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4 Homoeopathic Medicines that Reduce, Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease, to some extent

 Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder. It is caused by abnormal genes responsible for causing this disorder, to exist in body. These abnormal genes produce a abnormal protein in body, causing abnormal development of renal tubules. In this disease, multiple fluid filled cysts develop inside the body. As this problem is in your genes, therefore it cannot be treated, but it’s symptoms can be reduced in intensity only with Homoeopathic medicines. But, totally this problem cannot be eradicated, as it is in your genes. There are 4 specific Homoeopathic medicines that specifically can reduce only the symptoms of Polycystic kidney disease to some extent. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

Polycystic kidneys 
Image  Source -,_gross_pathology_CDC_PHIL.png

These cysts that form in kidney in this disease are actually abnormal fluid filled renal tubules. These abnormal tubules, when enlarge in size, does not let normal renal tubules to develop. Due to which, kidney is no more able to perform it’s normal function, as it’s structure is no more normal.

When do these cysts start developing in kidney?

As these abnormal genes are present in your genetic structure, so these cysts may start developing, depending upon when those abnormal genes become active. Depending on that, cysts may start developing –

  • Before birth of baby in uterus
  • Sometimes, in infant of 1 year 
  • Sometimes in childhood 
  • Sometimes in adult age

How to Identify Polycystic kidney disease?

The patient of this disease suffer from following symptoms –

  • Cysts formation in kidney found on investigation ultrasound, CT scan and MRI.
  • Pain in back
  • Abdominal pain 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Blood in urine
  • Headache 
  • Excessive urination 

Regular Monitoring of Polycystic Kidney Disease should be done with Treatment –

Always continue treatment with your kidney specialist doctor called nephrologist. As this disease is in your genes, so this problem won’t go from root. Because of that symptom remain coming back again and again and treatment will continue till you live. 

  • With this disease, there occurs malfunctioning in kidney function. Due to which kidney test should be routinely done for monitoring.
  • Disturbed kidney function, further affects your other body organs, therefore regular monitoring of them should be done.

4 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically reduce, symptoms of Polycystic kidney disease, to some extent –

1) Apis Mellifica –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats oedema that occurs in whole body in kidney problems. Oedema is collection of fluid in body. Due to which, generalised swelling occurs all over in body.

2) Helleborus –

This Homoeopathic medicine is specific medicine for minor renal cyst.

  • It also treats drowsiness that occurs in renal cyst.
  • It also treats increased creatinine levels.

3) Hydrangea –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats urinary tract infection that occurs in renal cyst.

  • It also treats kidney stones.

4) Cantharis –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats nephritis that patient suffers from. Nephritis is inflammation of kidney,  which may cover glomeruli, tubules and interstitial tissue surrounding glomeruli and tubules.

  • It also treats extremely burning urine that patient suffers from. This medicine reduces that burning. 

So, that was all regarding 4 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically only reduce the symptoms of polycystic kidney disease to some extent. Take them under supervision of a Homoeopathic doctor. Continue your polycystic kidney disease treatment with your kidney doctor. Always get tests done, so that if any problem occurs that can be treated at time.

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