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5 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treats Leucoderma ( Safed dag or Vitilago or Falvaeri )

 Leucoderma is a skin disease in which light colour de-pigmented patches forms on skin, whose colour shade is lighter than your normal skin tone. This problem occurs because melanin pigment at that spot or patch stop forming. Melanin pigment is found in skin, which give it its natural colour. Leucoderma is also known with name of vitiligo. In common language, it is known with name of “Safed dag” or "Vitiligo" “Falvaeri”. There are 5 specific Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Leucoderma. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

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Causes of Leucoderma –

  • Autoimmune disorder – body starts destroying it’s own melanin pigment forming cells called melanocytes.
  • Injury
  • Stress
  • Side effects of some strong allopathic medicines
  • Consuming 3 types of proteins at one time, for example, egg, chicken and fish at one time. All of these three contains different types of proteins. If you consume these 3 different proteins at one time, then that interferes with pigment forming system of body.
  • Ovarian cyst

5 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Leucoderma –

1) Tuberculinum –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Leucoderma.

  • It is used as starting medicine to start the Homoeopathic treatment of Leucoderma.

2) Ars sulph flav-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Leucoderma.

3) Hydrocotyle –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats that stage of  Leucoderma, when most of the skin has become de-pigmented, that is, it has lost its colour.

4) Calcarea carb –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Leucoderma caused due to consuming three types of proteins.

5) Pulsatilla –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Leucoderma found in females, who suffer from delayed menses problem.

9 Amazing Health Benefits of Mango –

Video link –

So, that was all regarding 5 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Leucoderma. Take them under supervision of Homoeopathic doctor. For latest notification of Health videos, SUBSCRIBE our YouTube channels –




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