Eczema is a skin condition, in which there appears red scaly patches on inflamed skin. It is also known with name of dermatitis. Sometimes, it occurs as very small scaly eruptions or small pustules, when it is worse. Sometimes, it is in form of crusts that itch. Whether, it is scaly patches or eruptions of eczema, all itch violently and have red, inflamed skin. Itching and inflammation and redness is marked feature of eczema. Sulphur, Hepar Sulph and Dulcamara are one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that treats eczema. Like that there are around total 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats eczema. Lets discuss each of them in detail.
Eczema can occur from various causes. Sometimes, it occurs after eating something wrong. Sometimes, it appears after exposure to chemicals or fabric to which skin is allergic to. Sometimes, it appears after exposure to sunlight for long time.
So that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats eczema.
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Eczema can occur from various causes. Sometimes, it occurs after eating something wrong. Sometimes, it appears after exposure to chemicals or fabric to which skin is allergic to. Sometimes, it appears after exposure to sunlight for long time.
10 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treats Eczema-
1) Arsenicum Album-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats eczema caused due to consumption of unbalanced diet. That causes deficiency of essential nutrients in body, which are necessary to prevent eczema.- It also treats eczematic scaly eruptions on scalp, forehead that itch intensely and bleed on scratching.
2) Hepar Sulph-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats humid eczema of scalp, genitals that itch too much in morning.- It treats humid eczema that the spread through pimples from head to neck.
- It specifically treats eczema caused after usage of allopathic ointments.
3) Dulcamara-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats eczema of scalp, cheeks, forehead and chin.- It also treats eczema caused from damp wet weather. It also treats eczema caused from coming in contact with dirty water of monsoon, when weather is damp and wet.
- It also treats hairfall caused by eczema on scalp.
- It also treats thick crusts (of eczema) formed on scalp, cheeks, for headache, chin and on most of body.
- It also treats eczema caused from hormonal imbalance, caused due to diseases of glands.
- It also treats exudating vesicles like eruptions on face, which itch violently. After these vesicles suppurates, they take shape of crusts.
- It also treats these crusts, which form on face and itch violently on tocuh. If itching continues, till it bleeds on scratching by patient, then medicine for that is Dulcamara.
4) Psorinum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats dry as well humid eczema.- It also treats eczema caused in winter season.
- It also treats eczema of psoric children.
- It also treats eczema of those people, who suffer from diseases of glands.
- It also treats vesicular eruptions that itch violently, after going in warm room or from perspiration.
5) Croton tig-
This Homoeopathic medicine treats idiopathic eczema of children.- It also treats eczema of face and genitals and mostly whole body caused after Rhus poisoning.
- It treats swelling, redness and violent itching caused by eczema.
- It usually treats eczema caused after eating or that aggravates on night.
- It also treats eczema caused after diseases of glands.
6) Mezereum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats eczema that affect fat free area of skin.- It also treats eczema having vesicles on nose and back. It also treats inflammation caused after rupture of these vesicles.
- It also treats violent itching of both brown and white scabs of eczema formed after rupture of vesicles.
- These scabs has tendency to spread to eyebrows, nape of neck and throat. This medicine treats that tendency too. These scabs become breeding house for lice, therefore, need to be treated soon with this medicine to prevent that.
- It also treats eczema of face of child, which itch too much. If pustules are formed after scratching on face, till it bleeds on scratching by child, then it treats those pustules as well as that itching too.
- It also treats eczema that aggravates from undressing or changing clothes, from touch or from cold draught of air.
7) Graphites-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats eczema of fatty, overweight people.- It also treats eczema of woman caused from scanty menses.
- It also treats humid, spreading and scrufy eczema that starts on vertex and then spread to cheeks and scalp.
- It also treats eczema that forms crusts on scalp because of which hair matt together, making them difficult to comb.
- It also treats eczema, whose itching aggravates in morning, in-door, at night and in cold air.
- It also treats eczema that exudate profuse, offensive, sticky serous secretions, behind ears, back of head and hands, in bends of limbs; in short where perspiration is more.
8) Oleander-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats humid eczema of children around head and ears.- It also treats humid, scaly eczema of children that itch violently and aggravate after changing clothes.
9) Calcarea carb-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats eczema of scrofulous people.- It also treats eczematic scabs that first form on occiput and then on face.
- It also treats dry eruptions containing bland pus underneath crusts.
- This Homoeopathic medicine treats intense itching in head, in teething children that bleed on scratching.
- It also treats moist eruptions of legs, navel, flexure of extremities that aggravates on coming in contact with water.
- It treats chronic eczematic eruptions caused from damp socks.
10) Sulphur-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats dry eczematic eruptions formed- around hairline of scalp, behind ear that itch violently.- It also treats dry eczema of infants caused from warm clothes, pricking heat of summer or from diapers.
- It also treats eczema of unhygienic people, who bath after many days.
So that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats eczema.