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9 Things to Consider while Prescribing Homoeopathic remedy

There are certain things which one need to consider while prescribing Homoeopathic remedies to have superb curative results of remedy. For example, one need to consider totality of symptoms, while prescribing Homoeopathic remedy. One also need to consider miasmatic diagnosis of patient, while prescribing Homoeopathic remedy. Like that there are 9 things worth consideration while prescribing Homoeopathic remedy. Lets discuss each of them in detail. 
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If you follow these things while selecting Homoeopathic remedy, it will result in selection of right remedy. Whereas not following them result in selection of wrong or partially similar Homoeopathic remedy that will not give full cure.

Know 9 things worth consideration while prescribing Homoeopathic remedy-

1.      Totality of symptoms of a case-

Totality of symptoms of a case is worth need consideration while prescribing Homoeopathic remedy. One need to consider totality of symptoms of a case while prescribing Homoeopathic remedy and never to make a mistake of prescribing remedy on a single key note or any marked characteristic symptom of case. It is all time requirement of Homoeopathic prescription to be based on totality of symptoms of a case, if one wants to cure a patient completely and permanently and not temporarily. Therefore, totality of symptoms of a case is worth consideration.

2.      Cause of present complaint and past complaint of patient-

Always search out and also query patient about cause of present complaint and past complaints of patient, due to which his body complaints started or present complaints is result of. Cause of present complaint also known as history of present illness (HOPI) and cause of past complaints also known as past history are things worth need consideration while prescribing Homoeopathic remedy.

3.      Idiosyncrasy of patient-

Idiosyncrasy of patient, if he or she has any, to any remedy, is point worth consideration while prescribing Homoeopathic remedy.

4.      Personal history-

Personal habits of patient is worth consideration as they help in individualizing a case and further help in diagnosing right remedy of patient by individualization of case as some habits are particular to patients of a particular remedy.

5.      Family history and birth history-

Family history, birth history are things worth consideration while prescribing Homoeopathic remedy, as they help in diagnosing which disease a patient has inherited from his or her parents and also help in diagnosing which miasm patient has inherited from their parents, which further helps in selection of right miasmatic remedy of a patient. Therefore, family history and birth history are things worth to consider while prescribing Homoeopathic remedy.

6.      Duration of illness and susceptibility of patient-

Duration of illness of patient, of each and every disease patient is suffering from, helps in diagnosing stage of disease which further helps in selecting right potency of selected Homoeopathic remedy which further fasten cure process. Although, selecting right remedy fasten the speed of cure but selecting right potency fastens it much more.
  • Also inquire about, susceptibility of patient to a particular disease, to a particular remedy or to a particular object, because it further helps in individualizing case and which consequently, helps in selecting right remedy for patient and hence help in selecting right potency of remedy of case.

7.      Obstetric and menstrual history- 

In case of women patient, it is thing worth consideration while selecting Homoeopathic remedy.

8.      Miasmatic diagnosis of case- 

It further helps in selection process of Homoeopathic remedy, as it helps in selecting right miasmatic remedy for a patient.

9.      Diagnosis of disease and its stage-

Diagnosis of disease tell you about which disease patient is suffering from and diagnosing stage of disease it has reached further helps in not only selecting right potency of Homoeopathic medicine, but also tell you about prognosis of case. 

  • Prognosis of case further helps in clarifying about whether disease is in curable stage or in incurable stage. Curable stage can be completely cured by Homoeopathic medicines whereas in incurable stage prophylactic treatment is needed, that is, Homoeopathic remedies will cure here only partially and not completely.

So, this was regarding things worth consideration while prescribing Homoeopathic remedy.

Do you know - 7 Things to Avoid While Prescribing Homoeopathic Medicines

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