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7 Homoeopathic Medicines that Treats Acne ( Pimples )

 Acne are also known with name of “Pimples”. Acne is a kind of skin problem. When do acne occur? Acne usually occurs in young age during puberty. In some they occur in teenage and in some they occur in young adult age. That is, around 11 to 30 years of age. There are 7 specific Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Acne. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

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Causes of acne ( pimples ) –

At puberty, hormonal changes occur in body. Due to which, sebaceous glands of body secrete extra oil in pores of skin. Due to which skin pores and hair follicles there get clogged by this excess oil and dead skin cells. 

  • When this clogged skin pores gets infected by bacteria, that cause inflammation there. That inflammation cause redness and swelling there, resulting in acne ( pimple ). 

7 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats acne ( pimples ) –

1) Sulphur –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats skin DISEASES, whether it is acne or any other skin disease.

  • It is also treats side EFFECTS of allopathic medicines.
  • It specifically treats acne (pimples) of those girls, who does NOT MAINTAIN skin and body hygiene. That is, who does not timely clean their oily skin and does not bath daily, just avoid taking bath.
  • It also treats acne of those patients, who love to consume sweet things.

2) Calcarea phos –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne that occurs DURING puberty in young obese ( over-weight ) girls.

  • It also treats acne (pimples) of those girls, who have HISTORY of very long lasting and profuse menses.
  • It also treats acne of girls, who SUFFER from nutritional deficiency diseases, for example iron deficiency anaemia.

3) Natrum mur –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne OF school going girls.

  • It also treats acne (pimples), of those girls, who SUFFER from headache.
  • It also treats acne of those girls, who love to CONSUME fried and salty things.
  • It also treats acne of those girls, who SUFFER from iron deficiency anaemia.
  • It also treats acne of that patient, who have HISTORY of  depression in present or past.
  • It also treats acne of those patients, who SUFFER from grief due to disappointed love.

4) Pulsatilla nigricans –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne (pimples) CAUSED during puberty.

  • It also treats acne of those girls, who have HISTORY of delayed menses.
  • It also treats acne that OCCURS in girls, who are very soft spoken and mild natured in behaviour.

5) Hepar Sulph –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats PUS filled acne.

  • It also treats acne (pimples) of those people, who get ANGRY easily.
  • It also treats those acne, which increase in number in winter SEASON.

6) Graphites –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne of those patients, who TAKE cold easily.

  • It also treats acne of those patients, who have HISTORY of any skin disease in childhood.
  • It also treats acne of those patients, who SUFFER from constipation.

7) Silicea –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats PUS filled acne.

  • It also treats acne of those patients, whose NAILS break easily.
  • It also treats acne of those patients, whose acne INCREASE in winters.
  • It also treats acne of those patients, who have HISTORY of   hormonal disorders in present or past.

People who are at Risk of Suffering from Gallstones –

Video link –

So, that was all regarding 7 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats acne ( pimples ). Take them under supervision of a Homoeopathic doctor. For latest notification of Health videos, SUBSCRIBE our YouTube channels –




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