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8 Homoeipathic Medicines that Treats Tinnitus (Hearing some particular sounds in ears)

 Tinnitus is a disease condition in which some particular sounds are heard by patient continuously. These sounds disturb patient so much that he is not able to concentrate on his work. Some patients hear sounds of rings, bells and some of roaring clouds or animals. There are 8 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Tinnitus. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

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Types of Tinnitus-

1) Subjective Tinnitus-

In this type of Tinnitus, only patient hears some particular sounds. But, the patient’s attendant does not confirm or hear such sounds. According to patient’s attendant, there is no source of origin.

2) Objective Tinnitus-

Whereas, in this type of Tinnitus, cause of origin of sounds that patient hears is confirmed by doctor. That cause is some defect or diseased condition present in ear. Because of that defect in ear, either sound is not heard properly, or some particular sounds patient hears continuously.

9 Causes of Tinnitus-

  • Side effects of some allopathic medicines
  • Impacted wax
  • Occurs due to aging in old age 
  • Infection of middle or outer ear
  • Stress
  • Use of headphones at high volume 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Occupational exposure to high volume sounds
  • Brain tumour 

8 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically treats Tinnitus-

1) Kali phos-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Tinnitus caused due to depression.

  • It also treats Tinnitus caused due to lot of stress on daily basis. 

2) Kali mur-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Tinnitus caused due to stress.

  • It also treats Tinnitus associated with past history of ear infection

3) Cinnchona officinalis-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Tinnitus, whose patient has history of flatulent abdomen (gas in abdomen) all time.

  • It treats that type of Tinnitus, in which patient listen roaring sounds of animals or clouds.

4) Silicea-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats that type of Tinnitus, in which patient hears buzzing sound of moving housefly or bee.

5) Natrum Salicylicum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Tinnitus, in which consistent humming sound patient hears all time.

  • It also treats that type of Tinnitus, in which consistent disturbing humming sounds diminish on lying.

6) Aethusa cynapium-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats that type of Tinnitus, in which patient hears sounds of bell or whistle.

  • It also treats Tinnitus of patient, who suffer from hallucination of rat or cat moving under chair, from one to another chair. But, in actual no such thing is there.

7) Graphites-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats that type of Tinnitus, progressing towards hearing loss.

  • It also treats that type of Tinnitus, having past or present history of ear infection.
  • It treats Tinnitus of those patient, who suffer from dry skin problem.

8) Thiosyinminum-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats Tinnitus caused after infection of ear.

8 Health Benefits of Armenian Cucumber (Tarr) –

Video link –

So that was all regarding 8 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Tinnitus. If you want to receive latest notification of health videos, then SUBSCRIBE our YouTube channel-




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