain caused due to damp weather.
- It also treats back pain that occurs due to over exertion.
- It specifically treats back pain that extends to arms, head and lower limbs.
- It also treats back pain that occurs before as well as during menses.
- It specifically treats back pain caused, due to prolonged siting or standing.
4) Kali carb-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats back pain that shoot on both sides, upwards as well as downwards of back.
- It also treats back pain caused from bending backward.
- It specifically treats back pain that increases during breathing or after eating.
- It also treats severe back pain that occurs during labour.
- It specifically treats back pain caused due to exertion.
- It specifically treats back pain that extends to knees, lower limbs, lumbar region and thighs.
- It also treats back pain that occurs after injury or from sudden jar.
- It specifically treats back pain caused during labour.
- It also treats back pain that occurs before as well as during menses or due to suppressed menses.
- It also treats back pain that occurs during motion.
- It specifically treats back pain that occurs in early morning, before sun rising, which is so worse that patient has to stand out of bed.
- It also treats back pain caused from sitting erect or bend.
5) Bryonia-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats back pain that the increase from breathing or coughing.
- It also treats back pain that occurs, after exposure to cold atmosphere.
- It specifically treats back pain that occurs after injury.
- It also treats back pain, caused during menses.
- It specifically treats back pain caused from motion or walking.
- It also treats back pain that occurs during standing, sitting or when turning in bed.
6) Rhus tox-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats back pain caused from exposure to cold air.
- It also treats back pain that occurs, due to fever or coughing.
- It specifically treats back pain that occurs, due to weather changes, especially due to damp weather.
- It also treats back pain that occurs in evening.
- It specifically treats back pain that extends to lower limbs.
- It also treats back pain that occurs due to injury.
- It specifically treats back ache caused, due to lifting heavy weights or from lying for prolonged time.
- It also treats back pain that occurs, when taking 1st step to move.
- It also treats back pain that occurs from, prolonged sitting in bend position.
7) Natrum mur-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats back pain that occurs during fever.
- It also treats back pain that shoot upwards.
- It specifically treats back pain caused, due to hypothermia or coughing.
- It also treats back pain that occurs in morning, during forenoon or during night.
- It also treats back pain caused due to sexual excesses.
- It specifically treats back pain that occurs out of weakness, caused before or during vaginal discharge.
8) Pulsatilla-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats back pain caused from bending backward.
- It also treats back pain that occurs during hypothermia, extending to head and hips.
- It specifically treats back pain caused due to fever.
- It also treats back pain that occurs during labour.
- It specifically treats back pain caused from lying on side.
- It also treats back pain that occurs before as well as during menses or caused due to suppression of menses.
- It specifically treats back pain that occurs on taking first step to move.
- It also treats back pain that occurs from prolonged sitting in bend position.
- It specifically treats back ache that occurs due to sexual excesses.
9) Lycopodium-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats back pain that occurs in evening.
- It also treats back pain caused due to over exertion.
- It specifically treats back pain that extends to thighs and stomach.
- It also treats back pain caused due to fever.
- It specifically treats back pain caused from lifting something heavy.
- It also treats back pain that occurs before as well as during menses.
- It specifically treats back pain that occurs in morning on rising.
- It also treats back pain that occurs on taking first step to move.
- It specifically treats back pain caused from sitting erect for long time.
10) Sepia-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats back pain that occurs in afternoon, after exposure to cold air.
- It also treats back pain that alternates with pain in abdomen.
- It specifically treats back pain caused due to fever or hypothermia.
- It also treats back pain that occurs during breathing or coughing.
- It specifically treats back pain caused due to damp weather.
- It also treats back pain that occurs in evening, after dinner.
- It specifically treats back pain that extends from thighs to heels of feet.
- It also treats back pain that occurs from sudden jarring or kneeling or from washing clothes.
- It specifically treats back pain caused due to labour.
- It also treats back pain caused from lifting something heavy.
- It specifically treats back pain caused, due to suppression of menses.
- It also treats back pain caused from sitting, standing or from straightening up back.
So, that was all regarding the 10 specific Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats back pain.