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5 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treats Acid Reflux Disease

Acid reflux is a disease condition. Normally, when we intake food that goes from mouth to oesophagus and then to stomach. During the passage, food gets mixed with enzymes and acids, from this passage area. These enzymes and acid help in digestion of food. But, when this acid mixed food in stomach, returns back to oesophagus or mouth, then that is called acid reflux. In short, in common language, this problem is called sour eructations. When this this acid reflux disease problem becomes chronic, then it is called GERD (Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease). There are around 5 Homeopathic medicines that specifically treats acid reflux disease. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

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In acid reflux disease, there occurs sour eructations, burning in chest region and gas in abdomen with other associated symptoms.

8 Causes of acid reflux-

1) Consumption of over spicy food

2) Consumption of over fried food

3) Problems in timely opening and closure of sphincter, during passage of food from oesophagus to stomach.

4) Prolonged sitting work

5) Fatty liver disease 

6) Doing no exercise or morning walk

7) Stress

8) Excess consumption of tea or coffee 

5 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treats Acid Reflux Disease-

1) Lycopodium-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acid reflux disease of those patients, who suffer from indigestion. 

  • If you suffer from acid reflux or indigestion episodes in evening, then it treats that.

2) Nux vomica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acid reflux disease problem found in people, who have to do prolonged sitting work. For example, office work, typing work, sewing work or study work for long hours.

  • It also treats acid reflux disease found in chronic alcoholic patients.
  • It also treats acid reflux disease found in chronic tobacco addicts.

3) Chelidonium-

It specifically treats acid reflux disease found in patients suffering from fatty liver disease.

  • It also treats acid reflux disease found in patients suffering from hepatitis.
  • It specifically treats acid reflux disease found in patients suffering from indigestion.

4) Iris versicolor-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acid reflux disease found in fatty liver patients.

5) Carbo veg-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acid reflux disease found in old age patients.

  • It also treats acid reflux disease of those patients, who suffer from indigestion.
  • It specifically treats acid reflux disease of those patients, in whom this problem starts after just one bite of food.

So, that was all regarding 5 Homoeopathic Tips that specifically Treats Acid Reflux Disease. 

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