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7 Homoeopathic Medicines that Treats Cervical Spondylitis ( Neck Pain or Cervical Pain )

 Cervical Spondylitis is a disorder of discs found between vertebrae of spine in neck region. It is age related disorder. In it wear and tear occur of discs, between vertebrae of spine, in neck region with age. As the age increases, with time, these discs start deteorating. These spinal discs start shrinking in size. Due to which vertebrae, start colliding with each other, due to decrease in size of disc between vertebrae. Cervical Spondylitis is a medical term. In common language people say it “cervical pain” or “neck pain”. There are 7 specific Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Cervical Spondylitis. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

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How to identify cervical spondylitis?

You can identify it through its symptoms. Cervical Spondylitis patient suffer from following symptoms –

  • Pain in neck, while moving neck – whether it is towards right side, left side or bending towards front or back.
  • Sometimes, this neck pain extend to shoulders, arms or chest region.
  • Sometimes, along with neck pain, there occurs vertigo.
  • On investigation, sometimes it is found that either intervertebral disc is decreased in size or has slightly bulged out from its place. 

Causes of Cervical Spondylitis –

  • Aging
  • Sitting work schedule whole day, without any break of 15 minutes after every 2 hours.
  • Sitting in wrong posture, with neck bend forward more, while studying, sewing or doing work on computer.
  • Watching T.V. in lying position.
  • Not doing exercise or morning walk at all
  • Over consumption of cold drinks
  • Injury
  • Lifting heavy weights beyond your capacity 
  • Family history of cervical Spondylitis in parents 
  • Past history of cervical palsy in childhood 
  • Sleeping in sitting posture.

7 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Cervical Spondylitis –

1) Cimicifuga –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Cervical Spondylitis of that type, in which neck pain is INCREASED from slightly touching neck.

  • It also treats Cervical Spondylitis of those female patients, who have HISTORY of repeated  abortions.

2) Kalmia latifolia –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats that type of cervical Spondylitis, in which neck pain INCREASE from bending neck forward.

  • It also treats that type of cervical Spondylitis, in which neck pain, is not limited to neck. It has SHIFTING nature. Sometimes, you feel pain in neck, sometimes in shoulder, and sometimes in arm or chest.

3) Rhus tox –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats that type of Cervical Spondylitis, in which neck pain is CAUSED due to over exertion in day.

  • It also treats that type of cervical Spondylitis, in which neck pain OCCURS in morning after waking up, but as the patient move neck pain starts diminishing.
  • It also treats that type of Cervical Spondylitis, in which neck pain INCREASE from rest. Usually we say rest, you will be alright, but if your pain is increasing after rest and relived during work, then medicine for that is Rhus tox.
  • It also treats Cervical Spondylitis CAUSED after injury.

4) Bryonia alba –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treat that type of Cervical Spondylitis, in which pain INCREASE from slightly moving neck.

  • It also treats Cervical Spondylitis of those patients, who SUFFER from chronic constipation.

5) Hypericum –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats that type of cervical Spondylitis, in which nerves are AFFECTED.

6) Gelsemium –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats that type of cervical spondylitis, in which vertigo or dizziness or fainting OCCURS with neck pain.

  • It also treats that type of cervical spondylitis, in which patient has HISTORY of heart disease. 

7) Lachnanthus –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats that type of cervical Spondylitis, in which severe pain OCCURS in neck in morning with stiffness.

8 Easy Tips to Lose Weight after Delivery –

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So, that was all regarding 7 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Cervical Spondylitis. Take them under supervision of a Homoeopathic doctor. For latest notification of Health videos, SUBSCRIBE our YouTube channels –




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