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7 Things to Avoid While Prescribing Homoeopathic Medicine

7 Things one should avoid while prescribing Homoeopathic medicines deserve that much importance, as things which need to be considered while prescribing Homoeopathic Medicines. One should avoid these things, if one does not want to prescribe wrong medicine. 
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Beginners should take care of these things, because they are more prone to coming under influence of these things which one needs to avoid.

Know 7 things to avoid while prescribing Homoeopathic medicines-

1)   First thing-

That is one should avoid to be prejudiced observer. Prejudiced observer is who make judgments, make his decision regarding a thing according to some preconceived, pre-listened idea about it and does not observe thing as it is. 
  • One should be unprejudiced observer, whose judgment does not get altered due to preconceived ideas regarding anything, he or she should observe things as they are, and does not get altered due to some pre-conceived ideas or notions. 
  • In short, a doctor needs to be like unbiased judge who makes his or her decision on truth based on concrete evidence and does not get influenced by preconception, misconception, myths prevailing in world.

2)  Second thing-

That one need to avoid is basing or making their prescription on some one single symptom, one single keynote symptom or one general symptom or one uncommon peculiar symptom. One should avoid this. 

  • One should consider totality of symptoms while prescribing Homoeopathic medicine. Your prescription should not be based on one single symptom alone. 
  • But, should be based on totality of symptoms considering all the characteristic symptoms of patient and not one single characteristic symptom only.

3)   Third thing- 
That one should avoid is, avoid making your prescription without case taking. Always take thorough case taking before making your prescription, because, it is from case taking you gain totality of symptoms. Case taking should always be complete.

4) Fourth thing- 
That one should avoid is, avoid using particular set of remedies. Give that remedy which comes on basis of totality of symptoms and repertorization of case. 
  • Totality of symptoms indicates right remedy. Give that, not your routine remedies. 
  • If remedy of a case, comes another than your routine remedies on totality of symptoms and repertorization, then give that remedy which comes on totality of symptoms and repertorization and not from your routine remedies which does not covers totality of symptoms.

5)  Fifth thing- 
That one should avoid, is, avoid making habit of giving particular set of potency of remedy in every case. Your potency of remedy should be based according to stage of disease, individuality of case and susceptibility of patient.

6)   Sixth thing- 
That one should avoid, is, avoid making habit of prescribing medicines without evaluating symptoms and without analyzing the case.

7) Seventh thing- 
One should avoid is, avoid habit of forgetting to remove obstacles to cure. Instead develop a habit of looking for obstacles to cure and removing them timely, which gives quick relief to patient.

Do you know- On Basis of Which Type of Symptoms Homoeopathic Medicines should be prescribed?

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