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10 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treat Toothache

Toothache is a painful condition, in which there occurs pain in teeth. Sometimes, it is limited to one tooth, in which inflammation or decay has occurred. But, sometimes it extends to rest of teeth, when it has affected nerve. Sometimes, it extends to even whole jaw, ear, nose and whole face. Sometimes, along with pain, it cause swelling of cheeks. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea carbonica treats toothache caused due to dentition in children. Homoeopathic medicine Mercurius treats toothache caused after consuming coffee and cold drinks. Like that there are around 10 specific Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat toothache. Lets discuss each of them in detail.

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Causes of toothache-

Toothache can occur due to various causes-
  • Eruption of new tooth.
  • Dental cavity- Decay of old tooth.
  • Inflammation of tooth.
  • Gingivitis- Inflammation of gums around tooth.
  • Dentin hypersensitivity.
  • Biting something hard with teeth.

Cracked tooth lateral periodontal abscess
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10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat toothache-

1) Calcarea carbonica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treat toothache, caused due to exposure to cold air.
  • It also treat toothache that extends to mouth, ears and nose.
  • It specifically treat, toothache of children that occur during dentition.
  • It also treat toothache caused from, consuming cold drinks and cold food.
  • It specifically treat toothache caused from, working in damp places, in damp weather. 
  • It also treat toothache that occurs during eating.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs from lying in bed.

2) Mercurius-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treat toothache, caused due to exposure to cold air.
  • It also treat toothache that extends to whole mouth, ears and face.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs, when lying in bed.
  • It specifically treats toothache of children.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs from drinking coffee, cold drinks and cold food.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs in damp weather and winter season.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs after eating.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs in evening, from lying in bed and during night.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs, after filling tooth.
  • It specifically treat intermittent toothache that occurs at intervals.
  • It also treat swelling of cheeks, caused due to toothache. It also treat toothache that occurs from, rubbing cheeks. It also treat toothache that occurs from, involuntary flow of saliva from mouth.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs in incisor tooth.

3) Lachesis-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats toothache that occurs, when brushing teeth.
  • It also treats swelling of cheeks caused due to toothache.
  • It specifically treats toothache, that occur during menses.
  • It also treat toothache that occur, during spring season.
  • It specifically treats toothache that occurs, after getting wet.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs, after consuming cold and hot drinks.
  • It specifically treats toothache that extends to ears.

4) Chamomilla-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats toothache caused, due to exposures to cold air.
  • It also treats toothache that extends to whole mouth, ears, head and nose.
  • It specifically treats toothache that occurs, during chewing food and after eating it.
  • It also treats toothache of children.
  • It specifically treats toothache that occurs from drinking coffee, cold and hot drinks.
  • It also treats toothache that occurs during night, from lying in bed.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, from excitement.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs, intermittently at intervals.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occur in LEFT side teeth of lower jaw.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs in nervous patients.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs from pressure.
  • It also treat swelling caused in cheeks by toothache.

5) Antimonium crudum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats toothache that occurs, on lying in bed.
  • It also treat toothache, of children during dentition.
  • It specifically treat toothache caused from, consuming cold drinks.
  • It also treats toothache that occurs, after eating food.
  • It specifically treats toothache that extends to head.

6) Sepia-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treat toothache that the occurs, when biting teeth together during eating.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs, during hypothermia.
  • It specifically treat swelling of cheeks caused due to toothache.
  • It also treat toothache caused from, consuming cold and hot drinks and hot food.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, in evening and last till midnight.
  • It also treats toothache that extends to arms and ears.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, during menses and pregnancy. 
  • It also treat toothache that occurs, in incisor and molar tooth.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, after filling tooth.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs in LEFT side tooth of lower jaw.

7) Pulsatilla-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treat toothache of children during dentition.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs from drinking coffee, cold and hot drinks.
  • It specifically treat intermittent toothache.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs, in evening.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, from lying in bed, in warm room.
  • It also treat toothache that extends to ears, from one tooth to another.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, from abuse of quinine.

8) Silicea-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats toothache that occurs from consuming coffee, cold drinks.
  • It also treat swelling of cheeks caused due to toothache. 
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, in damp weather and winter season.
  • It also treat intermittent toothache.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, during eating.
  • It also treat toothache that extends to cheeks and face.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, after suppression of foot sweat.

9) Kali Carbonicum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treat toothache that occurs, in incisor tooth.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs, during hypothermia.
  • It specifically treat toothache caused, from consuming cold drinks.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs, during and after eating hot food.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, from lying in bed.

10) Staphysagria-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treat toothache that occurs, after extraction of tooth.
  • It also treat toothache that extends to ears and head.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, in evening. 
  • It also treat intermittent toothache.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, in LEFT side tooth of lower jaw as well in RIGHT side tooth.
  • It also treat toothache that occurs, during menses.
  • It specifically treat toothache that occurs, when brushing teeth together and during eating.
  • It also treats toothache that occurs, during hypothermia.
  • It specifically treat toothache caused, from consuming cold drinks.

So, that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat toothache. But, if your toothache does not resolve with medicine, then consult dentist.

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