These days everybody is becoming obese. This is occurring due to consumption of excess fatty diet, but doing no exercise or jogging. Human body does not need heavily fatty diet, all day in three times meals and snacks. It requires just small quantity of it. But, now days everybody is consuming it all time, whether it is meal or snacks. Consuming fat beyond normal required quantity by human body, increases body weight beyond normal range. Phytolacca, Calcarea carb are one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that reduces excess body weight. Like that there are around total 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically reduce excess body weight. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
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No doubt, body weight increases in excess, due to consumption of heavily fatty diet and no exercise. But, that is not always the cause, behind gain in body weight in excess. Other causes which can increase your body weight in excess are-
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- Imbalance of thyroid hormones
- Chronic disease
- Menopausal weight gain
- Tumours of glands
10 Homoeopathic Medicines that Reduce excess Body Weight-
1) Calcarea carb-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically reduces excess body weight gained in children, elderly and young obese people.
- It is one of the excellent anti-psoric constitutional remedy.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained due to, consumption of heavily fatty food in excess for many years.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained due to, hormonal imbalance caused due to dysfunction of pituitary and thyroid glands.
- It also reduces excess body weight of leuco-phlegmatic people.
- It also reduces excess body weight of scrofulous people.
2) Phytoline-
This Homoeopathic medicine is specifically a excellent body weight reducer.
- It reduces excess body weight by reducing excess fat deposited in body in adipose tissues.
- It also reduces excess fat deposited in heart and liver causing fatty heart and fatty liver disease.
- It also treats rheumatism and gouty diathesis associated with obesity.
- It reduces infertility in fatty people and helps in conceiving baby by reducing excess body weight gained.
3) Capsicum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically reduces excess body weight gained due to, no physical exertion, for example, no exercise, no morning walk or jogging.
- It reduces excess body weight of plethoric people.
- It reduces excess body weight gained in old age.
- It reduces excess body weight of those people, whose suffer from inflammatory or suppurative diseases.
4) Fucus vesiculosis-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically reduces excess body weight gained due to hypothyroidism.
- It also treats thyroid disease caused due to deficiency of iodine.
- It also treats excess body weight of people suffering from non-toxic goitre and exophthalmos.
5) Ferrum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically reduces excess body weight gained in children.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained in people, due to consumption of iron deficient, but excessively fat rich diet.
6) Graphites-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically reduces excess body weight gained due to uterine diseases.
- It reduces excess body weight gained during menopause.
- It is one of the best anti-psoric remedy.
- It reduces excess body weight in people, who suffer from skin problems.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained in females, due to irregular, delayed menses.
7) Kali-bichormicum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically reduces excess body weight gained in children.
- It also reduces excess body weight of scrofulous and syphilitic people.
- It also reduces excess body weight of people suffering from rheumatic disease.
- It also reduces excess body weight of people suffering from gastric diseases.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained due to, whole day consumption of excessively fatty diet containing no other essential nutrients.
- It also reduces excess body weight of people suffering from chronic catarrhal aliments.
8) Aurum metallicum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically reduces excess body weight gained in elderly people.
- It also reduces excess body weight of syphilitic people.
- It also reduces excess body weight of people suffering from depression and anthropophobia.
- It also reduces excess body weight in scrofulous people suffering from glandular diseases.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained in people suffering from arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained due to hormonal imbalance.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained due to lack of physical exertion or exercise.
9) Kali-carb-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically reduces excess body weight gained in old age.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained, after pregnancy or miscarriage.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained due to, uterine diseases or due to irregular menses.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained due to hypothyroidism.
10) Phytolacca-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically reduces excess body weight, gained due to hormonal diseases.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained in people suffering from inflammatory disease of glands.
- It also reduces excess body weight gained in people suffering from chronic rheumatic and syphilitic diseases.
So, that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically reduce excess body weight. But, they should be taken after ascertaining the cause, behind your body weight gain. Restricting excessively fatty diet and doing exercise on daily basis is must, along with taking medicine to reduce body weight. You have to do all these 3 steps, to reduce body weight fast.